Yuru Yuri

Get in here! It's time for an Akarin thread!




I love these threads before they descend into a /u/rinal

Yui groping a little girl!

Akari appearing out of nowhere is cute. CUTE!

Yui smiling at you!

Yui is a miracle of the universe!

It's a doggy!

Yui and Akari are the best Yurus.

Can't forget Brat!




hear me out. What about posting Kyouko?


I love Kyouko!

If you had to give, like, a percentage, what would you say the chances are of ever getting a fourth season?

I have a feeling she'd get along with Katakuri



I mean, isn't there some 10 year anniversary event for the manga in April? What if they announce it then?

I hope you guys wished her a happy birthday yesterday.







Why are you doing this?



>Akarin thread

>"Akari-chan open wide"


Yuru Yuri really makes me wish I was a girl and I had a girl friend as cool as Yui who has a place of her own even tho she's in middle school. I wish I was a girl and could eat chips with her and do whatever they do (sleep overs, etc).

>"It's so hot, my feet have become all sweaty. Now suck my socks dry Akari-chan"

>"Yo-Yoshikawa-san what are you doi- MMMMF"

me on the top bunk fapping

That's a boy.

you are blind

The cutest boy.


I want to break into their school and held them in gunpoint while touching them one by one in special way before police arrive and shoot myself

your post has been forwarded to the authorities

I love Yui so much.

I wanna sniff brat ass

I need some opinions.

I'm 6 episodes into the first season right now, and I'm really not feeling it. It isn't horrible, but I'm not really enjoying it overmuch. The yuri fanservice seems a little too forced for the girls' ages. Call me a fag all you want but this is the first anime of any I've seen that I'm MORE inclined to call catering to pedos than something like eromanga.

I got the impression that there would be some pseudo-lewd shit for laughs but that it wouldn't be so heavy-handed and so constant, and the show was more akin to a lighthearted girls slice-of-life thing. Does it become that in later seasons, or is the first six episodes pretty consistent with the whole? If it is I feel like the show isn't for me.

It's more SOL then yuri.



Best girls

If you ani't feeling it then you ani't ever going to feel it

I thought the first two episodes had some weird parts to draw in an audience, but afterwards it becomes more and more of an SoL.

So were the first six episodes, but the yuri was still way too heavy-handed for me to get into it. The nosebleed girl in particular was obnoxiously shoving it in every three minutes even if it wasn't happening normally for like half of the fucking episodes. Does it remain like that, or does it tone down further?

I'm willing to wait for S2 if it legitimately gets into a better groove, but I don't want to bother with the investment if it stays at roughly the same level. I had precisely one moment of actually really enjoying the show so far, and that was the one student council girl threatening the other's younger sister.

Fair. It's not a horrible show and I can see why others like it so I don't think I'm missing it, it's just possibly not for me.

The beach episode happened recently and was the worst offender that made me put it down a few days ago. The constant nosebleeds and fantasizing from Chitose were beyond fucking annoying.

No, Chitose exists almost whenever Ayano on screen

Chitose and Akari's sister are the worst characters in the show. The worst episode is actually the bath house OVA between S2 and S3, but if you manage to get that far, you'll be more likely to just move on from it.

The student council girl who threatened the other girl's sister is Sakurako. She gets WAY more screentime in S3, and even has a manga spinoff. Best girl.

typical Bratfag, calling other shit for nothing

any time soon? 5%
oomuro ke? 40%

If Chitose is always around when Ayano is, then, that doesn't comfort me at all. She transcends normal annoying and goes right for show-castratingly annoying.

I might finish off the first season just so I can say I did one without dropping, but at this point I don't expect anything out of it. Seems like it's just not a show I'd like.

>I had precisely one moment of actually really enjoying the show so far, and that was the one student council girl threatening the other's younger sister.
Everyone loves the brat

Everything after S2 is equally garbage. Also, that last part is simply not true. She got way LESS screentime than in S3 than previously, not even the most among the student council characters.

in S3*

It wasn't her that made me like that scene, it was the little girl's response. Although her way of apologizing did contribute.

You are gonna love her soon
S2 E3

I'm going to level with you user, if I make it that far it will be a fucking miracle. The only reason I would even contemplate watching to the end of S1 right now is because I hate dropping things that are even half passable.

Yeahm to be honest, if you didn't like i so far i don't think there's a lot of hope for you to like it further on. Although my favorite season was S2
Anyways, you could always just watch that one episode. The last ep from S2 was also pretty good.
S3 es meh


Dogkurako, die.


Akarin a best