One Piece

How will Jinbe perform his helmsman duties with only one arm?

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Same way Shanks dos his Yonko duties.
Jinbe ain’t no bitch.

Reminder to report and ignore sanafag's shipping bait. He is now falsflaggging as a lunafag in order to get more yous

so no chapter until next week, right?

the marines wish you all a happy and safe 2018!

Yep. But there is an episode this weekend, I think.

By standing on his arm and using his legs for the steering.

the 7th yeah

Can you imagine how many people Luffy has killed in order to get his bounty?

>Only one arm
What's with jimbehaters and their obesseion with him losing a limb. Last time you people said he lost a leg due to roulette.

How would you react if it turned out that Crocodile not only used to be a girl but also had a fling with Doflamingo in Loguetown?

What are some good colorspreads?

Would be funny if Croc broke Doffy's heart.

How can someone earn themselves a bounty? By doing what?

>"I thought you would get more reasonable"
>"so you giving me the cold shower?"
It does sound like it.


So how mad will power level faggots get when it turns out that Jimbei has his arm and is perfectly fine and knocks Big Mom off the Sunny again in two chapters?

Can anyone translate

By reading the fucking manga and having the characters tell you multiple times.

_________________year of Katakuri

Kill your closest neighbor and tell your other neighbors. Then start running.

Jinbe will make a good crew member, I hope oda doesn’t pussy out

I hope he kills himself off to make the SHs escape.

Has there been an instance of a Zoan user outwardly exhibiting traits of their respected animal while being in human form?

Fuck bros. Why was Carrot not included in the teamwork segment when its confirmed she's gonna be nakama. Now would have been a perfect time to show just how her cool jumping skills and gloves would fit in with the crew!

I'm pretty sure Chopper is well over the line at this point since he's never in his natural form.

Chopper has human traits even in his deer form.

Because she's not joining.

Is strong world the best One Piece movie out there?

Gold is my favourite, I don't get the hate (except for Zorofags being Zorofags)

Nice pic.
>Has there been an instance of a Zoan user outwardly exhibiting traits of their respected animal while being in human form?
There's Sandersonia and her snake tongue. Also Bian and her striped dress.

Am I the only who feels like strong world is a Luna movie? The ending scene screams of romance to me. Even Sanji says it was a love letter to Luffy

>female crewmen

>female swordsman
>eaten by stairs

>female supernova
>gets raped

>female shichibukai

>female yonkou
>wrecked by a freaky fishman

Name one OP girl who doesn't suck dick

Why are you doing this? Look how often you got banned in the last two days, get a clue.

It's okay Big Mom will kill Jinbei next chapter.

Tsuru. One of the highest positions in the navy, powerful as fuck fruit, at the age of 74 fights on the frontline of a huge war and doesn't suffer any damage at all.

That was not me and this is my last reply on this subject because I already got warned by the mods for talking about the banned sanafag


>I can follow an arrow!
To be fair, 90% of the strawman crew wouldn't be able to even do that

Its obvious, isn't it? The guy just wants more yous and for people to notice him. Just an attention seeking tumblrina whore.

I would like to see more scenes of Marines not being evil Lapdogs of the snob fucks. Scenes like Fujitoras speech about saving lifes is way too rare in my opinion.

Yes, most of the movies ship LuNa, but they feel wrong too.

Too bad Fuji refused to save the Dressrosa civilians when time came though.


Can Nami be the vice captain? She is like Luffys equal
How do they feel wrong? Gold had that little moment where they compared tesoros love with Luffy's love aka Nami


Well, it is a series aimed at males, boys in particular. Would you read/watch a magical girl series and complain about how useless the male characters are. If any even exist in the first place.

And in regards to the main cast, the female characters in this, while weaker at fighting, tend to be the smarter ones.

She is the navigator and the first mate? She is handling a lot of the SH’s affairs. They should have a different first mate.

oh... i thought it was on purpose

Is there a more reliable member than the fucking skeleton?


>incoming headcanon
The order of succession in the chain of command on the Straw Hat crew 'seems' to defer to the order that they officially joined (/rejoined if they left and came back).

1. Zoro (in charge of his half of the Straw Hats right now)
2. Sanji (was in charge of the half that split off from Dressrosa)
3. Nami (only ever leads if Sanji and Zoro aren't present)
4. Usopp (has only ever lead if Sanji, Nami, and Zoro aren't present)
The rest is hard to tell because to my memory none of them have ever lead the crew in absence of the rest of the above.

Friendly reminder that the Bleach anime and the Bleach movies both shipped IchiRuki.

>>female shichibukai
If it wasn't for Hancock, Impel Down and part of Marineford would not have happened as they did.

