

Still bottom.

Yes please.

Even though Haruko's much more of an evil cunt I can't help but prefer her.

She's no more evil than any woman, just honest about her ambitions and self-servitude. If you've watched the show you'd know all the female interests were highly flawed and deceptive which is why Naota eventually fell in the love with the one that didn't put on the pretense of being a "mature adult".

Once the Pirate King's power wasn't on earth she had no reason to cause problems, and in this scene she shows a brief second of honest feeling for him even though he's no longer useful to her before realizing he would be happier growing up on earth.

Look I love Haruko but you can't change the fact that she almost got thousands of people killed in her grand scheme, twice and with no remorse. That's pretty fucked up.

Its an animu and she's an intergalactic space agent. I prefer to focus more on the interpersonal side of things.

>she almost got thousands of people killed
So what?

Anyone else thinking 02 is gonna be a manipulative cunt too, or am I just scarred from flcl still

Well yeah, the nature of the show excuses it. It's why I can't actually dislike her.
So what? If I tired destroying your city with all your friends and family for personal stuff you're gonna feel fine towards me?

Of course not. What is your point? Haruko didn't do that. She can kill as many strangers as she likes. It's fine by me.

Ah I see, you're too autistic to ethically think beyond subjective egoism.

>So what? If I tired destroying your city with all your friends and family for personal stuff you're gonna feel fine towards me?
I loved one once and wouldn't hold it to her if she tried. The other women I met in life Id gut them.

Such talks on a Bamboo basket weaving imageboard

Ah I see, you're a retarded moralfag.

I guess there have never been bad characters ever then.

>comparaing a trainwreck with a masterpiece

Yeah, why do we worry about what anyone does? We should all be allowed to kill people if we want, long as it doesn't hurt me.

user, why are you arguing this on Sup Forums of all places.

You should know better

It's not as if Sup Forums doesn't pretend there are bad characters. People have enough empathy, for example, to say what Griffith did is shitty.

Griffith did nothing wrong.

She was going rogue by trying to steal Atomsk's power though. Haruko was evil as hell.