This is one turn checkmate according to SHAFT

This is one turn checkmate according to SHAFT

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Black to move

What is the next move?

Never shown, I think they move the bishop sideways too

not seeing it. also why is black queen in such an awful position?

>pawn takes white queen
>white move irrelevant
>bishop D6 to G4 mate
That's the closest I see to a mate

though I guess white king can move to H3, in which case queen goes to G4 instead

white horse can also move to H4 to F5, in which case bishop C8 to F5 first

>... xQe2

no, the threat to the queen is ended by the mate by BxG3


you chess newbs aren't familiar with the rule of "en passant" which means that because black hasn't moved that chunk of peices in the top right corner all game, they can be converted into MEGAKNIGHT, a super-peice that gives the black queen coverage from where it's currently located.

... fxg2 mate

Same thing but Rg1 instead.

As someone who is an experienced chess player I confirm this.


because they are playing by wonderland rules.

hmm good catch...
that'll depend on where the Rook moved
>if Rf1, Qxg2 will be mate
>if Rg1, then the game will go on for some time...
>any beyond is irrelevant
Guess SHAFT is shit...

That would make chess awesome

I almost forgot the "King must move" part, so yeah the Bishop in D6 to G3.

Black Queen fucks White Queen.
White Kind kills himself.

white wins

>This is one turn checkmate according to SHAFT
The chess board is wrong, it needed to be rotated 90 degrees. Thus the entire chess position is impossible. (The bottom right corner of the player's side need to be white)

on tge next turn the black bishop takes the white pawn on G3 and the white king is threatened and cant move.

Blacks have the game on the next turn.

>on tge next turn the black bishop takes the white pawn on G3 and the white king is threatened and cant move.
No, because both sides have a pawn in the 1st rank, which is impossible. And of course modern rules have the demand that any pawn on the 8th rank needed to be promoted into a piece, which is also wrong here. Thus the entire game is not legitimate. All because they have the board wrong.

>board wrong
Forget about the board you autist. That's clearly an animation mistake

>Forget about the board you autist. That's clearly an animation mistake
If they can get the board wrong, then there is no reason to suggest anyone in the studio actually created a valid checkmate position. They clearly don't give a shit about chess rules.

You are fucking retarded

Is this a good move? Queen takes rook

>You are fucking retarded
Not as retarded as the studio that got the literal first rule of chess, wrong.

You are a hell of a lot more retarded than someone who forgot "white on the right" when drawing a chess board.

Mate in 5 acording to stockfish

It'd better be fixed in the BDs.

Black threatens 1…Bxg3#. I don't know where White screwed up earlier but mate is inevitable. 2. Qxf3 delays the inevitable for the longest time so I suppose it wasn't too bad a move.

*1. Qxf3

Queen was originally in B3 also
> bishop from D6 to G3 capturing the white pawn
>F3 queen to G3 capturing black bishop
What the queer fag moves next isnt shown but it is a checkmate according to the show. Pic is the final board position before mate

what the fuck

"en passant'' my favourite rule or quirk in all board games!

.., gf
ef, Bxg3#

1. Qxf3 gxf3 2. Rd1 fxg2 3. Nxg2 Bh3 4. Rg1 Qxg3+ 5. Kh1 Qh2#

1. Qxf3 Bxg3+?? is actually a blunder. After 2. Qxg3 White is winning. Of course Japan being Japan they most likely had White blunder again the next move and give the win back to Black.

Anyone got the full game score?

It was added when pawns were given the ability to move two squares on their first move.



I don't get those chess codes at all.

black queen to g3

Oh, now I get the x. Thank you.

Enjoy your gold coins, Marshall.

>Black king castled on Queen side, still in the corner, must have taken a minimum of three turns dedicated to inching that fucker over
>White king is in a similar position but at least he only took two turns to do it
>White queen took at least two turns to move out of the backline and lets herself get threatened by a fucking pawn
>No fucking idea how black queen got where she is
>Black player hasn't even developed half his pieces

Am I missing anything?

