Let's repeat the same episode eight fucking times because that's art

>let's repeat the same episode eight fucking times because that's art

But it's not the same episode. If you're parroting that meme you haven't even watched it.

If you play the same episode 8 times, it's cheap.
If you re-animate the same script 8 times, it's art.

Groundhog Moe

Pop team epic repeat half of episode every week.

Pretty ballsy move by kyoani. I used to hate it but after rewatching it I grown to like it more. If E8 wasn't a thing we wouldn't have the masterpiece that is "The Disappearance of Haruhi Suzumiya". That movie is true art.

When did all those endless 8 apologists pop up?

They're newfags who didn't watch it while it was airing, and just skipped through them.

I watched E8 as it aired.
Five years later, I watched it again one episode per week dubbed.

>>let's repeat the same episode hundred fucking times because that's art
>one piece

I've watched eight Live Reactions to it

Unironically this, as has always been the case. I'm even posting the long-hair version because clearly there are plebs here and it's the pleb version of Haruhi.

>E8 apologists
nice try nigger i was one of the lads who watched E8 with Sup Forums back then and only complained until repeat 3 and accepted the fact that it might literally go on forever

When I watched this as it aired I felt anger I didn't know I was able to experience. Thank you Kyoani.

True. I stopped hating E8 the moment I watched Disappearance. It's hard to stay mad a Kyoani.

It is a very advanced pleb-filter, even I didnt grasp the complex themes behind it at first

Tatami pulled it off


>that's art
why do you faggots always look away from the truth? It's not art, it's trolling. They got us good. Get over it.

>actually makes you feel for the robot
>not art
I'm so sorry you were born a brainlet

I don't think there was even an artistic motivation.

I didn't watch it while it aired but I've seen the entire thing three times.

they just changed clothes frames, you fucking retard.

Honestly, I think that endless eight episodes are the best ones. I find the others episodes pretty boring and at least endless eight shows a well made time loop.

Well yeah, it's art. The creators clearly knew what they were doing and forced it on their audience to evoke an emotional response. 1 gorillion years later, people still talk about it.

The studio's name ain't Kyoanus for nothing.

No they didn't. Don't comment on it until you've watched it.

and yet, it's actually good

How is it any good? "Oh look! I know that reference!" "I derive pleasure from knowing that I watched a gorillion anime and not the actual content of the show."

It's not like they had a choice though? Are you people really this misinformed?

There wasn't artistic motivation, E8 was the product of Kadokawa's last minute decision to want a film out of KyoAni as well.

That's one way to get 2 months extra time to think up the story.


There was more than enough novel material to adapt though, and originally that's what was planned. E8 only happened because Kadokawa was greedy.

I'm pretty sure people who watched as it aired are more likely to praise E8, as they got to experience the carthasys of E8's end. One of the most hype anime moments ever


>because that's art
Did they say that or are you just projecting

I honestly don't know who thought this was a good idea. Like how do you sit in fron tof your studio, and say yes let's repeat this episode 8 times.

The themes are far too on the nose and obvious to be missed out on by anyone other than people in desperate need of donating a chromosome. There's nothing deep or complex about it, the execution is simply shit, and you're a pathetically pretentious wanker for actually thinking you've figured out something deep.

t. Brainlet

"even I" LOL

>internet meme word
The chromosome comment was merely intended as an insult, but I might have actually been right on the mark there.

>insulting anonymous people on the internet over cartoons
t. Brainlet

What? There were themes in Endless Eight? I thought it was just a dumb gimmick.

I re-watched the entire series including Endless a few months ago and the episodes are all substantially different from each other.


Actually there are some with Yuki being abandoned and the epilogue of the last episode (which pretty much says "just doing anything instead of holding back was the good move", fitting for the Haruhi series). It's not where the meat of the series is, people tend to forget it's a single side story in the LN.

Even my mom watched and liked Endless Eight. You're all faggots.

You should actually watch it.

Reminder that if Yuki can survive 600 years of Endless Eight, you can survive eight episodes.

>The same episode

Watch the E8, OP.