I want to fuck You

i want to fuck You.

that would be gay

Get in line, bitch,

Who tf names their kid You?

i want to fuck You too

that's a japanese name
there are many even more retard name irl
like that stupid actress who named her daughter "Apple"

I dropped Sunshine S2 after the dog episode partly due to lack of You. Does she get more screentime? Does the series ever get better?


Fuck you, leatherman.

Japanese names are stupid. Sounds like dumb names indians had, like Autumn Wind and Little River

No and no.

I kind of expected that but still disappointing.

I like Riko.

It doesn't help that you gets this scene which came out of nowhere where You confesses to Riko. There was little build up and it was just strange.

The writers really didn't know what to do with You. Even the yuribait was all over the place in SS S2 while OG LL's yuribaiting was more consistent.

I never watched Love Live but I fap to Yoshiko way too much.

you already know

you has a center stage song, a PV and a mascot
and you're still complaining about lack of screentime? fuck off

A- user-kun, that's so sudden...

Serious question to you because you seem like an American. Names like Autumn Wind and Little River are obviously translations. Why are translated names like these used instead of transliterations of their names in their language?

Near the final episode (or maybe on it) there's a scene where You and Chika do something very similar to Chika and Riko's DAISUKI scene in S1 ep 10, while Riko watches from behind a wall.

But no, the show is shittier than it's ever been. Don't waste your time on it.

The lack of screentime isn't the issue. It's how she was utilized that was the issue.