Danberu nan kiro moteru?

Been a while? Trying to figure out the release schedule of the new Urasunday layout! Turns out, yup, Sunday is the new Thursday. But, I still like makin' these threads every other Thursday...so I think we'll stick to that.


Don't you just love cute girls lifting cute weights??? How about...if they put on some leather gloves?

JP RAW site

How about I post chapter 38 and do a little "live" TL work?
"live" pff, I did this nearly 3 weeks ago

Chapter 38 - Boxing
Let's do our best with training today!

[Soryuuin Akemi]
[Tachibana Satomi]

Oh? Hibiki? Where are Ayaka and Zina?

You don't know? They both came to the gym, but they aren't coming...
[Sakura Hibiki]

Today they're taking a boxing class.
Boxing!? [bold font]

Feel free, in fact, PLEASE DO point out errors and help out this garbage translation before I hand it over :)


[Silverman's Gym Fighting Sports Studio]

You knew Ayaka's parents' own a boxing gym, but you never told me!
[Zina Void]
[Uehara Ayaka]
[Uehara Nana]
We've got a pretty good line-up.

[The Uehara sisters' home is a boxing gym.]
>Glory Boxing

[Because its membership has increased,]
>Silverman's Gym
[they've opened up a branch at their partner gym.]

It's my first time coming to a fighting studio!
I don't really see the muscle trainers, either.
To enroll in the fighting sports classes, you need to register seperately from the Silverman's Gym membership.
Some members are only in the fighting sports class.

Which reminds me.
Since today's special, why don't you girls join for today?

Today was free attendance since the world champion from our gym was supposed to practice publicly,
But that was postponed due to some complications.
>Silverman's Gym (top left)
>Silverman's Gym
>World Champion
>Public Practice!!!
Since regular practice is done in the main branch, we're just having a recruitment class here instead.

Don't worry, my boxers will be the instructors.
And looks like members from the Silverman's Gym are taking a small training holiday.
>Background Boxers
>Background Machos
sfx Machismo...
Gettin' a bad vibe from this match-up.

[And so, the girls tried some boxing training.]

sfx supapapapapatsu
OKOKOK Keep up those strikes!

sfx Kieeeee
Cute voice...
sfx pomf

sfx BAM

So? Havin' fun?
Wait a sec, wasn't there something obviously funny about the image just now?

Sometimes, the same training has different effects, given the venue.
Ah. Duh, I didn't explain anything.

Here you go, the problem. What do you think are the most important muscles for a strong punch?

It's gotta be the muscles in your arms. [bold font "arms"]
>About here?

Based on those hitting machines, my guess is the back. [bold font "back]
>Around here?

No, something like the shoulder? [bold font "shoulder"]
You have to lift your arm to punch, right?
>Perhaps here?

Not even close! The correct answer is, "Lower body"~ [bold font "lower body"]
Punching from the legs!?

The muscles in your arm aren't the only ones used to throw a powerful punch.
Punching with just your arms isn't enough, striking with "the entire body" working together is far more devastating. [bold font "entire body"]

Powerful leg muscles are essential. [bold font "leg muscles"]

Even with a powerful upper-half, if the lower-half is weak,
you're not punching with even half your potential.

Of course, you need the muscle groups you three answered,
but training the lower body takes priority!

And for the next part, I will explain how to train for a strong punch.
[Machio Naruzou]
Ah. Machio-san appears.

How to increase PUNCHING POWER
*Caution! Be careful about injuring others.

The basic stance is like so.
If your feet aren't in the correct position, you can't maximize power transition so pay attention!
Above •For a Straight Right
1Left •Keep fists forward
2Left •Left foot in front
Below •Foot Position
BLeft •Like an "L-shape"
Bottom •About shoulder-width apart

•Be careful of your left knee (don't over-rotate)
Shift your power by turning the right foot, then the waist. Now, rotate your waist and direct all that power through the right arm. [bold font "turning the right foot""then the waist""rotate your waist"]
This is what's called "punching with the whole body." [bold font "punching with the whole body."]

Lower body strength is essential while "punching with the whole body."
Squats are expecially recommended to fully train the lower body! [bold font "Squats"]
Others, like leg extensions and leg curls, are also good exercises. [bold font "leg extensions""leg curls"]
>Leg Extensions
>Leg Curls

Additional Notes. I've begun noticing people "dumbbell-shadow-boxing" with the risk of hitting others, so practice only in designated safe areas and mind your surroundings. [bold font "dumbbell-shadow-boxing"]

Additionally, depending on the gym, shadow boxing in the weight room is forbidden. Always follow your gym's rules.

By firmly training our lower bodies, let's punch hard!

So, for a powerful punch, a strong lower body is important.
I see.

Incidentally, Sakura-san's punch is really nice.

Outstanding lower body stability, and perfectly aligned transfer of power.
You can't punch like that with just your arms.

Absolutely World Champion level talent! Let's start boxing now and jump onto the world stage!!!
How about saving those two, before that!!?? They're about to jump into the after-world stage!!!!!

Amazing, Hibiki! I can't think of higher praise.
Having such a beefy lower body is remarkable.
Gee...I dunno how to feel about that.
Wait. That last part sounded off.

Anyway, even if the punches are strong, I can't do anything with 'em.
Ah. Now that you mention it, I've got just the thing.

Punching Machine Contest!!!!! $10,000 prize!!!?
[spoiler: Japanese just repeats "Punchine Machine Contest"]
*poster small print at the bottom of the flyer* Sponsored by Muji TV
>Deire Kudarou
Deire-san dropped off that flyer for a tv promotion he's directing.

I'm suddenly feelin' VERY motivated!!!
This looks interesting! I'll participate as well.

Martial art experience is OK!
We're comin', too!
Guess I'll tag along.

Let's get squattin' and train that lower body right now!

Punching Machine Contest...

[Jason Sgatham]

[What's Jason up to? Find out in Part 2.]


Sakura-san, really, why don't you start boxing?

These days, female sports are becoming popular.
You could take the world by storm!
Well.....but with fighting sports...sounds pretty spicy.....

That's not true at all! It's fine once you get used to it.
It might burn a little, but not spicy.

Just spit out the blood with water.
[Appetite vs. Honor, Hibiki made her choice.]

Chapter 38 COMPLETE!

Rakuen is back home from vacay and putting out the remaining chapters so no worries there, either!

And, if I may say so... ...man, I've always been a fan of the tomboy sisters, especially the older, yow.

More Kengan, I see. Thanks OP!

Yep, he's been referenced in the planks chapters, too.


She can wear anything she wants.



What even is she........?

That's a sekrit



what the every living fuck