Darling in the FranXX

Why is this show so popular on Sup Forums?

Have you seen that one picture from the manga? Yes, that's why.

Gainax/Trigger is always popular.

why are they so popular even when they only work on 1 percent of the show

People enjoy shitposting about ntr.

Because it makes VEGfags butthurt

they're a great studio
they don't fail

>trigger show
>anime original
>blatant sexual symbolism
>reverse NTR
>succubus oni gf

Its basically an equation for the maximum amount of shitposting a series can generate per episode on Sup Forums.

Because it's pretty damn good.

Same reason why other shows are popular on Sup Forums, shitposting and waifuwars.

>Why is this show so popular on Sup Forums?

Literally poor man's Evangelion.

Prove me wrong.

Cause it's actually good.

Oni tits.

not sure, it's worse than aldnoah zero desu

Oni butt

All five of them?

The shitposting material is endless:
>There is obvious waifu wars which Sup Forumsutists can be opinionated and toxic about
>Theres enough symbolism in each episode for Sup Forums to be autistic and toxic about
>the fact that ep5 was a big tension builder between characters, which has baited the waifufags into all out toxic threads
>A plethora of interpretive shots allows Sup Forums to be super autistic about pastas
>Sup Forumsnime? more like Sup Forumsllegory because these fucking shitposters have torn apart every part of the anime to bait waifu fags, and make the threads more toxic
tl;dr: Sup Forums is toxic and ruins anime

There isn't anything remotely similar to Eva in this show yet.

It creates lots of discussion points that people just can't seem to come to a consensus about

>using the buzzword "toxic" unironically
Please fuck off back to where you came from.

>buzzword has now become a buzzword

It's the anime of the decade.

Reminder that Ichigo was right and Hiro is going to die painfully.


>pretty girls
everything Sup Forums loves

Reminder that Ichigo is a loser and a shit.

i'm not going to feel bad if that happens

Natural selection at worik bby



> very well made from a technical point of view
> fun to watch

gee OP, I don't know, can't wrap my head around this mystery

oni looked quite scary in that scene

Reminder that Ichigo will put all of p13 in danger because she can't get over the fact that she was rejected.
t. Ichigofags

what manga? There's no manga

There is, but it's an adaption of the anime.

>Nephila clavata, also known as the Jorō spider
>Jorōgumo is a legendary creature in Japanese folklore. A Jorōgumo is a spider which can change its appearance into that of a beautiful woman. She seeks men to seduce, whom she then binds in her silk and devours.

>spunky female pilot that wears red

Basically there's no way this show has a happy ending, right?

Because it's a good anime.

Reminder that the web is the bird cage, and the Jorougumo is Ichigo, the queen of the nest. Strelizia is the only way out.


I'm sorry, I didn't realize the color red was exclusive to Eva.

>binds in her silk and devours
How does that apply to Ichigo?

A happy ending is guaranteed. You fell for a red-herring.


Sup Forums just fucking loves Trigger shows

It's an anime original so it naturally ends up generating more speculation and discussion regardless of your opinion of its quality.

>A happy ending is guaranteed.
>no one reaches adulthood

>the Jorougumo is Ichigo

She stunts Hiro's development and is trying to "clip his wings" (interferes between him and 002, who is the one that gave him back the ability to "fly").

>he doesn't know

>nothing remotely similar
gets a response pointing out a similarity
>hurr durr that doesn't count

never change Sup Forums

Shinji wasn't attracted to that slut just Rei and only Rei


Ah yes, that explains why Ichigo was so desperate to help Hiro fly

This is a far reach user.
>clip his wings
Totally what spiders do, instead of, you know, eating the captured prey.

your second statement only reinforces the first one


002 is nothing like Asuka. Kill yourself.

>long, straight hair
As opposed to what, bald women?
Asuka is clearly wearing hair clips, not horns.
Femdom was never a part of Asuka's character.

>Self insert MC dominated by smug waifu.

I wonder why..

