Distance from Japan to Antartica: 13,930km

>distance from Japan to Antartica: 13,930km
>distance from earth to edge of observable universe: 440,900,000,000,000,000,000,000km (Approx.)

What the fuck?

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Antarctica is a portal to the realm beyond the universe.

Well technically we are already in the universe, so basically everything is further then it.

A place further than the universe must surely lie outside of the universe.

>He doesn't know what "metaphor" means.

It's a liberal translation, "space" would be the better word there.

It means space, ie the rest of the universe. Which starts at 100km up.

>distance from earth to Kármán line (boundary between the Earth's atmosphere and outer space) 100km

the universe of a sheltered young girl who has been over dependent on her best "friend"

"Outer space" is anything from just outside earth's atmosphere to the edge of the observable universe, you dumb nigger. Sage

>Universe - a particular sphere of activity, interest, or experience:
"the front parlor was the hub of her universe" synonyms: world · sphere · domain · preserve · milieu · province

Did you check how far they are in miles?

where in the pic does it say outer space. faggot boy

>What the fuck?

What do you think is at the edge of the Universe, OP?

I can't even begin to wrap my head around such a notion to even humor speculation. It's all just too big, it may as well be turtles on the edge.

In the word that has multiple interpretations

Observing the previous 440,900,000,000,000,000,000,000kms of the universe gives a fairly compelling argument that anything not yet observed is very likely just more Universe.

I can't tell whether you're retarded or trying to make fun of the translators at crunchy.

Literally right in the title?

Are you actually retarded?

The girls will find the buried city of the Old Ones and enter the stargate through which Shirase's mom vanished years ago. It will take them to a place far beyond our universe but they may not like what they find.

Folks, we seem to have a retard here

>What the fuck?

Antarctica is where the Schwarzwelt is.