I miss the old Kyoani, the Kyoani that loved to make anime with soul and passion

I miss the old Kyoani, the Kyoani that loved to make anime with soul and passion.

I miss the old Kanye

I also miss the future.

Hibike ruined KyoAni.


What's the difference between this show and any other moeshit anime?


How can you miss something that never existed?

K-on has an actual closure

I hate the new Kyoani, the bad filters Kyoani, the oscarbait Kyoani. I thought at the time I'd like to visit Kyoani.

Nichijou had passion behind it though. Now they just make pretentious melodrama that only appeals to women and deepfags.

K-On was GREAT while most moeshit sol these days are just good.

Phenomenal production values, outstanding direction, extraordinary attention to details, fantastic development and growth of all of the characters, entertaining interactions that felt very real and natural.


I remember how much spam got first episode of k-on.

The decline could be felt with Chuunibyou, Free was when the passion truly died.

I'd rather watch 2000's moe sol than 2010's, at least the highschool setting variants. A lot don't even try to be funny or chill anymote, just cookie-cutter cute.

>you'll never experience watching K-on s2 as it airs again
Observing the birth of one of the greatest anime ever that is basically a swan song of one the greatest anime studios one is one of a kind experience.

It actually feels like girls are interacting with each other. Not just stereotypes or a twist on the stereotypical CGDCT.

Yuyushiki is what actually feels like girls are interacting with each other
K-on is what otaku think/wish girls do

The fame got to their heads

k-on is shit

Not that it's bad by the way.

How much?


Why do we always overrate an animation studio behind animating the work from others?

like a million jillian brazilian

And that's why K-on is better than Yuyushitty

>K-on s2
>work from others
Hello newfriend.

i miss the old kyoani

the straight from the go kyoani

the cute girls and slice of life moe kyonai

but it's both moe and shit. therefore moeshit.

I actually enjoyed YuYuShiki more than K-On!, it reminded me of Azumanga daioh.

Both are very inaccurate portrait of girls interactions. An accurate portrait of high school girl interactions wouldn't be cgdct.

Let me guess, according to you highschool girls never hang out all they do is fuck boys all day long and hang out with boyfriends?

K-On's core staff is women.

So? That makes them incapable of writing a fictional story that panders to men?

Man, what if Kyoani made an anime about Kyoani? Thatd be so Kyoani

PA works beat them to it