Eriri! Worst girl is she!

Eriri! Worst girl is she!
Unlike Utaha!
Only bearded neck, gene defects
Like Eriri!

Eriri! A shit is she!
Unlike Utaha!
Worse than four cocksucking whores definitely!

Other urls found in this thread: 435449 kasumigaoka_utaha misaki_kurehito pantsu pantyhose saenai_heroine_no_sodatekata seifuku.png

This shit series is over, stop making threads.

Question: How do you miss the whole point of the series being "Don't behave like an anime character archetype, act like a God-damned human being"? Megumi even spells it out in the 3rd-to-last book. Utaha is much too pushy for any man to actually bowl over and is thus unhealthy for the lifespan of the relationship and Eriri is pretty much the application of a tsundere archetype IRL and just how far it REALLY gets you acting like that.

Megumi may be bland and generic, but chances are, she's probably the girl that you're going to end up with in real life. I don't have a horse in this race, even if I do think Utaha is the most interesting of the lot, but Tomoya and Megumi actually ending up together is kind of a toss right back to the message of the book series. The whole thing is about not trying to be an anime character or trying to zerg rush your ideas/ideals/stance on someone because everyone's different and has their own lives to live.

That doesn't make sense, the whole point of the series is girls like Utaha are great and girls like Eriri are shit.
>you're going to end up with in real life
You have too much faith in anyone on this site.

Your mom is a shit series.

There's a movie with an alternate route coming out.

Oh shit, you're right

Also Megumi a shit.

>Megumi a shit
I bet you're a fucking Eririfag

>You have too much faith in anyone on this site.
I have faith that people on this site have at least 2 failed relationships before they hit 25. I HIGHLY doubt that people here are actually that fucking naive to contact with the female populace. Except for those dudes from a few days ago that said social relationships should be eliminated and everything should be computated instead of being left up to "the human factor".

>That doesn't make sense, the whole point of the series is girls like Utaha are great and girls like Eriri are shit.
I'm not going to argue the concept of a "waifu", but given the concept of the series, shouldn't you realize to the core that Utaha's attitude is what ultimately pushed Tomoya away from her? It's like that in real life too. The girl can be smoking hot and five hours of conversation later you'll essentially find that this isn't someone that you want to spend the trial period with. It's entertaining to watch, but neither Eriri nor Utaha are going to be successful at finding meaningful relationships going by their attitude. It works for the opposite gender, too. Personality (and hygiene) is a big factor.

Megumi didn't "win" (I can't believe you guys use this term on this site) because she was the best; she won because she stood firmly enough where she wanted to be and pushed back when she was pushed upon ... like a normal person. Like you and me. She's the only character that applied terms of what a guy in real life would expect from his girl. Girls like Utaha and Eriri are the ones you're going to end up complaining to your friends about after the work hours and end up breaking up with.

Megumi a BEST.

>I have faith that people on this site have at least 2 failed relationships before they hit 25.

>Megumi didn't "win" (I can't believe you guys use this term on this site)
Aaaand opinion discarded.

I'm 23 with 0 previous relationships. I've been here 10 years.
You're naive to think that highly of this site and those on it.
And no, I'm not /r9k/, Sup Forums from 2010 wouldn't have tolerated 3DPD either.

Utaha's personality is actually endearing and lovable though so your argument falls flat.

Utaha > Mayu = Megumi > Izumi > Michiru > Akane >>> Eriri

Did you even fucking read the rest of the damn post?

>Megumi didn't "win" (I can't believe you guys use this term on this site) because she was the best; she won because she stood firmly enough where she wanted to be and pushed back when she was pushed upon ... like a normal person. Like you and me. She's the only character that applied terms of what a guy in real life would expect from his girl.


Dude, I come from a traditional Muslim family, am 28, and have had 7 girlfriends since I turned 16. Two were great relationships and five were shitty, but gave me life experience. How pathetic can you be to not even have half the count I do? Sheesh.

Where the fuck do you people come from?

How the hell did you wind up here? Go be a normalfag somewhere else. this is not a place for people like you.

>How pathetic can you be to not even have half the count I do? Sheesh.

Most people here don't have relationships because they have no interest in real people. 3DPD doesn't just refer to looks, it refers to people just not understanding Sup Forums's hobbies.

