whomst saved accel/got him to the hospital after his fight with touma
also who got touma back? did mikoto just princess carry him?
whomstve done this
ask again
whomst'd've'ly'yaint'nt'ed'ies's'y'es taken him home
user do you know what ambulances are?
but who called it for accel? did mikoto?
did the sisters force her to?
what the fuck happened between him and the hospital
Guess whomst is the real number one?
I'll give you a hint - it's not the TRUE NUMBER ONE LATENT ACCELFAG
>what are vectors
Did touma ever thank her for getting him to the hospital??!?!?!?1
Did he even think about it???
if i remember correctly that fight was monitored by the dark side of academy city.
redistribute misaka to everyone interested in her equally
Academy City/s board of directors for Accel, more than likely Seria for Touma.
Best endings?
or this
The latter reminds me of 2000's, also captures ot much better in my mind.
Dear my friend is fucking amazing.
Mikoto and 10032 were already there. They wouldn't just leave him there.
A middle schooler sitting with her teddy bear having her half dead self/sister who wont live more than ten years, and than she just smiles there.
This series is BEST when its a drama. Its worst is any overly ridiculous comedic scene.
Frankly I fucking loved the sisters arc in railgun s because it didnt pull any of the nt shit of joking around after every serious minute.
NT's biggest problem so far, and will be, its lack of respect for serious moments.
Except for nt9.
Who knows, more than likely Mikoto called an ambulance for both or Academy City's Board of Directors might have acted in order to cover it up. Either way Accel and Touma got fixed up.
Misaki a pile of shit
fuck accelerator
>Then his vision exploded with psychedelic colors.
>He covered his face and screamed before the goddesses gave him a belated warning.
>“Oh, a human like you should avoid looking right at her. It’s just like looking at the sun though a normal telescope and your very soul will burn away if you have poor morals.”
>“Honestly. That’s supposed to be too beautiful to bear? I just don’t understand humans.”
>Nephthys sounded as exasperated as a woman whose boyfriend started ogling another woman while they were on a date, but Kamisato was in no state to respond.
>“Gh, bweh, boehh…”
>“Are you trying to ask what that is? It’s Chimera.”
>“There’s a limit to the beauty you can produce by polishing the human body, so that narcissistic and self-destructive pervert started taking in elements and structures from other creatures. Even if it’s a reaction like the renaissance was to formal religious art, it’s still frightening. Oh, and hearing her voice or smelling her scent could drive you mad, so be careful.”
>Some things were unavoidable even after being warned.
>Beyond his darkening vision, he heard an unstable and high-pitched sound like metal scraping together.
>“Giin giin, gwan gwan, giin, gwin gwiin, giin giin, gwin, gwan, giin!!”
>“Yes, yes. We can chat later! I know you might want to show off ever last inch of your naked body since you finally have someone to ‘appreciate’ it, but if you make Kamisato-chan go along with your perverted exhibitionism, he’ll drown in his own brain juices!!”
>Kamisato could feel tears pouring down his cheeks and his head was full of questions. Had that been a voice he had heard? Could the other Magic Gods hear it like normal? But when he tried to process it in his own mind, he was overcome by nausea like an extreme case of motion sickness. It was a dangerous sort of nausea, like he had been punched in the back of the head instead of just in the gut.
>“Hey, you all right? Don’t worry too much about popping a boner at that art-obsessed god’s sculpture. I’ll keep that one a secret.”
The magic gods have been great, I don't see why people want them gone
Footjob by Misaka
Yay or Nay?
The better question is how would they even get Accelerator to hospital considering that they can't even touch him.
Very carefully.
Why would they even try? He probably just had a broken nose and went there by himself when he woke up.
Amata dragged his ass there.
Why didnt mikoto kill accelerator or seriously mangle him?
For all she knows, he'll kill her in her sleep for mucking up the project.
Adding to that, Accel could kill touma in his sleep.
Wouldn't his reflection still be up while unconcious?
Railgun manga is just better at drama than the index novels. The dolly reunion was really good too. The lack of facial expressions just makes it kinda bland and Kamachi just keeps ruining his flow with metaphorical explanations and video game or pop sci examples.
Just use toumas hand.
Or slowly stick your hand into his reflection, slit his throat.
Completely agree. I use metaphors 24/7 and its starting to drive me crazy.
I wonder who the secret characters are.
I doubt his reflection automatically reflects all physical force, just the ones that have enough force to be dangerous. Otherwise he'd have to consciously stop his reflection whenever he picked something up and held it in his hand.
We'll find out if there are any as soon as the game launches, since I'm sure people will pay for the unlock ticket.
Or walk.
Stick to your monkeyposting, one guy.
>complaining about an anime style when your game has Fei-Yen
Fucking gaming """""journalists""""".
Yomikawa found him and sent him to the hospital in an ambulance retard.
Didn't she find him during the LO incident, not the Level 6 shift incident?
Not the railgun ones.
