What was her problem?

What was her problem?
And why do I want her so badly after finishing the movie just now?

She's like the Sup Forums shitposters who project but really wants to be normal.

She's an actual character in the manga, you'll like her a lot more, she also naked a lot more in the manga.

Guess I'll have to read it then. Does she ever get shipped with one of the guys or is she alone at the end?

She ends up with Sahara

she's genuinely an evil remorseless person.

You're right and I love it.

>be thot
>want Chad's dick
>Chad bullies a deaf girl
>"hahaha you so funny Chad when are you going to fuck me"
>Chad gets punished for bullying
>Chad is ostracized
>"REEEEE why is my Chad being bullied it's all that deaf slut's fault"
>"Imma conform and bully him too tho"
Ueno is 3D disguised as 2D.

she was just trying to fit in, she just comes off as ignorant by trying to hide her real conflict and pain in her life.

Ueno is a lvl 24 bonermancer.

I think you're basically right. My interpretation, having only seen the movie so far, was:
Ueno likes the alpha Chad bully guy
Chad becomes a beta cuck for some reason (hurr I'm getting bullied time to completely change my personality forever because of the nukes or something)
Ueno loses him - doesn't matter that he was still around, he's a beta cuck boy now so he may as well be dead
This fucks her up and she never recovers from losing this constant in her life resulting in her becoming the shitty person she turns out to be.
She was the most fragile person of them all if you accept that hypothesis, and also the most realistic, Nishimiya was cute and all but one dimensional.

picked up


3 KnK threads in last 2 hours, am I missing something?

There's a bigger cunt out there.

You were conceited then came to your senses and realized "Ueno forever!".

Was thinking the same fucking thing after watching the movie again. Ueno at least has some loose logic for being a bitch, Kawai just cries anytime someone criticizes her

Did Ueno right the "baldo" comment on his desk in the manga? Was that supposed to be implied? Wasn't clear to me.


What was the origin of that meme anyway? I thought it was referencing something but never found out in the Thaifag threads.


A Wolf guy reference.

She's also does some olympic level mental gymnastics.

Manga is bad compared to the movie and Ueno is even worse there