Holy shit this movie is faptastic.
How did a studio go from Evashit to this?
Holy shit this movie is faptastic
What the hell are you talking about user?
>Not a movie
>Older than Eva
The only thing Gunbuster did better was the monster designs.
Do you not recognise bait when you see it?
People learn from their mistakes
>just a bunch of boring pointy things that look more like spaceships than monsters
>better than the angels
you can only pick one
>a blue octahedron
Step the fuck off, fag. Don't you be talkin' shit 'bout mai waifu.
She's mine i claimed her years ago so back off bud
fite me
She seems to be packing quite a lot in the groin area.
where the frick you live bitch boy southland drive? I'm gonna get my mom to drive me down there and knock you the heck out
the entire last episode is pure concentrated kino
Bush gotta go somewhere.
1 2 0 0 0 Y E A R S
Space kaiju were better
Eva > Kare Kano > Shin Godzilla > Nadia > Gunbuster
Fight me.
Love & Pop > everything else desu
Is it even subbed? I tried searching for it a while back and got nothing.
Apparently an English DVD of it came out in 2004.
Episode 5 is better though.
They escalate better then the angels ever do. All the Angel battles are in like one city and while they do get bigger and crazier they never really push it like Gunbuster did. The Space Monster invasion is insanely cool because they show that the fight is so gigantic that it's blocking out the stars.
Damn, I miss the the Gun Buster thread 3 years or so ago that broke over 200 or something.
>Nigga ain't nuffin' but a Gun Busta'
this is bait right
Where are my leotards at?
Was this the most NECESSARY scene in the history of anime?
Are you lost?