>I come from a traditional Muslim family
Even more reason to hate Muslims. Fucking coming on Sup Forums and talking about 3DPD women, expecting others to have had girlfriends.
Just like how you don't assimilate into European countries, you don't assimilate into Sup Forums. You can't just understand rape or being a non-virgin isn't okay in either instance. You non-virgin dune coon filth, you scum.

>can't ever refrain from posting racist shit
I swear sometimes I wish mods would actually do their jobs

Utahafags are cancer and have worst taste.

Go out there, get in a relationship, fail/succeed in it and come back here. If your whole exposure to the world of relationships is through anime and that girls are somehow pigeonholed into archetypes, you're essentially telling girls who watch anime to think guys like you don't exist in turn. Equal and opposite.

You seem to think that a relationship should have no negative outcome or effort on your part once you achieve it. I have news for you, user, but life doesn't stop the moment you tie that string. You are going to push, irritate and grind against one another and you don't even know it. Hell, Megumi grinds against Tomoya in the last quarter of the story. The whole thing is to tell you just what kind of relationships DO work and that Megumi was successful because she and Tomoya came to a compromise on where they stood.

It wasn't perfect, but it was realistic. Utaha and Eriri may be entertaining characters in the story, but if you haven't so much as been in one relationship in life, how the Hell can you yourself extrapolate that it all ends with a damn happy smile on everyone's faces? Megumi may not be anyone's favorite, but she, as I said, is definitely the healthier choice for a chance at something more than your standard 3-year calling compared to the others. Tomoya and Eriri never truly forgave each other (And chances are, even if they did get married, it'd end up as an unhealthy exercise) and Utaha, while a girl I find the most interesting, lords over the relationship to the point the man in it, Tomoya, can't breathe. It was always about her terms.

Looks aren't everything. At the end of the day, she can be as hot woman as any and you're going to find that the 56th time she tries to pull something her way that looking like a supermodel counts for little. That's why Megumi "won".

Dune coons aren't a race.

If Utaha is best and Eriri is shit like you say, then how come Utaha is treated like trash and gets no love from Tomoya, unlike Eriri who gets love and superior development?

>the virgin Sup Forumsnon vs the ch/a/d muslim

Stupid thread. From the catalog I saw a fucking nipple.

Fuck off tripfag

I watched the series and read the LN translations around the time Girlfriend Number 7 and I split ways because she didn't understand that I couldn't hold hands with her for Ramadhan. When I got to the end of the series and read Megumi's declaration to Tomoya on how much of an inconsiderate berk was, it hit a little close to home and I held it close to my heart since. I like Utaha the best as a character, I think she's wildly entertaining ... but considering Koisuru Metronome is about her curbing the traits that drove Tomoya away in the first place, I'm not about to drop the can over the hole.

What hobbies? You watch anime. What's so weird about that?

Seriously though. Megumi > Eriri > Utaha > Izumi > Michiru

No. Why would I when I don't need one?
And what do you mean "guys like me"? You don't know who I am.

That's why relationships are shit and pointless, duh.

>it was realistic
News flash reality sucks so I don't give a fuck.
You keep using normalfag words like "realistic" and "healthy", I'm not healthy, being bealthy is shit.
The girl not letting you breathe is a positive, not a negative. You wouldn't know since you just splash acid in their faces for going outside.


>That's why relationships are shit and pointless, duh.
This is you.

Ultimately, you are the only one who can improve your life. If your reality sucks, you have nobody but yourself to blame.

>The Virgin Ch/a/d Muslim
>Has to beat women to get them to stay with him, even then they break up with him left and right

>The Chad Virgin Sup Forumsnon
>Could date women but chooses not to

Capitalism is fine, romantic love is a trap to expand Socialism and Globalism. 3DPD are a literal plague on civilization.

Also I have no room for improvement, I have simply reached a higher level of understanding than you.
Ignorance is bliss and you embody that line, fucking non-virgin.

I dunno man, given the choice between a wholesome (if chad as fuck) muslim and 's /r9kpol/, I would probably befriend the moslem. At least the indonesian hasn't let his own misfortunes turn him into a bitter cunt.

user, you should really get some help, man.

>News flash reality sucks so I don't give a fuck.
>You keep using normalfag words like "realistic" and "healthy", I'm not healthy, being bealthy is shit.
>The girl not letting you breathe is a positive, not a negative. You wouldn't know since you just splash acid in their faces for going outside.
Also, I have no idea why you think I'm a Poison-type Pokemon nor do I think I want to explore that avenue.

