Anime 10 years ago had good stories and excellent animation

>anime 10 years ago had good stories and excellent animation
>anime now is just some generic ramen-eating lesbians
What the fuck Sup Forums

>anime 10 years ago had good stories and excellent animation

hey! i like those ramen eating lesbians!

Anime was never good.

Are you implying that the Natto+Kimchi+Cream Cheese Ramen is generic ramen?
What the fucking extreme ramen do you eat?

I get plenty satisfied watching anime though.

*blocks your path*

I have been blessed with awful taste, so out of all the animes i have watched i've loved every single one. Even the trash ones i magicly enjoy.

This show only has one lesbian

For now

All anime girls are lesbians



Where there's a will there's a way


>Implying 10 years ago we didn't all just watch shit like Strawberry Panic

Sorry to break it to you bud but this is literally how anime has always been. There are fags on this board right now that still constantly think about Haruhi all these years later.

It's easy to dream

yeah, such losers

Anime Girls have always been lesbians.

She just needs to give her more homemade ramen.

Mei blocked every chance Citrus had of being a good anime.

Hasn't worked so far in the manga

No, she needs to lock her up in a rape dungeon and fist her until she's mindbroken.

are you implying anime 10 years ago didn't have ramen eating lesbians or something

Anime today has Violet Evergarden which is arguably the best anime we've gotten within the past 10 years stupid newfag.

Anime 10 years ago looked like dogshit.

>10 years ago was 2008
Holy shit I never left 2010

Winter 2008 had S&W, Aria, SZS, Shigofumi, True Tears and a bunch of hot garbage. Winter 2018 is an order of magnitude better.

Anime 10 years ago will be remembered fondly.
This show will be forgotten the second it ends, while the shallow yurifaggots who watch it move onto the next schlock to jerk off to.
It will also flop in Japan and be forgotten there, and have its source cancelled. Then the mangaka or whatever moves onto his next generic work, to receive a mediocre and forgettable adaptation in years to come.
The cycle repeats.

It didn't.
And it also certainly didn't have an annoying spicfaggot trip like you shitting up Sup Forums either.

>Hidamari Sketch
Easy on the delusions spictrip


You'd be wrong on both counts