So what exactly happened with the kemono friends kadokawa thing?

So what exactly happened with the kemono friends kadokawa thing?

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Its owari, the Kemonos are ded

Kadokawa murdered like it does to any promising franchises.

Negotiations went nowhere, the studio is moving on to other projects.

Kemono Friends is going to be better now.

Kemono Friends is gonna be living in a nice big farm in the country from now on.

Ok why did it happen then?


No wonder Shueisha and WSJ can get away with so much shit.
They know they are best deal

KF made $400+ million in merch sales so Kadokawa went jew cia mode to rip the rights from the creators innocent hands who they were paying peanuts anyways.

Differences in direction they wanted to take the series. Kadokawa wanted tighter control after it turned out to be a huge success and when the studio didn't agree to the new terms their contract wasn't renewed and was left to expire.

>we'll kill Niconico muthafuka just you watch!!
>still alive

The house always wins.

Kadokawa thinks that the kids (the main target audience) won't care about a shift in direction at any rate, so they can get out of this one without any impact.

Any loss in reputation doesn't matter.

Basically, Kemono Friends was Kadokawa's dead franchise that started with a moebage that died and manga that flops.

The anime was a completely hopeless show meant to fill in schedule in the cheapest way possible. They were so damningly hopeless that Kadokawa prepared less than 1600 BDs for all 6 volumes.

Then it blew up.

Kadokawa decided to remove the people who resurrected their failure into a great success in order to manipulate all the money.
Fans were outraged.

Kadokawa launched a negotiation but were still adamant in their pride and refuses to bow down to the fans.

Current status: they can't find a studio willing to animate their season 2. And the planned KF game still have no release date even after saying "late January".

Oh, and Nico users are now migrating into YouTube

Trolls would say that Kadokawa won but in reality, they were only harmed by their greed and pride. The complete opposite of what they wanted with monopolizing KF. Meanwhile, the director of KF now has a cult following

So legally Kadokawa did nothing wrong. It's their IP, so they get to decide who makes it.

So basically Springtime for Hitler?

Legally yes. Morally, no.
Hell, not even in a business sense was their idea acceptable

Removing the original creator and ignoring the fans would never ever work. Well, it would work if your plan was to ruin your company and make the little guy stronger

Corporation wins like always

Ever heard the tale of the goose that lay golden eggs? It's his duck, he can decide to kill it.

>Oh, and Nico users are now migrating into YouTube
The fact it's still alive after all this time shows Kadokawa to be right, consumers are too easy

Wait for the report of how many premium users are still paying.
Also, streaming services can go on for years in decrepit profit if the company still believes that it could be saved. They wasted a lot of money in advertising Nico and launching upgrades. But I was told that was rendered null after the PR team said something outrageous during a nico event or something.

Never asked what it was.

Not really. Original contents are not to be found on Nico nowadays, and it's really on life support which can be afforded given how big Kadokawa is as a media conglomerate.

Didn't hiro have something to do with kadokawa?

But why was the anime a success?

morality has no place in law.

You want the money of the people?
Go act the way the people wanted

All it has to do is soak up the rest of money until the bubble pops, then move onto the next new IP. Everyone loves everything from Kadokawa, they'll never stop supporting Kadokawa.

It has a place in PR though, which translates into money.

Explains why to this day, they still have no big hits comparable to Gundam, Bleach, Naruto, and Precure. And they are almost a 80 years now.

Kadokawa's main source of profit is nothing but LNs - the worst type of literature mocked by all.

Not really because Director-san did nothing wrong and did his very best to transmute gold out of shit after being handed something written off as dead.

Imagine being told to build a bridge over a small river with a small team and a $50 budget and you do such a good job people start noticing only for your boss to take all the credit and then fire you for it. It sucks.

Virtual Youtubers will kill Nico for good. Ai and the four Kings have more views in a day on youtube than the entire Nico site.

