
Happy birthday Akiyama Mio!

Mio never told me happy birthday, go to hell mio

I was just kidding earlier I love you Mio happy birthday

calm down ritsu

Happy birthday to my only and forever wife! I'm looking forwards to the many years to come in our marriage!

Happy birthday Mio! Don't eat too much and get fat.


at first I thought the top of that figure's head was a ding dong cupcake

mio a cake

She's my cake, although that technically wouldn't make her a cake.

they litterally made a cuter younger more talented mio with azusa because she was such a failure. They should have killed her off in season 2.

sorry, already taken (by me)

Mio don't want to share her pocky with Mugi?
What a bitch!

Happy Birthday Mio. Hope you find happiness and stop being a cake.

B-but, we can share the cake right?

Nah, but our Mios are instanced so we each have one of her for our own.

Mio turns 26 today. She still isn't married. Her mother is very concerned

Thats why you can't have a cake and eat it too

Happy birthday, cutie.
Azusa is a better group tsukkomi, that's it.

Happy birthday, Akiyama Mio!

where does the 1991 thing come from?

K-On! aired in 2009 which the keions would be around 17 at the time

Happy Birthday, Mio! Your tits are as lovely as ever.

Happy birthday silent thinker