>castled on Queen side
>still in the corner
Nigger what.

>Black king castled on Queen side
>Queen side
Yeah you totally did.

I don't know Sup Forums is actually into chess. try test it out

don't ban me mods

Jesus Christ
there are, at least, four threats of the same thing
Fate now is the PET of the week

This scene was fucking pathetic to anyone that plays chess semi regularly holy shit.

No fucking way that's mate in one

6th ed was a mistake.

How hard is it to look up a GM game on a database and just copy the last few positions?

>What the queer fag moves next isnt shown
queen to g2, which is not a checkmate like the show says. Black basically traded a queen, a rook, and a bishop for a queen and a pawn

fuck, I meant g3. Also notice that the board changes, Black king is now standing on black and not on white like here

Yeah, after 1…Qxg3+?? 2. Qxg3 is winning for White, not for Black. Black should have played 1…gxf3 instead, which is mate in 4.

>Also notice that the board changes
The board was animated wrongly in the anime. The h1 and a8 squares should be light squares.

>two black kings
Fucking hell SHAFT.

At least the squares are of the right colour here.

How do you lose with two kings ?

White doesn't even have a king lads

Wasn't Black the one who won?

FEN string before 1. Qb3xf3:
rnb4k/ppp4p/3b4/8/3P2pN/1Q3rP1/PP1PPqBK/RN5R w - - 0 1

can't check him if he doesn't have a king

>Sup Forums - Chess Theory

We're mostly just kibitzing p/a/tzers here.

Thus is the power of republicanism.

Someone post the ngnl double checkmate. That was hilarious

> implying white queen is a pawn
it should have been that way though

>this is a checkmate if the turn is for blacks since it can move the black bishop to g3

This is a confirmed MATE in one by black
Hint: This is a chess variant.
This is a crazyhouse variant, where the captor can place the captured piece.
... R@h3++ mate

The reason, I guess that japanese chess, shogi has that kind of rule, they think it is applied to the normal chess

> not chess

To be able to drop the rook like that, you have to have it in reserve. And it was White that captured the rook, not Black. Black has no rook (or queen, for that matter) in reserve.

But then again leave it to the Japanese to come up with illegal chess moves.

It is Bughouse Chess. The extra rook come from alternate universe

You just said it was crazyhouse not bughouse, you faglord

I prefer this one.

implying they are the same person.
Anyway it is crazy, what can you expect?

w-what happens if black king got checkmated ?

>White to mate

I didn't expect a classic example of moving the goalposts.

Even in shogi you're not allowed to mate or promote by placing a captured piece on the board. Maybe they thought that black pawn at g4 is guarding the black queen when she moves to g3. In shogi pawns only move a single block forward both for movement and taking pieces. Which could also explain why white didn't just take the rook with a pawn on his first move e2>f3, and instead placed his queen right in front of the g4 pawn

>Even in shogi you're not allowed to mate
Only if it's a pawn. You can put, say, a gold general and it'll be a legal move even if the gold general gives checkmate.

That still doesnt explain why there are 2 black kings then in and no white king

you're right, my bad

Animation error or stylistic choice to indicate that the king has been captured. One of the two kings is placed on the block that the white one was occupying

It's QUALITY. Same reason why the board had squares of the wrong colour in OP's image. Although said image also fixed the colour of the king on h2.

>The white king is colored black.

Damn it Shaft

>Which could also explain why white didn't just take the rook with a pawn on his first move e2>f3, and instead placed his queen right in front of the g4 pawn
scratch this, I'm retarded. I should just go to bed already

>black wins
is this some sort of hidden agenda?

black wins like 46% of the time m8

So despite losing more than 50% of its games we see it winning here?

Really gets your neurons firing.

I'm glad you finally noticed the mate in one threat against which exf3 wouldn't have helped.

Maybe you're on to something. Fischer was one of the few players who actively sought to win even as Black. His two most well-known winning games are as Black.

they're clearly pushing an agenda

Fuck off, that's not even funny.