Why are alcoholics portrayed in a positive light in anime?

Why are alcoholics portrayed in a positive light in anime?

There's nothing wrong with being an alcoholic

Because they're fun and funny. Also, because Japanese drinking culture isn't as horribly moralized as it is in the West (religion and Prohibition).

Because no one wants to watch an anime where the MC's alcoholic mother beats the shit out of them every night and tell them how much they wish they were never born whilst simultaneously guilt tripping them about trying to move on with their life.

t degenerate alcoholic, I bet Misato himself would be bloated if it wasnt for beauty of 2D

American media glorifies alcoholism way more.

Misato's not an alcoholic.
She's just having one or two beers after work, what we call "Feierabendbier" in germany.
That's not alcoholism, that's just a pretty frequent alcohol consumption.
She's not drunk on the job or neglecting her duties, is she?


Hast du die Wohnung gesehen?
Ich meine Bier zum Frühstück

>implying its not better that way

Drinking beer for breakfast was actually pretty common all around europe up until the 80s.
And it still is in Bavaria.
I wouldn't do it before work/lectures, but when I have a day off, a breakfast beer is really nice.

>She's not drunk on the job or neglecting her duties, is she?
The definition of alcoholism is much broader than that. Misato is using alcohol as an escape from her psychological issues. Alcohol is not a positive way of dealing with one's problems, ergo using alcohol in this manner is a form of abuse. Misato is definitely an alcoholic.

>he drinks beer in the morning
Wine is what real men drink in the morning.

Because the Japanese are alcoholics. Getting drunk with your coworkers is practically a requirement for networking.

It has its upsides: Yoko Taro would never have been allowed to do Nier: Automata without having been the drinking buddy of pretty much half the senior staff at Square Enix.

>he's dies does not consist solely of cigarettes and bourbon
pff, lightweight

>Drinking a few beers after work is considered an alcoholic on Sup Forums

Fucking kids.

Misato is a total wreck, how is she positive?

>he doesn’t snort refined sugar in gram loads while squeezing citrus fruits into his iris
Never gonna make it.

Stop using sjw-speak. How do you measure the positivity of a portrayal?

Did you see all the empty liquor bottles?

you need to go back to >>Sup Forums

have a (you)

it was a boomerang

There was nothing Sup Forums about that. How do you measure the positivity of a portrayal?

>misato only has one or two beers

How can you portray your crippling autism?

>portrayed in a positive light

You're right about that but it just proves the point once again 2D > 3D. I mean they get drunk, act cute, and throw up rainbows. I know it's not realistic but that's not what I want out of my Indonesean Flip books anyways.

>hurr durr, I have no argument

Most mangaka's are alcoholics ?

no, pedophiles

Seek help, you damn alcoholics.

Those two aren't mutually exclusive.

if you drink every day you're drinking too much

Alcohol, drugs and cigarettes, all of it is for normalfags.

Anime isn't exactly for puritans either.

Stop projecting your abusive experience with an alcoholic , user.

Asians love to drink. It's the only legal way to get their minds off their dead end jobs.


>Alcohol is not a positive way of dealing with one's problems
Are you kidding me, user? Is this a joke? Do you know the shitworld she's in? Do you think there's Is any positive way of dealing with issues? Even the nice crops field get's destroyed by monsters.

She should smoke pot instead.

Not that user but the world she lives in is better than 99% of human history


Still worse than ours

I drink every day and I'm really trying to stop but the withdrawal is fucking awful

The holidays were just one long bender for me and I'm slowly tapering down to sobriety

what did she mean by this?


>breakfast beer

Have an amber moon instead of your usual. It'll wean you off faster

You can do it user, just don't give up and take your time

talk to a doctor. alcohol withdrawal is no joke.

Don't worry, I know what I'm doing. Done this many times, unfortunately.


one month not drinking here.
being alcoholic sucks but soberity is even worse.

>I know what I'm doing.
>Done this many times


I'm only stopping because of the long term brain damage I know I'm causing

>not drinking beer for breakfast
>not carrying around a hip flask and taking sips before, during, and after work

step up, user

but that's a good part

not tiping your Bifi into your beer

This was such a degenerate series yet we never got to see Misato taking a sloppy drunken pish in front of that gay twink. Clearly Anno is himself a gay twink.

Don't cut yourself with that straight edge.
I bet you say sex is jusy for normies too :D

fuck off normalfaggot

Britbong here, and this is correct. Maybe Burgers are just lightweight faggots who are afraid of a few drinks and should stop whinging and have a pint.

>this is why the empire fell

Like people said,the drinking culture in japan is fucking weird and mental health in japan is shit so they dont really care about alcoholics.

>Thread about alcoholics
>No mention of Masamichi Fujisawa

Let us change this.

Why is japan such a shit hole?

> living under constant threat of total annihilation in a post apo world is better than 99% of human history because muh work in the fields

>degenerate druggie
Look at me I'm so cool I smoke weed!

Not all of them.

>best girl

Are we going to get this in 4.0?

People who smoke and drink need to be properly euthanized.

Could you lads recommend Japanese scotch, budget is 100 bucks at most

>Japanese scotch

Is this bait? Scotch is only made in Scotland


>implying I'd lose interest

What actually is the rate of Alcoholism in Japan?

american here, "lightweight" does not make for a proper insult
also FUCK

Japanese whiskey is basic bitch stuff. Unoffensive and overpriced.

hello globalist shill

>That's not a typo
All these years just to figure out europeans were doing something wrong once again.

because alcohol eases reproduction and japs are deperate to get birth rates up.

But user, Im a weeabo

Also I heard Japanese is much better than Scottish

>you'll never drink Julian's tea with good brandy

Nonfags in logh drink coffee