Morphing Jar

Morphing Jar

he's a cutie

*inserts dick*


>Effect monster
>Yellow background

Jars need more love



They put the bone of a Serbian in my leg, i got Serbian DNA




sup m8

How much money Tahakashi gets from the TCG and the games? People say that Oda is the richest mangaka but this dude should be loaded.

Broken piece of cardboard.


Judge, user is using a counterfeit card.

Most jars are broken, why do you think they are banned?

He should be rich as fuck, but he doesnt seem like it. Youd think he sold the rights to Konami long ago, but he still holds word over how the game is developed and he holds sway over how the anime is developed.

First, search for morphing jar off something like sangan
Next, set it, and then flip it up with A/D Changer + Book of Taiyou, etc. Morphing Jar Triggers, drawing you 5 more cards and forcing your opponent to draw 5 more cards. Of your 5 new cards you probably drew something to set Morphing jar back facedown and then up again, repeating the process. Keep doing this until you deck out your opponent, gg.

>he doesn't seem like it

Maybe he's not a big spender? Maybe he still likes creating new content?


set morphing jar +4 is up to a +5 in card advantage, it's absolutely insane.

Also, empty jar is the dumbest shit.


I kaiju it.

>how to stop people from ashing you: the card

Why are Egyptian girls so fucking sexy?

I activate this


Imagine shaking hands with sweaty fat yugioh players. No thanks.


Konami ruled that you can just say "I accept the handshake"


They know.

I'm pretty sure they ruled it because players would shove their hand down their asscracks, play this card, then show unity to force the handshake. Most players would FF than do it.

This is literally why it was banned for a while until Players would spit on their hands, scratch their underarms/balls/ass/etc. Some players would just already show up with filthy or sticky hands hands and it doesn't help that there are a quite a few of players already with poor hygiene. A number of players of this card wouldn't even shower for days or weeks in advance.

>He doesn't seem like it.
His studio has a fucking pool table in it, and other shit besides that I can't recall. I wouldn't say he's loaded but he's definitely not exactly poor.

>A number of players of this card wouldn't even shower for days or weeks in advance.
Hardcore as fuck. Kaiba would be proud.

Well even without Yu-Jo friendship there are still players who do this on purpose to try and distract their opponent especially in lower level comps and it's just as disgusting as you think.


>Get the itch to play yu gi oh again.
>spend time working on a graydle frog deck at that time.
>finally get the courage to go to a tournament at my local card shop
>First thing that hits me when I go downstairs is the smell.
>it smells like absolute shit and almost everyone looks like they’ve never went outside.

So wait, these guys actually are smelling this bad and come to these events this sweaty on PURPOSE?

>graydle frogs
you have the gall to call other scum?

>They must accept the handshake


The enforced friendship is the real reward at these events.

Spoken like an anime protagonist.