WHO's the smartest anime character ?

Light ? Johan ? Tokuchi ? L ? Near ? Mello ? Matsuda ? Lelouch ? Blackjack ?


This genius.



No Franken Fran? She's pretty fucking smart giving how naive she is about the occult.


Objectively pic related
Johan and Blackjack are the smartest of your list, followed by L. Tokuchi's tactics would never work in actual championships and the others are plainly stupid

The character with the actual most noteworthy display of smartness or "he's the smartest because I said he is t. author"?

And where's shinji at?

That's pretty nice, but could anyone outsmart Shaggy Eldorado?

Shinji is an average student. Both Asuka and Rei are geniuses


>Chrollo under Hisoka in intelligence

>Played him like a goddamn fiddle

yeah sure

You forgot True omincience.

You know it's true.

I feel like L would be able to catch Johan.

any main character who picks best girl in the end
it's both smart from the fans' point of view, but also from the author's

>Gets captured and his nen sealed by a bunch of novice
>Has one year prep and still can't end his target
>Send two non-fighters without their abilities to check Hisoka's corpse
>Smarter than the magician who came back from the dead

How so? It's not like finding out that Light is Kira was particularly impressive, the idiot literally wanted him to accuse him


>hmm everyone dies when they stand still on the battlefield
>I'll try moving that's a good trick

that's it, that's his whole characters intelligence

Monster >>> Death Note but latter has higher powerlevel.

johan > all

There is only one. Onii-sama.