Nanatsu no Taizai Chapter 255 Spoilers


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Merlin wants to rescue Arthur alone. The group tries to talk her out of it and she says Arthur is the child of hope chosen by the Holy sword and will lead Britannia. Back at Camelot, Arthur has pulled out Excalibur and Chandler joins the Demon trio. Zeldris wonders what is that the Holy sword gives off and Meliodas answers that it is neither the thing of Demons nor that of the Goddesses. Chandler attacks first with his Exterminate Ray only to be sliced by the king who tells him not to underestimate the humans. Zeldris mentions that he remembers having seen that technique. Arthur then proceeds to cut off Cusack's arm to get Cath back and cuts Zeldris' master in two. He then blows out a wall to put Cath out of the fight. A clash between him and Zeldris ensues. Zeldris points out that Arthur's technique is the Dance of Ignorance used by blind fighters against any surprise attacks. Arthur then uses Deathpecker on the prince. The latter remembers that it's Talatenos' technique and adds that the one that defeated Chandler and Cusack is Calphen's. Arthur says that Merlin told him that the sword was powerful so it wasn't wielded that easily, until an unheard power would appear. Which is ironic since Zeldris knew about it. We move back to the inn and Diane asks Merlin why the Holy sword makes one a king. The sorceress answers that the sword was brought to the a human fighter by a princess of a fountain in ancient times and doesn't possess any magic. The king Calphen was the first to wield the sword and when he died, he cleansed the sword with his own blood and soul for his successor. Instead of rusting from blood, the sword sees its strength and sharpness increased. The process repeats with countless heroes. Back at Camelot, Arthur takes Zeldris out and confronts Meliodas. Merlin says that Arthur has been recognized by the heroes of Britannia's history, that he's the king among kings.

This chapter is surely a doosey.

>Arthur then uses Deathpecker on the prince. The latter remembers that it's Talatenos' technique and adds that the one that defeated Chandler and Cusack is Calphen's
If the demons recognize some of the techniques that means that the users were around more than 3000 years ago and apparently strong enough at the time to contend with demons since otherwise they probably wouldn't remember them. The only thing that seems a bit weird is that the sword apparently doesn't possess any magic so how is 40k Arthur able to damage the 140k Mel? Usually a great a difference in power means the stronger person simply no-sells everything, like when Ban messed up his hand trying to snatch Estarossa's hearts. Does skill factor into a person's strength level?

Overall I like the explanation behind Excalibur more than if it was related to the SD or something. Humans can't compete with the demons and goddesses individually, but they can put up a fight by condensing all their knowledge into a single person. I kind of expect Mel to come out on top in the next chapter, since otherwise the demon threat is more or less over with right now. Unless Estarossa appears once Mel and Zel are down, takes their commandments and becomes the new DK.




>Born with God-level strength

>Needs a sword to be relevant

b-but escanor was kangz

>Needs a sword to be relevant
Nice try Cuckscanorfag. But Arthur has unlimited potential and can do this with his sword at 40K only. He will become the most OP character ever with his human strength. His own magic is not even unlocked.

I mean, he's King Arthur wielding the holy sword. It was obvious that he'd be insane.

>The only thing that seems a bit weird is that the sword apparently doesn't possess any magic so how is 40k Arthur able to damage the 140k Mel?
It’s probably just so sharp that it cuts though anything but that’s not really the best for demons Arthur needs to go for the hearts

>stole dead angel's power

>recognized as the rightful king of kings by the spirits of ancient heroes

So where the fuck does this go now? I can imagine Mel and Zel won't actually die, but how can anyone hope to beat Arthur now if he really IS that OP? Will HE be the one to kill the DK and SD?

Fight's not over, nobody is out yet.

> Stole

He was born with it, dipshit.

How will Edgeliodasfags ever recover? When Arthur loses in the next chapter.

This person makes me think of a buff, bearded version of melascula


Sure but Arthur just got one hell of a power boost, to the point where he's probably on part with Mel/Zel/the Archangels, at least if what Merlin is saying is true.

Forgot image

But he's right.