>Falling for this edit when the same shit was posted two posts above
Raildex threads are the easiest place to bait, no wonder people like Fatefags keep coming back here.
Worst endings/OPs?
I'll start youtube.com
It's the first time I've seen that image posted, also with all the dumb headlines you see on """""gaming""""" websites I wouldn't have been surprised if it was real.
Yomikawa met Accel only after Yoshikawa asks her to take care of him and LO. Hence why she was familiar of him when they meet in Accel chapter 1. In Kuroko's recollection in volume 8, she notes how Judgment were tasked on helping Anti-Skill clean up the Switchyard. Since the place was still fucked up, we can assume none of the scientists/Sisters bothered to clean up after Accel was defeated to keep the "experiment" secret. It is more than likely that Misaka and Misaka 10032 abandoned Accel after he was defeated. I mean, they had more pressing matters with Touma. and later when Accel regained consciousness he just limped his ass off before Anti-Skill got there. He just got his ass beat, but it's not like he was horribly injured. People here survived worst, especially Accel who later gets shot in the head and still was conscious enough to use her powers to make artificial blood vessels for Yoshikawa so she wouldn't bleed out.
Mikoto should headbutt her just as she falls and break her nose
kuroko is unbreakable
Even worst, she'll most likely feel aroused.
I'm pretty sure Accelerator was a well known criminal before the sisters accident, knowing how many random thugs he killed.
Why is Kuroko's design so bad?
Why Accel wanted to fight in short range combat about someone that only could attack him at this range? Why could not he evade his attacks after 10 000 trainings with expert fighters and assuming that he has incredible reflexes (as when he detected miles away that a Sister was scoping at him at the beggining of ne novel? Why, if he just wanted to deal damage to Touma and meka him suffer, tried to use an istant-kill instead of smashing him slowly with any of the containers? Why did Accelerator tried to use a huge lightining bolt against an enemy that showed various times that could delete his esper powers?
If you want to watch Railex better turn the brain off
It's not bad. She's like Mikoto, it's a simple and cute design that's easily recognizable.
He got punched by Touma and went berserk. That's mostly why he lost
when does index get good? I watched railgun and loved it, but had to struggle through index and only made it to episode 8(I think)
You fucked up, shoulda watched index first.
>When does index get good?
I have bad news for you.
When are we getting the railgun psa: "How to socialize and talk to women"?
The japs need it and this thread fucking need it.
Hell, it can start with mikoto showing you all how to take a fucking shower.
Episode 10. That or just watch Railgun S.
You read the novel, yet you didn't.
Can't change the past I guess
Do they cover the same story line?
You probably need a PSA like that the most. If you were capable of interacting with women you wouldn't be bragging about it in a fucking Raildex thread.
But if he went berserk and just wanted to make Touma suffer as much as he could, why did notsmash him with a giant rock or something and break every bone little by little? Or are you trying to tell me that he was that crazy that he even forgot to be crazy?
Yeah. The frist 16 episodes atleast. It's from Mikoto's POV.
Here we go again
"T-Touma, I see you around women dressed like this, so I figured maybe you'd like it?"
I talk to women every day, faggot.
Are you dumb or what? Again, you read the novel, but you seem to have little comprehensive capabilities.
Blowing *****, BUBBLES! With mikoto!
Nice blog faggot.
Then explain what i did not comprehend. Because after the anime i read Railex and the novel just to understand that part, and both did not solve anything
nice fake news
you need to seriously work on your bait, mr tryhard shitposter
Why is the first half of Railgun S so fucking perfect? It made me wanna read the novels and see more of the series.
Because you're a filthy secondary.
Because it's not filler and adapted the manga quite faitfully.
Damn, Index got huge honkers in the Virtual On game.
Cute girls are nice and all, but we need males.
No! That's Sphinx stuffed in her chest
>gets a bust up
>gets two robots to herself
They weren't lying when they said the game was gonna give her focus.
Hamazura DLC soon.
>i read Railex
Riiiiight. Okay. Are you a native English speaker? If not, that could be the problem.
Either way, tell us what exactly you didn't get in as clear and concise a way as possible (hopefully then you won't sound like a shit poster) and then we'll answer your questions.
>the robots/virtualroid's special moves are based on the pilots' abilities, skills, weapons, and powers
>Misaki has dragons somehow
Someone really wanted Misaki to appear.
>game about robots
>no robutts in sight.
Basically nothing outside of Angelan's color scheme actually fits Misaki's character. But she's a fan favorite so she had to appear.
Man, I can't wait until Russia. Accel throwing the Russian tundra among other things at Touma only to get punched again is going to make so many anime forums unusable.
>implying that S3 will reach WW3
Who's idea was it?
Isn't her power technically water? If you stretch it enough you could probably argue that she can make an ice dragon.
Misaka is somehow both left and right. They function like a hivemind and yet they now believe in their value as individuals. (Very strictly if the baby duck pastry incident is anything to go by)