This is Anna. Say something nice about her

This is Anna. Say something nice about her.

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She committed to her fiance in due time.

Kicked god in the balls.


This many years later and Anna is still the greatest


If I stall consumed japanese media I would probably read her manga.

I prefer Jeanne, but she's okay too in my book

Do you have a problem with Jun? She was cute.

I think he means that Renny boy didn't deserve Jeanne. He's right, he didn't

nice voice

You fucking nigger I love you so much. Was looking for this for like 3 years


And who did?
Lyserg? Horohoro? Choconigger?

She's really cute when she's in her school uniform or not being a total bitch.

Did Manta ever hook up with the cute fortuneteller girl?

>Did Manta ever hook up with the cute fortuneteller girl?
Oh user...

She's the Iron Maiden she's supposed to be pure. Sure all that shit was made up by Marco and Luchist but still.

Alright, which one died?

Which one had the worse non-ending? The anime or the manga?

Have you read Shaman King Flowers?

Man, I dropped off about the time ChocoLove showed up, partly because I think that's when Shonen Jump stopped putting it in their magazine.
I was real fucking curious about the trap that had the shoulder cape thing going on too.

Good job on not letting teen pregnancy keep her down.

she was a slut

>I dropped off about the time ChocoLove showed up
OH user

Lol what?

>dropped when best character shows up
Oh god.

The manga is far better than the anime. The ending was fantastic, fuck anyone that says otherwise.

>the ending was fantastic
>Faust is fucking dead
Choose one, user.

>the ending was fantastic
There you have my pick.