Why the fuck did he rebel? there was never a good reason for it

why the fuck did he rebel? there was never a good reason for it

He always had a thirst for power and didn't want to lose his pride as well as give a match to Reinhard

I always had a feeling he was a deeply suicidal all of time, because of mommy issues. Sticking in crazies without protection didn't help. So when he finally decided to end this for good, he wanted to make it like a boss, and took as many people as possible with him.

Absolute madman.

IIRC when confronted with "why the fuck are you rebelling? there's not a good reason for it" he was like "I don't know fuck it YOLO".

>still not knowing what honour is

>get put into a tense diplomatic situation by scheming cunts
>"lol might as well rebel since I'm halfway there due to circumstances beyond my control anyway"

It was cooler than trying to sort out the situation using diplomacy. You really think a guy that styles his hair like that would want to be seen as uncool?

>space illuminati tries to make reuenthal look like a weasel and seem weak
>reuenthal doesn't take that shit and shows the illuminati who is fucking in charge

Reuenthal had the supreme misfortune of being born in the same age as Reinhard. In pretty much any other era he would've been the shining star of his era, the unrivaled, glorious leader. He had the brains, the charisma, the sheer ambition to conquer. He just happened to be alive at the same time as Reinhard, and so all that ambition just got sucked into the vortex of Reinhard's legend.

So he ends up being the number 2 guy in the galaxy, in a position where he could seriously rival Reinhard for power if he only reached for it. So the space Jews pushed him into it. Fucked up his relationship with Reihard, ruined the trust between them, and put him in a situation that stoked his ambitions so he'd take that lunge of his own accord.

He just couldn't get over that Mittermeyer was taken.

But that's especially stupid! He just had to wait for how long, a years? And Reinhard would peasefully die himself from space cancer.

>I'll fucking show those cunts who tried to manipulate me by doing the exact thing they attempted to make me do

You don't get it do you? After someone very important dies their legend is still alive and kicking plus the big amount of loyal followers that are healthy and friends with reuental, no way you can just backstab the same power you helped to make.

>anime women will never understand


they tried to make him look like a slimy faggot
he BTFOd that plan by being a true alpha and put up a good fight

Wrong picture

I actually cried a little at this scene.

His son probably would turn out great too, right? The only issue being that there's no war to fight anymore.

But from the way the narrative was going, Reinhard's son feels like an afterthought, while Reunthal's is primed for the center stage

There is nothing honorable about being a bad leader who gets millions of your own troops killed for no reason.

Can we all just take a moment to consider that Reinhard is a worthless piece of shit, and every single thing that went wrong in season 4 (including Reuental's rebellion) is all his fault?

>Reinhard fights Yang
>Kircheis comes to Reinhard in a dream
>Kircheis tells Reinhard to make peace
>Reinhard contacts Yang to make peace
>Yang dies
>"Oh well in that case I guess I don't really give a shit about peace anymore lol." - Reinhard von Lohenscheiss

Every additional battle, his fault. Every soldier that died before their time, his fault. Every family that lost a son or daughter or brother or sister or mother or father, his fault.

I'm glad Emil poisoned him.

That's not his son anymore. He is Mittermeyer's.

Dont be so hard on him. His brain cell probably started dying out due space aids at that point.

Heppy holidays, Reuentahl fags.

Emil poisoned him what? Never heard of that one.

Emil is true hero, who ended this war

Bless you, Emil.


Anyone have a high quality webm or gif of the gore during Vermillion?

Are you guys gonna watch the reboot?
I probably will just to see how much they change.

That's Oberstein's face.

Of course I'm going to. I liked space ships in trailers, so maybe battles will be done right.
The new designs are terrible, but it's not like I need them for fapping. As long as they won't start playing basketball it's ok.

Im going to watch first 2-3 episodes at least to decide.


he was tired of being treated like a bitch by olberstine. it was stupid off him throwing away lives just for his foolish pride but it is what it is.

Don't think he really did. It was more his and Reinhards loyalists thinking he did.

it was not know yet that he had space cancer.

im gonna have too. just to shit on it.

He had self-destructive tendencies and vague aspirations of rebellion, so when the Terraists simulated his attack on Lohengramm, he just thought fuck it, and went with it.

The better question is why did his soldiers fucking obey him in attacking Reinhard?

What did Reuental mean by this?

Did you even watch the series? He told them the Kaiser was sick and being controlled by Oberstein.

Women will never understand.

he wanted to fright rein in the end to prove himself and see if he was worthy of becoming space hitler.

>tfw he won't be voiced by Wakamoto in the remake

What's their fucking problem?

