So I just finished Berserk (1997), my first and only Berserk experience

So I just finished Berserk (1997), my first and only Berserk experience.
What do I do now?


Read the mango

Read the manga. The new anime is awful in pretty much every way and the one you just watched is missing quite a bit too on top of stopping at a pivotal moment in the series.

the films are good but cover the exact same material as the show minus some character development. the new anime is hot garbage in every single way.
read the manga, listen to Susumu Hirasawa while you do it.

If you plan on reading the manga from the end of the anime, make sure to read the first 8 chapters first.


man I'm still in love with the character designs of the 90s berserk

Read ALL of the manga. Don't skip chapters because they were in the anime.

Lay your eyes upon that sweet, sweet mango.

And read it all.

Did they fug?

Read the manga. Ignore everything else

>read the manga x 1000
Yeah but what if I want color and music and voice acting and animation and color?
Also, what if I want a story that's actually good? I heard that the anime adapts the best of the manga and the rest is so so

>Yeah but what if I want color and music and voice acting and animation and color?
then you're shit out of luck because Berserk fans are cursed by mediocre adaptations.
>I heard that the anime adapts the best of the manga and the rest is so so
that's horseshit.


The new anime is awful so unless you'd rather eat shit for your colors and animation then you're out of luck and need to watch something else. If the anime adapts the best then you're done and you don't have to touch Berserk again. The only way to experience the series without it looking like a mid 90s CGI show is to read the manga.

you read the manga and suffer with the rest of us. atleast you wont have to deal with the boat.

>the anime adapts the best of the manga
Bullshit cause the best of the manga is Black Swordsmen and Lost Children, both of which are never adapted anywhere.

>that's horseshit.
I mean to be honest I don't even know how I feel about the story post-eclipse, I didn't see that coming and feel it took my enjoyment of the series and stomped all over my balls. I guess at least the first episode tells me to expect a bad turn, but jeez.

Laugh at berserkfags who waited decades for more and then got the cgi series.

What's bad about it, just the visuals/animation or everything?
>atleast you wont have to deal with the boat.
Won't I? I have heard some bad things about this boat.

I used to have that same mindset but once you read one good manga you throw that shit out the window because it's such a retarded way of thinking.
Anyways you have two options regarding the manga
a) Read the manga, reach the end and suffer like the rest of us
b) Don't read the manga and either wait until Miura finishes it or until he dies, then read it and never understand the suffering we have felt

you wont have to wait a year for each chapter.

If you're going to watch an animation it should at least look decent. The new Berserk anime looks like garbage. Hopefully someone starts posting the webms.

>laughably bad CG
>even though it's mostly CG it's still super choppy and they don't bother animating background characters. it's like they took the worst things about 2d and 3d and combined them.
>horrible directing. the camera is constantly panning around in retarded, disorientating ways.
>skips the best arc of the manga straight away
>condenses the story immediately with out of place characters

CGI with terrible shading, horrendous sound direction that spams a good theme over and over again until you hate it.

If you don't want to see how far Guts will go for revenge then I don't know what to tell you. It's what the entire story is about. You've only seen the intro more or less.

Then go ask somewhere else faggot.