The only thing turning JP users off anyway is the unfamiliar format and the inability to WWWWWWW spam in real time, which I'm sure YT would implement anyway because they make equally horrid business decisions.

>they can't find a studio willing to animate their season 2
So it will never happen then? I would rather it die than see it become executive controlled like some Sup Forums nightmare.

Funny thing is that KF dethroned Sazae-san on the ratings and was expected to be the next Precure. But Kadokawa just have to play the role of the idiot.

Toei is definitely laughing right now as their rival franchise committed suicide

What else have they murdered?

Armored Core
One Punch Man

Next in line:
Index, Yume Nikki, SAO

God knows what other bullshit they were doing before the internet was a thing. There was a guy who once worked at Kadokawa who claimed that they cancelled his manga after he refused to give them the creative control for it.

Kadokawa must die


That one's on the author.

Maybe Kadokawa is trying to destroy anime from the inside out?

But that is fine.

If Kadokawa has their hands on it, it isn't

Because of Aniplex.

>Armored Core
Can I get quick rundown on how they killed this one?

at least it died as a good series instead of living under kadokawa command and turning in to a pos

People got played like a fool. They duped everyone in the pretense of negotiations when they had a position they would not budge from. They waited until people didn't give as much shits and that was the end.

To be honest, I've seen way too many properties go down the drain due to bad business decisions. That, and I have an almost unhealthy hatred for company fat cats ruining good shit, so if this is the end then I'm at peace.

>Oh, and Nico users are now migrating into YouTube
Is this really why? Japs are seriously flooding into YouTube. I thought it was bots at first but Japanese videos are suddenly getting thousands of comments from unique channels(all in Japanese) and millions of views.

I'm assuming Kizuna Ai and all her clones are on YT only? If that's the case I could see why they would be leaving nico for YT even if they weren't pissed at Kadokawa.

They were doing it a long time ago simply because of quality issues. Today, they are doing it out hate

KF fans in particular are advertising YouTube. Like this guy

>people leaving a domestic site in favor of an globally operating American one due to some shady events
I wonder who Sup Forums would suspect to be behind this.

Kizuna Ai and other popular ones also upload on Nico, but that's to avoid people reupping them there. The vids are all made for youtube (seen from the "please subscribe" on the end), some also upload short vids on Twitter.

None, they know gooks are dumbs sometimes.

If the only possible alternative to a failing video streaming site is one that is slightly less worse than the switch is natural.

I do the same with soda. American Coke products are sort of like this. If I drink coke I drink the real sugar stuff, not the stuff with HFCS.

add Re:Zero to that list

>more than a year after it finished airing
>still no S2 announcement

I can't believe how quickly it died.

Basically, Armored core was a breakthrough in the mecha games, throwing away the concept of indestructible walking tanks, into fast face, limited bullet, and customizable mechs.

After being a big hit, Kadokawa let their greed flow and make lack luster sequels that no longer holds the same creativity

Bandai then asked those developers to create them Dark Souls. The rest is history

Oh that's not their fault, the author released the last LN of the anime adapts a month before it released. It's that they decided the cuts the anime made should effect the LNs made after the anime.

i bet daiz was behind this

Didn't they make some VA from the show apologize for them?

Yup. It further heightened the backlash

Kinda sorta. They got some of the VAs to basically say "Kadokawa did nothing wrong" but everyone knew it was bullshit especially when one of the VAs called them out on the whole thing.

Truly shameful.

Who cares, next week we are getting the 60min shinmai maou no testament ova

Explain further.

>Poor Man's DxD
I guess it has Maria and Yuki, though.

They didn't learn from what happened to Baba when he tried this, I see

Come on bro testament has the best Christmas cake in all of anime Chisato

Fair enough, I'll give you that. Chisato is also good.

They took what was good the (WN) and basically took a shit on it and called it the (LN).

How much does the WN differ from the LN in Re:Zero's case?

Thank you bro, i love dxd and testament. 2018 is a good year for ecchi fans


Anymore camo and she'd look like Snake.