Which one of the admirals will she be using for sex now that the blond brat is dead?


>durrrr why does ruenthel do things that harm him hurrr

She is going to strengthen union between Empire and new Republiv

The shota who poisoned Reinhard.

Also Reuenthal was fucked whether or not he rebelled, it was the second time his loyalty was in question. He would have been struck off.

Just stop with this meme, he never poisoned reinhard

So, Emil poisoned Reinhard to sleep with Hilde? Next time you'll say Julian intentionally didn't save Yang in time, to marry Frederica

Everybody seems to miss the point so hard with Reuenthal. He just wanted to rebel for it's own sake. It was an excuse to do something he always wanted to do, not a legitimate grievance. Guy's got pretty serious personality issues if you didn't notice. Maybe this is on the anime itself though because it did completely ignore that shit from the books that explains that he's been fixated on the idea of rebellion since he was young.

not enough sex slaves.

They wanted to summon Satan with a blood of million victims. But ritual failed so they just had to stay till the end.

What do you think about Yang fleet's rear defense?

Because if you were paying attention, it's been hinted many times that he had ambition to take the universe. He had a struggle between serving the one he wants to serve and taking his own account on dreaming bigger. Of course, despite Reinhard practically making him the second most powerful man in the universe, he was also indirectly begging to have a opponent and what better enemy than one that has seen you as a potential rival? They were both asking for a war and while Reinhard regrets having to teased him years earlier, Reuenthal had no regrets and respected his liege to the very end. A man's pride in his worth is a very stupid thing, hard to understand but was valued over the limits of humility.

Can't blame a guy who wants to reach for the stars.

I'll be there like the many anons here to watch and be disappointed as these threads will be filled with our shitposts.

Got to have something to do now that Yang's dead.

I'm going to watch it and I'm even going to defend it against the posters who will inevitably declare it to be the worst shit ever made in the history of all mankind.

I have a soft spot for underdogs. Heck, that's the very reason why I prefer the FPA.




Found you.

He really does have a choice though. All he has to do is say "Kaiser Reinhard, I didn't attack you" and everything will be fine.

Fuck him and fuck people who defend him.





So, was it rape or not?


In the episode where Reinhardt and Yang met there's a shot of him with a weird smile as he served Yang his drink, at the time I thought he was poisoning Yang but then it went nowhere, what was the meaning of his smile ?

If he didn't rebel and waited until Rhinehard died of his illness would he have taken over and ruled with Mittermyere?

Emil, the serial poisoner.

Only if he'd made Hilda submit to him

He was planning to slip Yang a small amount of poison every day which would add up over time. However, he didn't expect Yang to refuse to serve under Reinhard.

Probably going to give it a shot just because I loved the original and I try to be open-minded. Hopefully I can get over the new designs, the new Kircheis especially is just so fucking wrong, but I'll at least give the first few episodes a chance.

I was always wondering why Frederica fell ill suddenly during Leda II events. Thay's probably too Emil's fault

I'm going to be pissed if they rush through the whole Lippstadt war to get to Sieg's death. I loved how it was a slow burn in the old series.

I'm expecting the first 12 episodes to cover book 1 (Yang capturing Iserlohn and the FPA getting BTFO at Amlitzer), then the set of 3 movies to cover book 2 (the civil wars and Kircheis dying).

First twelve episodes could just be nothing but exposition and history lessons of Al leaving the Empire and setting up the FPA. I liked how the first book was basically just a history lesson before the main series began to get a feel of the world. Book two could open with Josef Erwin being crowned.

No way in hell they'll start series without heavily introducing Reinhard and Yang. People would come to see main stars, not some old gay emperors.

I don't know but I'm sure Oberstein had something to do with it. Bittenfeld was always right.

Just for curiosity.

I cried so much with these scenes.

I can't help but read remakes name as "die now these" instead of "die neue these"

Yes, drinking.

Peer pressure.

He was the Cristiano Ronaldo, always eclipsed by Messi (Reinhard).

Mecklinger said it best

sadly history going to write him in the wrong light thou. His entire life is a constant streak of failure

t. brainlet

He knew he could simply have explained his situation to reinhard and that reinhard would have forgiven him/understood. He had too much pride to do so, and he also wanted reinhard to defeat him to vanquish the possibility of any future rebellions.

He doesn't care what history thinks of him or what legacy he leaves though he made that abundantly clear

In other words, toxic masculinity is the real villain of LOGH.

Over-ambition is better than no ambition

Not for countless soldiers, who died in this little dick-measuring contest

better version


They were loyal to their commander

Why couldn’t the readaptation look like this?