Who is the best Tenchi girl and why is it Sasami?

Who is the best Tenchi girl and why is it Sasami?

Mihoshi has always been my favorite but Sasami is a very close second for me.

Imagine being this wrong

This is a genuine question from a mid 20s user to younger anons. Do you have any fond memories of this show or even know what it is?

She's actual wife material.

Has anyone else pre-ordered the novels Seven Seas is releasing?

Yeah I am 6 episodes into the original OVA after not seeing it for over 10 years. I still like it.

Currently re watching Universe after finishing the original ova. Again. I still maintain to this day Ryoko is best. Thanks Ryoko!

>used to be a ruthless space pirate with the power to singlehandedly cripple the strongest navy in the galaxy and did lots of drugs and masturbate just to try to feel something
>a simple carrot farmer made her into a housewife who cares just as much about her rival's daughter as her own
Well done, Tenchi.

I watched everything with Tenchi (the main character) in it. I didnt watch any of the GXP stuff. I liked it. It was a great harem show. I remember liking Universe/TV. Tokyo was horrible.
I even watched the Pretty sammy stuff and all the movies. I bought the 4th OVA and it was garbage. I'm a fan of the show but I know it's not one of anime's greatest achievements.

GXP is different, but entirely decent. The novels written by Kajishima are supposed to be better.
Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari is the best spin-off they've made.

Her, and Washu is entirely competent if you can pull her out of her lab.
And Noike, but no one cares about Noike.

>Tenchi got the full harem end

Why don't more harems end this way.

Because they followed the simpler Love Hina formula where the first girl (usually a tsundere) wins, while the other girls are left spinning their wheels.

>Who is the best Tenchi girl

>Isekai no Seikishi Monogatari is the best spin-off they've made.
What about Dual?

I'm not sure I'd call Dual a spin-off, so much as a side project, if there's any distinction.
But it's at least as good as the first OVA.

>Do you have any fond memories of this show or even know what it is?
I have fond memories of every time I blew someone out over Ryoko's "tail"

>everyone conveniently ignores that literally nobody gives up in the Love Hina harem besides Mitsune despite the wedding
Fuck nonendings, fuck worst girl endings, and fuck somehow combining both of them into one.

The original idea to have it be a threesome between Keitaro, Naru, and Mutsumi would have been better than that horrible pile of shit ending.

>if there's any distinction.
There is literally not. Although technically it's just a prequel.

I'm sorry, but I can never imagine being as wrong as picking ayeka. I'm just not capable of even pretending to be that retarded.

Begone literal demon.

Sasami/ Tsunami is best girl




one of the few series where the ending actually seemed wholesome and right. I wanted everyone to be happy afterwards.
All harem animes pale in comparison to this series to me honestly. Nothing compares.


>Tokyo was horrible.

That's like, the only Tenchi that has an actual plot.




My actual first waifu. That episode when Tenchi realized she wasn't real fucked my 9 yr old ass up.

I think Mihoshi might be part of why I have a thing for bimbos.
And I know that Washu is responsible for me being into smart girls.


>but entirely decent
Nit as long as NB still exists.

Only way I'd ever rewatch it is if someone makes an edit in which NB doesn't exist.

i cant believe he fucked and impregnated his ship

Wait, what?

Oh shit, they released Record of Lodoss War last week. I thought they gave up on novels.

Who would ever want such a horrible monster of a woman

I wish her tits were like this, still best gurl tho

Considering her lineage, composition and being fused with a shape shifting robot, I don't see why she can't manipulate her appearance like Washu can.