I'm just saying that Utaha may be an interesting character, but putting her in a relationship against the themes of the story? Against Tomoya's own expectations? You're not going to find much success. You say that you don't want to be in a relationship but at the same time you crave Utaha, right? So you want your happily ever after, but you refuse to acknowledge that there's going to be a mountain to climb to make it work both ways? How do you even get into an anime that's overarching genre is romance without that basic understanding? Did you expect things to be over as soon as she clasps your hands and that everything will follow through like some Beast's Lair spoon-eater or Wiki-Walker? You can't just be a hypocrite there. You expect her to come to you, but at the same time, you declare that you don't even want to take the time to put that step forward. How can you say you tried if you don't even want to taste success or failure in doing so? You're just jogging in place at this point.

Then why are you even on Sup Forums if you aren't a bitter cunt and like 3D women?

>I have no room for improvement, I have simply reached a higher level of understanding than you.
I take it back. You're worse than that NEET, this is you.

What the FUCK is this thread?

Real nipple.

>get some help
And become a pathetic normalfag like you putting disgusting 3D pussy on a pedestal? Fuck off.

Utaha is 2D, there is no relationship in this dimension with her. I do not want to be in a relationship.
What about this don't you understand?

>implying i like 3d women
I just don't see the point in getting all bitter over things. It's not like being edgy will accomplish anything except getting myself in a bad mood.

We're discussing penises. Care to join?

Why would you want to be in a good mood when being in a bad mood is more fun?

It's fun to get angry about things, but eventually you stop being ironically angry and you just turn into this guy . It's important to not let your hobbies define your lifestyle, that's how you lose control of your life.

>mfw i run a facebook page


You're trying to convince me to waste time money and emotions on something I don't need or want because you need and want it. I'm saying no.
You are less intelligent than me.

So you like women, but you wouldn't want a real woman (Following this so far) but you like Utaha and think she's perfect in every way ... and sexually lust after her but don't want to think further than the thought of jerking off to her and think that the idea of pursuing her at the same time is ... disgusting. Is this right? Who's the last person you shared a draught with, man?

user, I don't think anyone is trying to convince you to do anything. I think, at best, they think they're talking to the Amazing Atheist.

Oh yes, dating 3DPD would totally be in control of my life. Wasting money on some shitty plastic person I don't need to feel fulfilled.
Actually, THAT is losing control of your life. Unlike normalfags with jobs where they are slaves to a boss and girlfriends who control their behavior emotions and wallet, I am free to be myself.

No, how stupid are you?
>So you like women
No I don't. I like 2D women, though.
>wouldn't want a real woman
>like Utaha
>sexually lust after her
>thought of jerking off
Incorrect, thought of a relationship.
>pursuing her
Impossible to physically do.
>Who's the last person you shared a draught with
Why would I drink with anyone when I don't know anyone? The answer is never.

Why do you assume that I'm anti-theist because I'm not some normalfag who got on this site in 2013?

I'm not trying to convince you of anything. If you think I am, well, maybe you're not so sure of whatever-it-is. If anything I'm laughing at how much of a fool you are.

I started reading Koisuru Metronome but I dropped it around the end of the first volume because Tomoya was just not into it at all. I trust your taste, should I keep reading? I want a heartwarming romance, does it do that?

This is the best thread on Sup Forums right now.

> If anything I'm laughing at how much of a fool you are.
Right back at you.
Enjoy spending years with a plastic person who you will eventual grow tired of. Dying of old age having just been another cog in the machine doing whatever is "normal" and what society deems "successful" rather than having your own ambitions and desires.
Laugh all you want, fact is I'm a person, and you are not.

Nigga, Megumi is the best girl in this anime. And also the only non-cliche character.

> tsundere twintails
> anything better than trash

It's all up to the reader, to be honest. I found it a pretty good criticism (intentional or no) of anime relationships and what it took to make them work, but it does have certain moments that are way over the top. The whole story reads better as a "what if a normal, sensible Japanese girl was thrown between the cliche archetypes". Again, I'll leave it to you to have your own brand of judgment for this because what I like about it may be something that you don't. Eriri's drama with Tomoya is a little rage-inducing because of how insensible the former is but Utaha's antics don't so much detract from her character as much as they shape her.

