What went so wrong with this arc? It's so bad but I can't figure out exactly why

What went so wrong with this arc? It's so bad but I can't figure out exactly why.

As cute as she is. Monkey can't carry a story.

Not enough Araragi.

It's actually one of my favourite Monogatari arcs.

Not enough crippled lesbians

Hana was one of the best, especially because it was the last good arc before shinobu mail.

Yeah, I just don't get it. I wished for an arc just like it but it turned out wrong.

>What went so wrong with this arc?
The novel/anime even outright admit that there was too much ranting. The author was being meta as usual, but sometimes his desire to troll hurts the franchise. Obviously not enough to hurt seriously, but enough to turn some people off.

Well, at least one can treat the Monster Story as a brand new set of arcs.

As good of a character Kanbaru is and how great her scenes with Araragi and Kaiki were and the nice character development she got, nothing could salvage Rouka's stupid ass storyline

Ryoka helped Kanbaru realize what she really wants in life and pursuits a life of being a sports doctor.

Kaiki's scenes in this are some of the best in the series.

Yeah, Kanbaru's development was the good part of the arc. Still, listening to Rouka's story was a drag, her philosophy is the worst in the whole series and she's just not as intriguing as literally any other character. Had she been a little more interesting, this arc might have been really great, like this it was only mediocre at best

All Kaiki's scenes are the best in the series.

The scenes with all the specialists are the best in the series. Nisio is sitting on a goldmine with these characters and not utilizing them.

I think he's waiting for the right time and place for that myself, however it might take eight years at the current going rate for it to happen.

Definitely not enough.

Like the rest of the series, poor writing, uninteresting characters, and dialogue that often times goes nowhere and serves no purpose for the already poor plot.

I think she could've if Nisio had just played to her strengths. Her scenes with Kaiki and Araragi were great, she just needed some other characters to bounce off of. Instead we got her as basically a solo act in the most humorless arc in the series

Exactly, but he doesn't want to deplete the mine too fast.
If he uses the specialists too often, they might get boring after a while.

It was just very boring. Tons and tons of Rouka exposition which were totally a drag. You can see the faults in its structure more clearly if you just compare it to other stand-alone girl arcs, like Otori and Nekoshiro. The build-up to a climax just wasn't there, and the climax itself was the most boring resolution in all of Mono, not to mention that what it was all about, that being Kanbaru's adolescence, was never once properly defined by Nisio ever in the series, not like the motifs he used for, say, Hanekawa being a monster.

Only Hachikuji/Arararagi interactions are better than Kanbaru/Araragi interactions

Nothing at all.

The things I'd to for a spinoff series where Araragi visits her shrine and they hang out and chat.
I just can't get enough of that pair.