Nagisa should have won. Why does best girl always get shafted?

Nagisa should have won. Why does best girl always get shafted?

midgets dont get to win

I want to cum in her sarlacc pussy

Nagisa was indeed best girl, even Japan, the Author of All You Need Is Kill and Tom Cruise agreed.
But the series didn't even pretend for even a moment to be a fair harem. Dumpire was the preselected winning girl far harder than most harems, even ones with preselected winning girls.
It's a shame the series wasn't popular enough to get one of those "secondplace girl as the main girl what if" spinoffs like Oreimo or Haganai.


>No chapter where Alium sizes up and her Robot gets a mind of her own and starts causing trouble trying to seduce MC
No one can tell the two apart because they're dumb

She had her chance and she blew it.

Not really. Things that start before the manga even begins are hardly sporting.

She has best pussy thou.

Are you saying there is a work where kuroneko actually got her happy ending?


The manga & PSP VN, she wins as well as others in the VN. No idea if the manga is fully scanned.

Well, she has a spin-off manga. I dunno if she gets a happy ending in it.

For Haganai, in Meat's spin off she "won" but then died the next chapter as a joke.

Did the artist do anything else after this ended?

Yes. He did some stuff before it too.

They're typically too good for the faggot mc's anyway.

because Japan have shit taste. Also plot.

she lost her oportunity
also, no fucking way she was best girl

So Dumpire wasn't best girl?

Underdog fags are quite something.

Because 99% of the time, the MC is garbage, so ""winning"" would just be a technicality. Best girls deserve far better than the typical spineless self-insert faggot MC.

I know this is a little late in the thread but, the manga literally started with "Man I sure do like Yoko! I'm going to confess to her" and you thought anyone else would win?


She had a chance
He confessed to her first, and she rejected him.
She was a coward.

Nah, this is one of the only manga where best girl won. Every girl was good in their own way but dumpire was great. It's honestly the best harem romance I've read. Even the cake sensei won in the end.

Why did the anime go so wrong?

>Nagisa should have won
She did.

Dumpire wasn't best girl in this manga. In most she would be easily, but Alium was still a bit better.
Dumpire was the obvious winner from the start though and due to the way the characters were and the story, it would have been bad for dumpire to lose even if Alium is a bit better girl in a vacuum.
Their friendship was great though. Glad to see girls in a harem caring about each other as friends. Shame alium got hurt.

Botan's manga started the same way almost.

That was just backstory stuff. If Alium had been a bitch she could have won by taking advantage of Dumpire's misunderstanding and dumbness. But she knew the boy she loved loved her best friend and she knew her best friend loved him. She loved them both and wanted them to be happy.

>Nagisa should have won
>Implying Nagisa was best girl
Correct, she was.

I think Alium shot up in popularity so much because she got fleshed out the most early on. You got to actually see her internal struggles and thought process and she had many chapters focusing on her.
Her chapters were more on her interaction with the MC, rather than Dumpire's chapters which were the MC's interaction with Dumpire.