Sure, maybe girl number 8 will be as great at girl number 2 and 3. I haven't lost hope just yet.

>Megumi human being
Quit trolling.

>Sure, maybe girl number 8 will be as great at girl number 2 and 3. I haven't lost hope just yet.
Is this supposed to be bragging? Because it makes you sound really pathetic having spent so much time on 3DPD, and to no avail at that.
You're fucking sad.

>I found it a pretty good criticism (intentional or no) of anime relationships

It's pretty obvious it's intentional. In episode 8 of Flat, Tomoya criticizes template characters and says that real people slowly develop in stages, which sets Megumi off.

Megumi's behavior is actually rather in line with Japanese high school girls. Hell, Japanese students in general. A lot of them are "keep your head down, get the grades and get out". Megumi's passive "out of the focus" nature fits pretty well. She's a typical student through and through. No baggage other than what Tomoya inadvertently (and cruelly) heaped on her.

I know, man. It's kind of hard sometimes and you do get burnt out, but eh, that's life. Hopefully I don't keep fucking up past 35.

I don't remember it setting her off. I remember that she had her own opinion to whatever Tomoya said, but I don't remember her letting loose like that.

>muh 3dpd
>muh plastic person
>muh cog
>muh societal expectations
And you're so much better than me, eh? Wising up to the fact that society is a big gyp and refusing to participate does not make you smarter than everyone else. We all know. Everyone knows. If that realization *broke* you so thoroughly, that's really nobody's problem but yours. Don't act so superior just because you've committed to rejecting it; instead, you must substitute something else or you'll wind up wasting your all your time. Man, we don't get these hours and days back. If we don't have anything to show for it beyond idle amusement then we're slowly wasting our lives. Discussing this with you has made me realize how much I've developed. Five years ago, I made almost the same arguments. Now I'm following my dreams and I'm doing it for my own sake. I hope someday you can say the same.

Alright, I'll give it another shot. Thanks, buddy.

Hopefully you play chicken with traffic.

No prob, man. No guarantees, though.

why utaha looks like scatchach?

>but I don't remember her letting loose like that.

She was in tears.

>Claims society is shit
>Still adheres to it's dogma
>Acts like this is a good thing
Yeah, I am better than you as a matter of fact.
>*broke* you
I'm far from broken
>Man, we don't get these hours and days back.
Which is why you shouldn't waste them trying to court 3D shit women or working at a job.
I guess it's good you've gotten objectively stupider, ignorance is a bliss and it shows why you can achieve happiness doing pointless self harming shit because even though society is shit acknowledging it's shit is dumb for some reason in your eyes.

You suffer any head injuries in the past 5 years might I ask? Not that you'll be honest, but just in case.


>Megumi's behavior is actually rather in line with Japanese high school girls.
You're joking right?
She doesn't even behave as human.
No normal girl would fall for the first nerd that called her boring or quit her family vacation to help him. Also harems aren't the place to find real people, they are safe spaces where everybody fall for the MC and any other male is irrelevant.

She does that stuff because she's bored, she doesn't fall for him at first glance.

Which is why her relationship is so much better than "ey MC gimme that dick". It's a slow buildup of trust and reliability that meshes really well with Megumi's character.

Definitely getting Megumi, might get Utaha, and definitely NOT getting Eriri.

>this entire thread
Remember the days when Sup Forums would be able to talk about female anime characters without someone bringing IRL into it?

The one thing that makes that relationship actually work is that Megumi pushes BACK and their communication is all the better for it. Tomoya immediately stops behaving like he's the Kaichou of a School Club anime and realizes that Megumi's her own person and not just a convenience. Not many animes, harem or otherwise, has the love interest pushing back being a trigger into a healthier development. It's always used as some sort of drama module. Like I said, I appreciate Utaha, but Megumi's burn on the series is a joy to watch because it's so damn grounded without taking away my enjoyment of it.

I'm telling you the faggot Muslim and his "I've changed after 5 years" buddy are the worst, they literally do not belong here.
Any post containing the words "my gf" should be an instant perma-ban from Sup Forums.

/r9k/ is a containment board, my dude.

Sup Forums was /r9k/ before you even knew this site existed normalfag.
Honestly kill yourself.

