This is your new party member for next quest

This is your new party member for next quest

Say something nice to her

She looks good in the portrait on the background

you sickfuck


She does indeed have some sweet rolls.

Who is she

She better have some special talents.


you better keep that eye on that cup because depending on whether or not the beverage is hot you may end up burning yourself if you spill it

only if she's good at rolling natural 20s

Oh no! Monsters attacked!

Quick save her!


Garbage girl. You soyboys can keep her.

fuck off /tg/

Whatever this is, it is not anime and manga.


I would but there are no anime that have games (not counting TCGs) to talk about on /tg/ despite that fact most people can name half a dozen series that would make a good tabletop games

>white rhino beetle
literal bugman

Is there any elf race that ISN'T for sex or rape?

Just check non-hentai.


Nice off-topic.

>1. All images and resulting discussion should pertain to anime or manga.


Nice tits sweetheart

>Note: Spoilered pornography or other "not safe for work" content is NOT allowed on the work safe boards.



420 blaze it

Quality off-topic thread.