I've asked this before in Madoka threads; do you think something like this might be the reason why the Madoka franchise seems to have stalled outside of cell phone games?

Is Kadokawa secretly run by Daiz?

Daiz has been kill for a while now. he hasn't posted in a very long time.


All that means is he's moved his battle against anime elsewhere. You can still find him on IRC.

I'm still in a dream. Friend EATER.

Kamachi alone is one of Dengeki's biggest assets. Kadokawa would have to be retarded to-

Oh, wait.

I don't want my last memory of Kemono Friends to be the inevitable magicless seasons that will follow. Can't the nips rally for the frachise to stay fucking dead?

>Yume Nikki
What, it's getting an anime?

Unknown but they got a project for it

>Kancolle stagnated so hard that a fucking chink clone took the throne overnight like nothing.

I still wonder how they fucked up with this so hard.

It's very different. Instead of making a plan and coming off as a strategist, Subaru in the LN just lucks out. Instead of doing proper plot development they added a plot convenience tool that literally teleports him to the next event. They doubled down on the Emilia shilling of the anime (which cut the scene Subaru confesses to Rem, Subaru is suppose to be deeply in love with Rem), they took this:
>—I, no matter what, am going to,
>Subaru: “—Bring you back, Rem. No matter what, I'll bring you back.”
>Subaru had told her. That he'd show her, show her the man she loved, become the ultimate hero. So, would he not still be midway through his course?
>Subaru: “I'm, no matter what... Your hero will, no matter what, come to get you. —Be waiting for me.”
>He raises his head. Bares his teeth. Pronounces war on the enemy. He will make them regret touching what shouldn't be touched, encroaching on what shouldn't be encroached. And it'd be no man other than Natsuki Subaru.
>Subaru: “No matter what. —No matter what!!”
>He couldn't bear his memories of his days starting from zero being ones without her. No matter what, bring it back.
>Bring back the days he lost, the hours they lived together, the hours they would live together. Once again, his hands would reel everything back in, unfailingly
and replaced it with pic related

They should raid Kadokawa's offices and sieze the means of animu production for Tatsuki.

I don't think KF is getting a second season anyway, which is good.

From a business perspective, making a KF S2 would be disastrous since the only people who would buy merch have already declared they would not. Then again, Kadokawa hates money so it's still a very real possibility.

Just call it Kemono in name only and support Tatsuki's next project.

I know I would. The money I failed to use on KF shall go to him

k a b a n c h a n d e s u

I am going to miss Kaban

Based Kadokawa. Now that the dumb nip otaku made the show so popular that even the mainstream likes it, Kadokawa doesn't need need to rely on nip otaku money to support Kemono Friends anymore.
Now the nip otaku can instead spend their money on other Kadokawa-owned light novel properties for nip otaku.

It is getting a new season.
KF is normalfag and kid friendly, Kadokawa doesn’t give a shit about the small otaku crowd while it’s making hundreds of millions $ from it.

The mainstream media was the very one who made sure to spread the news of what they did actually. And also condemned them

I guess Kadokawa really has no business sense. You can make a lot of money through advertising and promotional stuff I'm sure but merchandising is huge.

When you can easily sell a $40 KF towel to thousands of greasy NEETs the money you get from commercials and promotions is small time.

Since no laws have been changed, and most parents don't give a shit about who's making an anime as long as there's toys to buy for their little kids, Kadokawa wins, and the nip otaku, detested by everyone anyway lose .
As it should be.

Meanwhile Aniplex got a fucking goldmine, with FGO getting over 200M yen per day.
Yes, that's over 1 billion yen in a week from doing nothing.

I'm going to miss Ezo.

That's nice

It's no surprise that much of Kadokawa's hit anime comes from Aniplex. They actually have business sense.

OVA Next week i cant wait!!!

>business sense
I mean, the only thing they do is
>add every single type of girl you can think of
>when you realize there are also girls playing this, add a bunch of fujobait
>get rich as fuck