This entire discussion about 3D should not even be happening in a discussion about anime characters, why do anons reply to them? Report and hide, of course that would assume our new janitors from Reddit would do something about it.

I've been here since 2006, faggot. If you haven't grown as a person since then, that's your problem.

Look I see normalfag un-virgins every fucking day, having some Muslim lecture me on how to get a girlfriend on Sup Forums of all places threw me into a hissy.

If you've grown as a person since then that's your problem.

Utaha's spin-off is still ongoing.

Actually grown is the wrong word for you since you've become a fucking normalfag who's okay with 3D and sex.
You degenerated as a person.

>keft the circle
>no drama

I never lectured you how to get a girlfriend. I just ran the parallels of Tomoya and Megumi's relationship being a healthy one against the expectations of Utaha's relationship being anything but full of bumps. Considering there's a whole side-story dedicated to her taking a step back and being more considerate of Tomoya's pace--and being more successful in her courtship of him--I would've thought that you would've been able to pick it out. I only brought the parallels when you seemed to lack the proper understanding of the point I was bringing up, so I had to reference myself as the point because you didn't have one to bring to the table yourself. Whether you want to get into a relationship or not, it's your decision. I merely said that you'd have to have had to be in a relationship to see where Tomoya and Megumi's course is dictated from.

>If you've grown as a person since then that's your problem.

Stop being so insufferable

You were talking about how you've dated 7 whores and bragged about it like it's something to be proud of, fuck off sand nigger.
You referenced yourself in your very first post.

>>If you've grown as a person since then that's your problem.
Hey newfag, I know it's hard to understand but when I link a post and say something, I'm responding to that post, not yours.
Fucking retard.

It's more in reference to the drama of a deteriorating personal relationship rather than the professional break-up in regards to the circle. Most animes have it played up, but this one actually has the both of them being sensible and considering each other's positions before taking that next step. Maybe I worded it a little badly by referring it to "drama", but it's definitely not done in such a protracted or irreconcilable method and instead is used to further their perspectives on one another rather than detract from it.

I mean, go to Ranma 1/2 for example, it always spirals more than it really should because neither of the characters are allowed to take one another in for the sake of comedy. In Saekano's case, it's ... well, I'd be repeating myself from the paragraph above.

Well that's a good point but still think that Megumi is as unrealistic as the other girls.

That's your opinion, man. I think as far as keeping to the "typical head-down, grades-first, social life non-existent" aesthetic, they did a good job putting Megumi up to that. But hey, like I said, something I may like may be something you don't see or something you don't like.

Megumi didn't even have good grades. Before meeting Tomoya, she thought she'd coast through life doing the bare minimum, and it's through encountering him that she finds excitement in her life.

Your first post in this thread was reasonable, however nearly every subsequent one has included details about your personal life that has nothing to do with anime discussion and lecturing people on how they should be living theirs. You are a shining example of the filth that Sup Forums has regressed to over the years. I do not believe you have been on Sup Forums since 2006, perhaps you've been on Sup Forums and then transplanted yourself here in 2016 after seeing the Sup Forums anime memes from the Amerifat presidential election.

I never said she had good grades. I said that they kept the "typical aesthetic" of a "typical Japanese student" as well as they could with Megumi. It's through her interaction with Tomoya that she realizes she wants to be a little more (a lot more) than what she is, just coasting through life, yeah, and that's where I agree with you. What's this about?

The fact that it's seems like she was created with the sole purpose of being with Tomoya and she has no other interest than muh Tomoya and my circle makes me think that she panders to someone instead of being human but sure user peace.

No, I came here in early 2008 ... you must be confusing me with someone else. I mained Sup Forums at first and only came to Sup Forums in late 2008. I mostly avoided the site up until then despite being aware of it since 2005. It's a little fucked up because my first girlfriend was the one who introduced me to it. Whatever Sup Forums was back then, it was great to get mirrors for scans for comics and manga alike. Been here since, mainly for those.

Kill yourself you happy go lucky dune coon faggot.

>Utahafag is this bad and types like a dumbass
Lelouch tier level of bad taste all around.

What a beauty.

> 435449 kasumigaoka_utaha misaki_kurehito pantsu pantyhose saenai_heroine_no_sodatekata seifuku.png

Spin-off Utaha is pretty good.