I wonder how Hitomi would react when Shidou betrayes her in Front of her. WIll she fall in despair?

I wonder how Hitomi would react when Shidou betrayes her in Front of her. WIll she fall in despair?

Then she will need Nomoto attention for sure.

>Shidou betrayes her in Front of her
Never gonna happen.

He's too smart to do it in front of her.

He's gonna feed to the real big bad of part 2 just in time for Nomoto and company to walk in and either save her or helplessly watch her get killed depending on whether the author wants her back on the protag squad or not.

i kinda wanna see the ladder happen

When the fuck the mc is gonna fuck this bitch?

A dramatic rescue that the rest of the cast constantly flashes back to with an increasingly shoujo-ified filter to make fun of them as a pair would make my life, but it'd never happen, this guy wrote fucking Arachnid

When he beats her with his doggo girl

I just want her to sit on my face and crush my head with her thighs as she forces me to drink her pee.

thats brutal

>as she forces me to drink her pee.
That's pretty gross user

I'm having a hard time understanding, what exactly is Killing Bites?

they will probably explain at the end of the anime

I heard the MC gets really dangerous, what happens?

It's when your an Wimp of MC in an Anime, liking a violet Girl which not understand her own feelings and that she likes you, because YOU'RE an Wimp, what makes her horny.

Doesn't Hitomi draw a parallel between Nomoto and Shidou through out the manga? Probably why she likes him. Like girls who look for their dads in potential mates.

My guess is that it will be gradual. New info will build up on dad that will make her look at him unfavorably while MC gets comparisons to her positive perception of dad. Something similar to this(pic) will probably happen at some point too, but it will be Nomoto.

She'll probably have a choice after that between old daddy who, turns out, she didn't know very well and new young daddy that has been pretty honest and wants to fuck her ta boot. Honey badger prolly won't give a damn at that point.

He gets betrayed and comes back with a vengeance. Though he still has some feelings for Hitomi and vice versa, but he promises they won't get in the way of his goal.

I don't think the anime ever addressed this but what is killing bites?

The pleasure of being cummerbund inside

Nomoto hasn't ever done anything to help Hitomi.
He was just there.

His vengeance will utterly fail.

Which Chapter is this?

Yep, that's what I'm hoping for.

I'd give my limbs away if it means protecting Hitomi.

Go work in your master plan instead of losing time shitposting in an Taiwanese puppet show board Nomoto

Sore wa keeling baitsu da

Hitomi is shit. Wost MC ever.

What is this Billing Kites?

we just dont know

Logical, but predictable.


He was driving the rapevan. He was living on borrowed time from the beginning for not trying harder to stop them.

Sooner or later, Hitomi must make a decision - Nomoto or Shidou.