Would Yuuta have bothered with her if she wasn't so cute?

Would Yuuta have bothered with her if she wasn't so cute?
Like imagine if she was only a 4/10 instead of an 8/10. It would be pretty hard for him to find her autism charming.
He probably would've just completely ignored her until she gave up.

Other urls found in this thread:


I know I wouldn't have.

She would just be an ugly retard in that case instead of a cute retard

how do you design a 4/10 anime girl anyways?

But Rikka's 10/10

design a trap and then call it a girl.

Almost impossible because female cartoon characters are inherently attractive or they wouldn't be likeable. Just look at all shoujo mangas and their "plain" girls.

That's a given. Looks are important, it's nature.

Yuuta's had the chance to tap this and hasn't so I'm pretty sure he's gay anyway


that isnt a girl on the left

obviously but in the show she is supposedly only ranked 4th

Rikka's cute but not a 8. She's the least attractive girl in their group. Yuuta lowered his standards after what happened with Nibutani and received Rikka better.

It most certainly is

Rikka isn't even the best looking Takanashi.

Oh good another Shinka thread it's been a while since we've had one


Shinka is literally a miracle of the universe


Me in the middle.

me on the left with brush face

>Would [anime male mc] have bothered with her if she wasn't so cute?
>Like imagine if she was only a 4/10 instead of an 8/10. It would be pretty hard for him to find her autism charming.
>He probably would've just completely ignored her until she gave up.

me on the top left getting cockslapped by a dog

if she was a fat landwhale no one would give a shit, obviously

but rikka is qt 3.14

So what you're saying is ... this bit of the show was exactly like real life?

>how do you design a 4/10 anime girl anyways?
It's easier than you think.


Hair-down Deko is a genuine 10/10 noble beauty.

Where do the eyepatch torpe comes from? Another?


I know him, I meant the torpe "I wear an eyepatch because my eye is too pwerful/has a great power and I don't want to use it all the time"
See Another, Naruto etc

i m a g i n e

You know that anime didn't invent chuuni faggots right?

I know, but since this torpe is so common among them it has to have an origin, that was my original question

If 4/10 girls existed in these shows then maybe I’d find it easier to self insert.

I think the 1st part of Watamote would fit you perfectly m'lady


Stop misspelling trope over and over again. It makes me think you're misspelling toupe and it riles my autism.

Tomoko isn’t ugly, retard.

You know, in retrospect Chu2 S1 was prob my favorite KyoAni production. Also had the best Sup Forums threads next to Haruhi.

>4/10 girls
Why, here she is

Might be Tezuka's Mitsume ga Tooru from the 70s, but maybe there's something older in Japanese folk stories.

How did they fuck S2 up so much?

Take that back right now

Of course he wouldn't have bothered with her. But now he can't leave her because the moment their relationship wavers the moment somebody else jumps at her and I kinda understand Yuuta's desire to protect her since Rikka is retarded, and cute as fuck.
Which is sad because he could just dump her and go back to Shichimiya like God intended.

I feel like S2 could never be good no matter what they did. A big aspect that made S1 so good was the mystery of Rikka. Season 1 answered all questions and tied up everything perfectly.

Shinka turning out being mean and Yuuta making Deko cry are still some of my favorite Sup Forums moments. I even remember everyone theorizing that Rikka was going to die at the end of S1.

Why does Rikka have such a plump butt?

The lower the IQ, the fatter the ass.

use any asian woman as your model



its hard to find her charming now. This show is shit, kys pedophile

Kys now too

>Be anime original
>Become star of the show
How does she do it lads?

>implying she wasn't carried by Shinka

Shinka made the show, remember how her duality caused shitstorm

Nobody forgot

The evil eye has roots in mythology all over the world

Kumin is literally the best girl. She will even get better when she discovers sex and demands a hard dicking to have a more comfy and relaxed nap.

sure and get the rage of her sister nah he can wait

>her father dies, without warning, when she's young
>her family can't deal with her grief
>she emotionally regresses for 2+ years because of a guy she likes
>said guy is too beta to do anything other than string her along

This story really is way too sad.

Almost forgot that her mother dumped her off on her grandfather and young-adult sister

Kill yourselves.

Right, that's why she never even got close to Rikka in popularity.

Rikka offers no character complexity other than plump ass

They are also approaching graduation and she's going to become an autistic NEET soon.

I guess you missed like half of the show. Not surprising seeing how you probably only watched your "complex" wannabe normalfag episodes.

She's made for a wild imagination

S1 was introducing characters that have connections to Rikka and giving Rikka backstory
S2 was introducing characters that have connection to Yuuta and giving Yuuta backstory. Why is this so hard to understand.

Indeed, she's a walking sound bite.

>the mystery of Rikka
S2 is the mystery of Yuuta. How did he get to where he was. What happened in his past? It's a good season.

Why not both?


Anyone seen the new movie?

Rikka has 13th years old?

yeah pretty much, though sometimes the autism can bump up a half point or so

Fucking semen demon she ruined the pic of Rikka ass

> hip>shoulder

2nd worst girl, She is irrelevant in the history.

I didn't even finish this show and I know she's a unsung top-tier

>everyone theorizing that Rikka was going to die at the end of S1
That would have been a decent way to end it, actually

You know you fucked up when the side joke pairing is more interesting than the main.


Only for yurishitters.

be a marine biologist and rape by dolphinS please

Would any nice guy really be nice, if the girls they were after weren't hot? Yeah no.

yeah sometimes, thats the problem with nice people, they tend to be pretty nice

as long the girl is not ugly and deterring, guys will help them slightly

> t. an ugly bitch

> being this ass blasted


To think that most of them like her now.


You can try to treat other people well because that's how you want to be treated. You don't have to want to bone them to be nice to them. That's the difference between nice guys and "nice guys".


dekomoron is made to be raped!


I never knew Shinka was into that.

Fuck, even still I'd date that girl sanzu~

What show?

Reminder Deko almost got raped.