Okitegami Kyouko no Bibouroku

How is there only 9 chapters translated?

because the translators saw that the ending was very stupid and prob. not worth finishing.

Niggerstream, for some reason the translations are slow as fuck.

Define stupid? I mean the author is a total faggot hack so I'm not surprised if you're telling the truth, but this seemed pretty good.

That's pretty unprofessional if true.

Oh classic. How could they let her down?

I only read this for the character design.

>They pick up shitty ping pong and shitty France manga
>While Jagaaaaaan sits untouched for several months
It hurts

You haven't been here for the volume dumps. We have all the official releases available in the archives.

I just recently picked it up. Thank you

She is cute as fuck, I can't deny that. It's also nice having adult characters.

I thought this was picked up by vertical or who ever picked up the inspectre manga?

Because it's one of the most boring detective story existed with the most wasted story potential.

Mangaupates only shows mangastream and siberowl who only did one chapter, but if someone else picked it up that'd be good to know

>the ending was very stupid
How does it end?

MC marries her and pulls an Adam Sandler 50 First Dates to refresh her memory without lewd body ink reminders.


That actually sounds really sweet.

It does sound stupid, but short of her regaining the ability to make new memories, that's the only way it could have ended. That or he dies and she wakes up next morning fresh as hell. Or she dies.

you can already see it coming in the translated chapters, she's really forward with MC considering she forgets about him when she falls asleep. to be fair the research on anterograde amnesia shows that it's a lot more complicated than the definition implies and sometimes people with it actually generate new memories depending on what part of the brain is being used to do so.

Yeah, I'm alright with that.

because niggastream

fuck rikudou
fuck grashos
fuck okitegami
fuck jahgaaaaaaaaaan

>We have all the official releases available in the archives.
Why're you lying? It's not licensed.

grashos is awesome though

That's sweet. Sounds like a good finale for a possible S2 of the drama considering how S1 ended.