Fun fact. In real life pirate crews, the captains actually didn't have much authority at all. It was the navigator who was in charge of the ship. The captain only took command during battle.

Nami is permanent vice captain for the monster trio. If Luffy's in charge, she's no.2 in terms of authority. If Luffy is absent, Zoro takes charge but nami is still no .2. If Sanji is absent then Nami becomes in charge.

But with Jimbe joining I think he has proven to be more of a leader than Zoro and Sanji. But even then Nami is still no.2

I'd argue Usopp but getting exactly what everyone needed puts him pretty high on the list.

>filler characters

Not to mention Hancock is one of the strongest Shichibukai, and pirates in general. One shotting Pacifistas, taking out entire groups of fighters with one attack, and also armed with Coc Haki

>There's people in this thread right now who Still don't understand Fuji's actions during Dressrosa

6 > Strong World > Z > Gold > 4 > the rest

Omatsuri was based on a great idea, but the execution was an absolute mess and the animation is by far the worst of all OP movies.

My problem with Omatsuri is that it didn't feel like a One Piece movie as all characters were off, especially Luffy.

>animation is by far the worst of all OP movies.

Characters who will be important in the sequel series starring set many years in the future starring the children of the current Strawhats?

Oda did his research well. I wanna be Luffy’s first mate though.

Hina Smoker and Tashigi are cute. Even though shes cut off

Oda won't even finish regular One Piece in his lifetime

Tsuru has never been beaten

Coby is such a fucking Mary Sue

>muh stylization
It just doesn't look good.

I bet Smoker beats her

>hating on jonathan


>the animation is by far the worst of all OP movies.
what a shitty opinion

Your opinion. Not like stylization matters where animation is concerned. Stylization can be awful and animation god tier. Why do you think so many retards complained about the Pain vs Naruto fight? I bet you're one of them.

Hah, I knew you were the kind of a moron who thought Pain vs. Naruto didn't look like shit.

Who is this guy?

Reminds me of Space Dandy having a different style almost every episode. There was one episode with the Naruto vs Pain style but I didn't look for any reactions to it.

How strong will Croc be when we see him again? Doffy Tier?

Will I earn myself a bounty if I steal a car and begin running people over on the streets?

do cars even exist in OP

More like I know what I'm talking about and you're a casual retard who'd rather watch "on model stills: the anime" than anything ambitious.

Z is the best and no other even comes close desu.

Do you think poor people are regularly burning flags then let their families report them as a form of life insurance scam?

Oda's just being realistic. Women are not as physically strong as men or even as interested in domains of competence. Women are more agreeable than men (ie. less competitive) and are more biologically configured for child rearing. Even in a world of magic, these gaps still exist, just like in a world of chemical weapons like ours, because men and women still exist. At a basic level, women are designed to raise children and men are designed to solve problems so that women can raise their children, and there's a huge variety of problems in the world, so men tend to be more varied in their skills and the men who successfully reproduce tend to be the men that nature (or, in the modern times, women) thinks are best suited to solve those problems, but men will always be a greater tool for solving physical problems because they don't spend a portion of their lives carrying a baby inside them and so they're free to throw their body into danger. Personally, I think Oda's problem is not that he's sexist, because if he were truly sexist he just wouldn't have women be in any of these groups at all, but he puts them in there as window dressing or to meet some personal equity quota, but then he doesn't have them live up to the demands of that position. So, the women always end up looking like the worst members of their respective groups, and I think it makes him look worse than simply not having them in at all would have.

Only if you run over military officers in the process. We've seen that they're so corrupt that if only civilians get hurt, literally no one cares.

More like you're a pretentious idiot. There's nothing ambitious or special about stupidly wobbling faces.

Big Loli frying marshmallows on campfire Prometheus.

Wouldn't the girl of the captain be second in command though? Maybe that's why Nami bosses everyone around

>that essay
Do you enjoy reading wikipedia articles and spouting them back like you're some sort of expert? You seem like the type.

Movie 6 sucks because they made Luffy into a murderer

you said a lot of bullshit that makes no sense but ok

No, that's all true.

Foreshadowing based goda san

Sure user, that certificate in gender studies written in red crayon is absolutely legit, no question about it.

>hypernaturalism: the post
You were also designed to chew on roots and shit in a sitting position. Why aren't you doing that right now?

Luffy doesn't kill because he prefers seeing villains the way Bellamy was after Doffy betrayed him.

Luffy not killing goes against his character as he's the type of guy who doesn't care if an antagonist dies or not. Oda should make Luffy accidentally kill a guy but not care afterwards but it would be too dark for shonen I suppose.

You shit in a standing position?