I'm not on either side of this crap, just replied to say that Escanor didn't steal shit, he was born with the grace. Maybe someone ELSE stole it and gave it to him, but saying he himself stole it is just stupid.

so the manga is over right

this is king arthur with excalibur

that's like, the apex of medieval bullshit

There will obviously be some sort of catch to this "unlimited power" next chapter. Laugh while you still can Arthurfags

Hard to say honestly, this is all a little too perfect.

I'd guess that Arthur has a huge power boost now and is definitely among the main players in terms of strength, but something has to be off, if Arthur can beat Zeldris/Mel without breaking a sweat then it follows that he would probably be able to solo both the DK and SD, and that would be a little anticlimactic, so I figure SOMETHINGS going to happen.

I hope Mel kills Arthur next chapter

Doubt Arthur will die in this series, since Nakaba said he wanted to do some kind of spin off manga with Arthur as the MC.

He first transformed when he was well passed being a baby.

That and he said that Arthur would end up being stronger than all the Sins.

Could be it didn't manifest until he was older? Or it could be tied to his pride? Either way, it's clear from Escanors own thoughts on the matter that he didn't do jack shit to 'steal' this power, he hates it, thinks its a horrible curse and genuinely had no idea what the angel guy was talking about when she said he stole it.

It's tied to the Sun, so he didn't have it at birth. That's just what he says when he's at max pride.

Escanor will never, ever be more special and Arthur will surpass him. Escanor has taken a grace from a god. Arthur is 100% human he is not even using magic.

Still doesn't mean that he stole it, if you seriously think he did after we've seen how clueless he is about its origin/how he thinks he's just cursed/how he's genuinely confused while talking about it with the angel guy, then you're just retarded.

Like I said, maybe someone else gave it to HIM, but he didn't steal it.

>Hard to say honestly
The demon clan are a bunch of jobbers right now.
The powelevel bullshit killled this manga

>all these people thinking Arthur is going to defeat all the demons
The sword gives Arthur the skills of all of its previous holders and is sharp enough to pierce the demons' defenses to boot, but that's all there is to it at this point. Clean wounds are easy for the demons to regenerate and the sharpness didn't seem to be enough to completely slice through Mel. Skills or not Arthur is still just a human. Why do you think he's dodging every hit instead of tanking them? It's because he's a glass cannon with high dexterity. One hit from anyone, or even worse, one spell from Chandler and Arthur is going down. You can't break through a perfect cube with skills alone, for example. Once they figure out a way to land one solid hit it's over.

Oh please, the numbers never actually mattered, they were only ever an indicator so Hawk/Gowther/Merlin could provide exposition as to who was stronger of the two right off the bat, since most of the big bads look like children so you can't really tell.

What it comes down to is:
>Escanor = fake
>Arthur = real deal

Why's Escanor 'fake'? He has a grace, that's it, if you're just trying to say that Arthur is stronger then just say that, for all we know right now, he probably is, but both of them are 'the real deal', as it were.


I hope Arthur's magic turns out to be related to the spirits of the dead or something and he uses that to summon the ghosts of all the previous holders to fight at his side. Kinda like this Nakaba's such a huge jrpg fan that I could see it happening.

Escanor has Goddess magic. It's not Human. Arthur doesn't have this shit. The human apex is Arthur.

Because the real Escanor is a skinny, whiny fag. This is why Merlin wants nothing to do with him.

Butt from newest episode.

Okay so you're saying Arthur is the strongest human then, again, just say that from the start.

If you don't like his character just say so, trying to dance around it just makes you a faggot.

It's true, though?

Sure, that's opinions for you.

typical melfags

Diane is a miracle of the universe

>this series will end before we get wet giant naked dancing Diane


I am not the same user dude.

Didn't that happen when King accidentally saw her? We just didn't see it, unfortunately

Sorry, not like I can just magically know that if you type the same way.


Cusack should be able to survive that easy, but Chandler doesn't look so good. I hope he's not going to die like this, especially now that the Six Knights of Black and Baruja are going to be dealt with in the movie. The demon clan has no more reinforcements left after these guys.

if the sword starts talking to arthur I'm dropping this.

>everyone in part 1 clothes
>Mel has Lostvayne
When is this meant to be set? I'm assuming it'll be non-canon.

Escanor is there too, so yeah, it's probably just going to be set in some kind of lull in the commandment action, but still completely non-canon.

Will Delores come back?

