Chio-chan no Tsuugakuro

As promised earlier, live-TL of chapter 32. My apologies to the actual scanlation team for my impatience.

Chapter 32: Bloodlust

>Here I go.

>Ah, dammit. I just can't get the timing right at all.
>Well of course you can't.
>Why are we doing this anyway?
>I had a game against a really good player. I approached him from behind without making a sound...
(Hehehe, I'll take you down with a knife...)
>But then suddenly he turned around, aimed his weapon right at me and killed me.

>I messaged him after the game was over.
(The hell's wrong with this guy!? Is he an ESPer or what!?)
[Bloody_Butterfly]: I'm the one from the last match. How'd you notice me approaching from behind?
[Stylish_Newbie]: Your bloodlust.
>And got that as the answer...
>So bloodlust can even be felt through a computer screen...
>Isn't he just making a fool of you?
>Then I asked how to become able to feel it, and the answer was...
[Stylish_Newbie]: Try asking a friend to test your reaction and train by stopping them and you'll be able to do it in no time.
[Bloody_Butterfly]: Thanks, I got it!
>He's totally making a fool of you!
>But you know... This kind of hard-to-understand sense...
>You probably can't acquire it unless you really believe it exists...
>And if it really does exist, it'd make for a big difference eventually...
(This girl... And here I came because she said she had a favour to ask...)
(She's always like this. Always getting me involved in stupid stuff right from the morning...)

>See? There's no such thing as bloodlust...
>I just felt something!
>Eh? What do you mean?
>There was this uneasy feeling... It's like I felt your urge to [hit me], Manana...
>I got it! The enemy has to be serious about it!
>That's right! It can't be bloodlust unless they really are lusting for your blood!

>Try slapping me for real, Manana! For real!
>Uh, Chio-chan?
>Alright, come! I'll become a better gamer!
(Even if you make a face that serious...)
(What if her eyes are actually slightly open and she's just trying to make fun of me?)

(Whoa... Her eyes are actually closed.)
(But you know... I can't just slap my best friend in the face. I mean, we went through so much together...)
(So much...)

(Ah... Wait, I think I can do it.)
(Yep, I can do it. I can totally do it.)
(When I look better, she's got a super annoying face right now.)
(I actually really want to slap her...)

(No... I still have my left hand!)
(Nobody said it would be...)
>Just one slap!

>Whoaaa, I totally get it now!
>I even did it two times in a row!
>Yesss! So bloodlust is real after all!
>Thanks for helping me!
>Ah... Sure...

(I'm soooooo pissed off right now!)
(She actually stopped it! I don't feel good about this at all!)
(Wait a bit!)
(Where should I release these emotions...)
>Hey, Chio-chan.

>Since you have such an amazing skill now, let's try it with other people...
>Let's show off.
>Good morning~!
>Good morning!
(So you've come... Death Scythe Hosokawa...)
>I'm going to be direct. I want you to slap Chio-chan in the face.

>Aren't you a bit too quick on the uptake!?
>Chio-chan must have failed big time again and is sulking so you want me to get her back in shape, right?
>Nothing less from a sports person. You see...
(What exactly does she think of me?..)
>And that's the story.
>We want to show you that new skill of hers.
>But... It's not going to work unless I'm serious, right? If I mess this up...
>Yuki-chan, Yuki-chan.
>Don't worry.
>Just think of it as a sport.

>Think of it as a s-p-o-r-t...
>A real battle, then?
(Caught you.)
>I got it.
>I'm not going to hold back!
(I'm going to show off to Yuki-chan.)
(I'm going to impress her.)
(You've got those written on your face. But who knows how it'll go, hehehe. If Chio-chan gets hit in the face right now, I'm going to feel totally satisfied. Mwahahaha!)

(I stirred this whole thing up, but...)
(I've never actually seen Yuki-chan when she's serious...)
(If Yuki-chan hits her with full force...)
(What's going to happen...)
(To Chio-chan's face?)

(She missed...)

>My bad, Chio-chan! One more try!
>Ah... Huh?
(She might have missed, but... I didn't feel it coming at all...)
(Could it be... Could it possible be... That time was just a fluke?)
>So that means...
(If I screw this up...)
(This is going to be a really big mess!)
>Okay, let's do it over.

>You know... Let's stop this, after all.
>Why are we doing savage things like these right from the morning?
(Can't exactly say that, can I?)
(We're the ones who called her out here for this crap, so telling her to stop now would be... Oh, right.)
(I'll just squint really hard...)
(Dammit! I'll have to abide by the rules!)

(The only thing that's left is to believe in myself!)
(I must bring out my latent abilities from this darkness enveloping me!)
(If I fail to do so, my face will be a wreck!)
(Survival sense...)
(I still can't see anything...)
(I'm feeling something...)
(Harder... I have to concentrate harder!)

(Huh? This figure is...)
(I got it!)
(It's that idiot Manana.)
(I can feel it for some reason... She wants to capture the moment I get hit by Yuki-chan...)
(From the best possible angle...)
(But why can I only see Manana?)
(...I see...)
(Now I truly understand.)
(I wasn't reacting to bloodlust.)

(I was reacting to Manana's despicable slime-like existence emanating absolute evil!)
(That sense was a defensive instinct reacting specifically to her!)
(I went through a lot of shit because of her...)
(In that case... I can use this.)
(Her aura of evil...)
(When she sees misfortune about to befall a human...)
(It will greatly fluctuate in anticipation!)

(The power of Yuki-chan's slap...)
(Still hasn't died down.)

(Nothing less from the ace of the track-and-field club...)
(But even I...)
(Have my lower middle pride!)

>Aaaagh, my eyes!
>Chio-chan, you're amazing! I was serious, too!
>No no, it was just chance...

>Hey. Your glasses hit me!
(Your face is so thin!)
>Apologise! Hey! Chio!
(You're pretending to be the victim and only getting angry at me...)
>Manana-chan, are you okay?
>She's fine, don't worry.

(You really piss me off the most in the world.)
>What's with that face!?
(Of course I'm going to develop a defensive instrict for you...)
>Manana-chan is still angry...
>Don't worry about her... We should be sorry anyway. Dragging you into weird stuff and all.
>I wasn't part of that, Chio!
>What's wrong?
>No, it's nothing.
(Chio-chan's face without her glasses...)
(Was so thin!)
(Kinda cute, even.)

>Huh? Where'd Manana go?
(This time... I'll avenge my grudge!)
>Take that!
>Danger sense!
>This power...
>Not just once, but twice...
>Did I do something wrong!?

That's it for today, thanks for your attention.

Thanks man, I missed this.

it live-eth

A lot of good faces this chapter.


Fantastic, thanks man.

Thanks a lot >#dropout

This girl is scary