So does this basically mean that someone fucked a giant space dinosaur?

So does this basically mean that someone fucked a giant space dinosaur?

Stop making threads you fucking faggots. You have 10 already.

>part human
>klax live on earth
>space dino
Your autism is showing again, user.

ok let me rephrase that
So does this basically mean that someone fucked a giant earth dinosaur?

they might come from space?

also, not dinosaurs.

Sorry to break it to you but not understanding why someone would refer to a weird, alienlike creature as a "space dinosaur" means you might be the autistic one.

>fictional show
>creature doesn't exist in real life
>must be alien

>posts some literal who instead of ourguy namasensei
smfh tbqh

I never said it was an alien, you're still missing the point.

>"alienlike creature"
>never said it was an alien

Stop digging your self a deeper hole

who wouldn't fuck a dinosaur?

She was clearly born in a lab. She's genetically engineered.

>Space is literally only ever used as an adjective to refer to something that goes to space, operates in space or COMES FROM SPACE
Guess you never really said alien, ya got me

Like I already said, it's autistic to not understand figurative language. That's all I was saying

>This reply when I was being sarcastic and pointed out how you were 99% of the way to saying alien

Why? It's a big show.

No, why?

user is still taking the bait

for you

She's a dragonborn

Alien means foreign or strange, ESL-tard. It doesn't mean extraterrestrial.

what if those giant dinos are controlled by human like creatures inside of them, maybe they even have similar system of control in pairs.
>1 klax race human deserted because he fell in love with man/woman
>002 is born somehow
>Dr.Franxx uses knowledge gained from klax to build his robots

Worst girl


>mfw trump thinks mexicans are invaders from outta space

hahah what idiots in this thread right?
c'mon dude let's go back to r/rickandmorty

wabalaba dub dub, am i right hahaha

What the fuck are you thinking