Literally name a better Gundam anime

Literally name a better Gundam anime.

Gundam: Thunderbolt

War in the pocket
Turn A

All of them even Seed Destiny and G-Reco. Take away the pretty animation and there is nothing good left about this Zeon-loving piece of shit that adds nothing to Zeta Gundam or the UC timeline in general.

war in the pocket

08th MS Team.

Turn A

cmon user it had cool designs and and art but everything was pretty much the same level if not worse than stardust


>Literally name a better Gundam anime.
Literally all of them. Holy shit. 0083 would have been better without a female love interest.
I'm just being tsundere, it's still better than IBO, Wing, or SEED Destiny.

The characters were more likeable even if they were all completely fucking insane.

IBO and Wing are actually good though.

Much more likable characters

>IBO and Wing
Wing only because its mech designs carry it. IBO is pure fucking trash.

Better version

The Wing Boys and Mikazuki weren't whiny useless losers like Kou was and Relena and Kudelia are actually admirable female leads unlike Nina or most UC Gundam women in general.

And yet the awful story couldn't make me care about them. I'm never watching another anime by that fujoshi writer.

Mobile Suit Gundam The Origin