You're right, one of them doesn't eat like a goddamn pig.

k a w o r u the angel

Ichigo was desperate to reintegrate Hiro into the nest (i.e. wrap him in a cocoon) not desperate to help him fly (i.e. leave the bird's nest).

The relevant point here is death. The spider kills its prey. What it does with it afterwards is less relevant.
Hiro without Strelizia is as good as dead.

And literally now means not literally. What a crazy world we live in. When did it all go so wrong??

Asuka was a perpetually butthurt bitch, closer to Ichigo.

Based Yabuki provided us with sum tiddies in it tho.

Asuka is a sticc

Neither are exclusive.

Because I can see exactly where they’re going with her character. We’re supposed to excuse her behavior because Zero Two is just a broken girl suffering from five types of schizophrenia because of her dark sordid evil science past. She’s going to act like a complete crazy bastard, completely off her rocker for the entire show using her sob story as a shield. Its boring and irritating.

Hiro was already going to die in the web though. Why would a spider want to keep a butterfly from dying in the web

>The relevant point here is death. The spider kills its prey. What it does with it afterwards is less relevant.
So you want to ignore the entire metaphor of the Jorōgumo spider. You seem to be talking spiders in general.

Its pretty deep

>power of love is harder to figure out than oni transformation

Then why did he fap to her??

A booby

Have you seen the shitposting in these threads lately?

>a lot of anons realised the oni transformation after episode 5, even though the theory was created after the preview of the said episode
>almost nobody believed flowerposter until episode 4, even though it was created soon after the first episode

episode 6 preview is out!

Trigger brings out the crossboarders and faggots from reddit, tumblr, and other sites.

Because of 02.

The oni transformation thing started after episode 4 I think. It was just a meme though.

Based flowerposter

Anyone who didn't realise it would be a story about Hiro and 02 after episode 1 is retarded.

Its a good anime.

And since TTGL+KLK people are behind it, anything could happen.

Even the official Darifura account is toying with the spider shit so yeah we take sides but even us Onifags are a little afraid that she might not be best girl ever and best love story ever told but a devouring spider that drew us all to her net.

And that makes it even more thrilling because we kinda share Hiro's feelings on that.

Nice try

Asuka was pretty spunky from her introduction up until episode 20 or so.

But still, only one week and people went onboard with it pretty quickly. And it is not just a meme, a lot of things, including the flowerposting itself, point to it actually happening. The only thing against it is the spider symbolism, which is probably just a red herring, since there is too much against it. But faggots will rather claim that is not red herring and the rest is, because fuck Occam's razor, am I right??

Honestly if you didn't see this cliche coming and his eventual recovery/gaining more power then you are a complete idiot. Not only are both cliches common the set up that she was dangerous makes it incredibly obvious that something would happen. If you really thought him being able to handle her a bit would mean no issue would ever arise you'll be surprised at anything.

Next thing you'll be surprised that the grown ups are evil making a fake society and go "but the show had them on the good guy team who could have guessed!?"

Again, wow I can't imagine where former gainax employees got that idea. They sure love completely original ideas

Please stop making fun of my wife Ichigo. She’s trying her best!

Is this where her kokoro truly lies? Is she really going to dump a nice guy for a douche?

Are they even in a relationship?

Girls love bad boys.

Such a shame she went crazy from being a retarded tsundere.

You kidding?

I'm expecting Hiro to come out alive next episode, or even better then just alive, and 02 breaking down into sobbing from pent-up anxiety and relief. That she can truly believe her years of solitude are over and that she's found her mate.

I also kind of suspect 02's possessive nature of her darling will be ramped up to 11 at that point.

flower poster and anyone who wasn't obtuse understood what he was trying to say or figured it out in episode 1
Oni Transformation was literally a shitposting joke that nobody took seriously until now

Because the best girl is a hot mess that's super possessive as well

Because of this wild succubus.

How bad? Real bad.

Don't be silly user. You're comparing it to the wrong anime.

But he is not a bad boy, he is just a shitty angsty teenager.

Yeah, the clone of his mom.