What was the real reason he wasn’t included in the ToP?

What was the real reason he wasn’t included in the ToP?

Was it because toei was too lazy to write up a way that anybody could beat him?

2 possibilities I have are
-It might be that he is unpopular in Japan
-The writers thought his ability to heal would be broken

2nd point is worthless though because they keep having Goku and now Vegeta randomly bounce back from being beat up and out of stamina with no explanation. Buu could have done well as team healer to justify that crap up until halfway through the ToP, where the enemies target him and get him off stage to avoid the threat of him healing everyone further.

>buu is strong
Nice meme

Broken power set.

Every version of Buu is strong, user.


People would throw a bitch fit if he's not eliminated in a satisfactory way while being broken as fuck

It's because he doesn't draw a single dime.

>Was it because toei was too lazy to write up a way that anybody could beat him?

you can easily have some stronger than his, its just his retarded ability to regenerate fro free that should never have been a power to begin with

Here is an unlikely but plausible theory, all this sleepy Buu crap is actually developing into the crux of the next arc.

Remember that Buu was said to be a universe level threat, counted on the level of Beerus.
But due to Babity, Satan, and long ago Kai fuckery, we never really saw him get up a head of steam and just start eating whole planets, hell he's still cut in half and has been on a strict no people diet (which my be the cause of his naps).

What if the next arc is Buu reverting to a planet gobbling pink cloud, or an exponential Buu swarm that keeps splitting to tackle more planets at a time. The Z fighters having to go out and each fight a buu while looking for true buu to solve it (and if they go with the "merge the erased universes" wish, there would be alot more planets to nom, and we would get to see tournament favorites fighting some of the Buu swarm)

Could be cool, don't think it will happen and sleepy Buu was just the excuse to stop drawing him, but he might surprise me!

Unpopular for what reason? Stupidly OP with a low IQ? Sounds a lot like Zeno.

holy shit

Is Buu supposed to represent Koreans the way Tien and Chiaotsu represent China?

Hes not really strong anymore after losing his evil half, but his abilities are great. Regenerates instantly, can heal, has autism strength when hes mad, stretchy for pushing out of the ring.

Because Toriyama doesn't like him and he is only still around because he's forced to include him due to how the Buu Saga ended and him being around for End of Z. Toei's writers included him in the exhibition match and even gave him a new form. It's clear they were more interested in him than Tenshinhan, but were tied by Toriyama's outline.

Boo is too OP for this tournament. These are just a few of Boo's traits:

- Can transform people into different objects with his magic (not even limited to food as he used it to transform people into clay)

- Can learn and master any technique that he sees once (Boo mastering Kamehameha and Vegeta's scatter shot technique after only seeing them once, as well as Goku's Shunkan Ido)

- Can absorb other people and incorporate their traits and abilities into his own

- Near limitless stamina and rejuvenation

- Can use the healing technique (presumably as a result of him absorbing the Dai and Elder Kaioshin)

Boo gives Universe 7 a significant advantage over other teams as a result of his abilities. Like I said above, Boo is too OP.

To be fair Buu would've been fucking broken in the ToP, let's lowball his power after losing his evil side to round SS2, Buu was shown getting his shit together for the tournament, he could have solo'd everyone but the top fighters and most importantly he can insta heal his team while he himself is almost immortal. Not to mention the chocolate beam would've had great utilty barring people way above him.
tl;dr They were too lazy to write fights for him


I mean he could still take out the weaker enemies then just have him get eliminated by Jiren before Boo could absorb him for an instant win.

Regen and absorbtion I guess

Super Satan has spoken with demonic quints. Buu confirmed OP.

>can btfo SS2 without any training
>broken regeneration
>broken magic powers
Why Goku even bothers to train Uub when he could train this fat fuck is beyond me

>Was it because toei was too lazy to write up a way that anybody could beat him?
I don't understand this. Goku on SS3 already said that he could have beaten Fat Buu, and Kid Buu was totally beating the crap out of him too. Buu's energy isn't limitless. Also, he can absolutely be thrown out of the ring.

>aid that he could have beaten Fat Buu
>Kid Buu was totally beating the crap out of him too
He also thought he could beat Kid Buu too if he gathered energy.

>if he gathered energy
Yeah, that's the point. It's not that he couldn't actually beat him, what he could not do was gather the energy required to do so. And we're still tlaking at powerlevels far, far beyoi

*far far bellow DBS

Uub is someone with a functioning brain while Buu is mentally challenged

Regeneration, it is hard to write around it. Same reason they didn't use Cell.

> Buu is mentally challenged
Yeah but so is Goku


This actually doesn't make sense

>buu is fucking retarded
>splits into evil and good one
>evil one is retarded too
>eats good one so they should become the same again
>becomes somehow "intelligent" or atleast has a positive IQ

What the fuck Toriyama.

Not being husbando material.
Nips are shallow like that.

Evil one was somehow smarter though, he won against the fat one by tricking him.

Can't remember, did anyone who fought Majin Buu deflected his magic attacks?

The Evil half of Buu

Yet there were three namekians who have the same kind of regeneration than Cell.

Buu can regenerate from almost any attack and split into a million pieces and stretch himself to stay on the stage. He can heal others. He can transform people into candy. He can absorb other fighers and could become unstoppable in a second by just combining the power of all the universe 7 fighters at the start of the tournament. And if he still can't beat Jiren that way he can just spit out all the other fighters at the very end so that universe 7 has the most survivors.

Buu is completly broken in this so they wrote him out.

buu would have to be retconned as hell (like everything else in super) to be fair.

Maji Kayo

The real reason is that he isn't much popular, so Toei didn't bother.

UI Fat Boo when?

Not popular enough.
Buu's regeneration is a non issue for Jiren as seen with Maji Kayo.

He's hard to draw.

They explained it in show.
The others were worried because Buu has no control and would kill someone in ToP.
Mr, Satan couldn't come as a spectator and Buu listens to no one but him.

Staff reason has been explained. Buu is too OP.

>Also, he can absolutely be thrown out of the ring.

You can add Buu isn't too bright.
Despite his powers he would have been out smarted.

He's too OP. And one problem with this character can absorb anything to add it's power to himself. It would take away any drama of losing the tournament. He already is very powerful and if he gets to absorb all U7's fighters (of course he would release them later) whom 5 are GoD level, he could become the strongest beign in the arena

Uub is supposedly the reincarnation of the strongest part of Buu

don't forget that he can train and doing so for literally an hour made him sub-SSG tier

having 30 seconds of Buu heals a character every episode would be too much budget, it would also make sense.

Hakai was supposed to be broken and look at it now, just some normie ki Vegeta con casually punch through.

Boo is out because Toriyama has a boner for Frieza.

>Turn Jiren into a candy