Make a series with an ensemble cast

>make a series with an ensemble cast
>none of them are remotely likeable or interesting
Why do they do this?
Wouldn't this be way better if they'd scrapped half the cast?

>4 episodes in

>it gets good after 20 episodes

Fuck this show but it doesn't need another thread right now

>Expecting every characters to be developped 4 episodes in while also having to present the world they are living in

>ensemble cast
>when it's clearly two main characters and the rest are supporting characters.

>implying it'll ever get good
it would be way better if they just cancelled it

This show didn't even pass the 3 episode rule, there is no reason to watch it.

We already have a strong feel of everyone's personality and they're all shit though

By episode 8 all of them will be dead except for Hiro and 02. All of them except maybe Ichigo whose going to be spitroasted by 02 and Hiro because 02 wants to make her suffer for daring thinking she had a shot at her darling and Hiro because he's a beta cuck who needs to be super perverted to get hard.

Jeez, where have I seen that before?

It's as if more actions needed more robots which in turn need more pilots.

Miku is super cute


the cast of Gurren Lagann was colorful and interesting right off the bat though

>We already have a strong feel of everyone's personality
We have yet to know fatty and his partner more than on a surface level so nope
>and they're all shit
Nope they aren't but I feel that no matter what I say you will still call them shit.

Fuck you,user those guys were fun, these fucking losers are shitty.

Yeah nah, a lot of them were presented as typical gag characters in their first apparition.

Those are side characters, not an ensemble cast.

>By episode 8 all of them will be dead except for Hiro and 02
I'm seriously wishing for this
Hiro, 02 and Cockona are the only interesting ones, the others just feel unnecessary

Are you mad Kyoanusfag?

Characters I cared about in GL:


The rest were garbage, became garbage (eg. Rossiu, Gimmy, Darry), or were just nothing.

Great show, but the main cast held up the rest.

>it's ok to have shitty characters that waste time and space because they're side characters
That being said, I actually like the side characters much more than the two main characters who are generic self insert MC #1452 and "the main girl".

>anyone with taste is automatically a kyoanifag