Plot summary (TL by FKS):
We are in a world where the Fairies, Goddesses and Demons exist.
The ones who saved the Liones kingdom that was brought to the brink of destruction by the Demons' secret maneuvers
were the legendary order of criminals and knights "the Seven Deadly Sins" and one princess.
And some time has elapsed since the peace was brought to the Liones kingdom.
To celebrate the kingdom's anniversary, the Seven Deadly Sins arrived at a border territory looking for an elusive ingredient, the sky fish. In the middle of searching it, their captain Meliodas and the pig Hawk who speaks the human language get sent up to the Sky Temple, the celestial world lying high in the sky, above clouds.
The "Sky Winged ones" who possess wings dwell that temple. Meliodas was mistaken by them as the young boy who broke a law and thrown in jail.
In the Sky Temple is being prepared the ceremony aimed at preventing the liberation of the ferocious beasts that have been sealed away for three thousand years.
But the strong Demon group "Six Black Knights" led by Berlion turns up with designs against the Sky Winged ones' lives in order to break the seal. To protect everyone from these inhumanely cruel guys, Meliodas and the others clash against the Six Black Knights.

There's Escanor + Lostvayne but King doesn't seem to have his wings, so I'm guessing it's a kind of what if set after the siege of Liones. I mean the Black Knights were supposed to be close to commandment level and everyone except Ban and Merlin are 40k+ at that point so it would fit pretty well. I think it's going to semi-canon in that the Black Knights and Baruja aren't going to appear in the manga.

Arthur still has no ability to counter either the Darkness or Ark. It's just a power of humans, he's still going against actual cheaters and one of them has an equal amount of combat skills.

Melascula's basically out of the picture now, so I'm pretty sure you've got 0 chance.

Damm Arthur is being savage this chapter.

He still can't beat my husband though....

> Sky winged ones

So are these angels or just an entirely new species that happens to have wings?

>Now Arthur can tank edgy Mel, Zeldris, Chandler and Cusack.
>Now this shitty war is one sided as fuck.
What the fuck happened?

>And some time has elapsed since the peace was brought to the Liones kingdom
Yeah, sounds like a "what if Hendy released the Six Knights instead" scenario. I'm hoping at least Dark Ban makes an appearance in the manga.

He will unlock his magic soon enough.
Is your husband the Demon King?

If Matrona lives after what happened to her, Delores who 'died' offscreen is fine.

They didn't touch him.

You are correct.

If you seriously think that Mel/Zel are dead then you're just being silly.

Plus it's probably going to be like what that other user said earlier in the thread, that either the sword is hugely taxing to use, or Arthur is going to be some kind of glass canon, since as far as we know, the sword won't let him take hits any better than before.

I mean, if it didn't have SOME kind of drawback and Arthur really is as OP as we see in this and as Merlin is describing, then the manga might as well be over since he could probably solo the DK and SD, and that'd be a pretty anticlimactic ending.

I think it's been a bit too long for that to work out, user, plus Matrona has a lot more willpower and strength than Dolores.

I think they're a subspecies of the goddesses or something, kind of like the vampires which could use some darkness spells. Then again Nakaba used the one-shot Mel and Eli for the two characters so maybe there's a connection to other stuff.

Well at least blue Ban is right there in the anime intro alongside what might be another Black Knight. I don't think it's an alternate continuity, more like a side story in the vein of One Piece Strong World that doesn't really fit into the timeline but is still semi-canon.

Another powerlevel bullshit. Hope he dies on the later chapter.

Well, they celebrated the Kingdom's anniversary right after they fought Hendy, so it's either going to be set then or a year into the future.

>One hit from anyone, or even worse, one spell from Chandler and Arthur is going down.
>Implying this shit is going to happened
Only The Demon Clan will have heavy casualties.

>went to look for more spoilers on mangahelpers
>everyone is extremely salty
It obvious that Nakaba's not just going to end the manga here. Why jump to conclusions like an idiot.

Well in that case it pretty much has to be some kind of alternate continuity since there's no way Mel would leave on a holiday after the Commandments appeared.

so the sword stacks power when its previous owner dies, useful

Literally every chapter release someone has a temper tantrum about a their favourite character jobbing. It was just Zel and Mel's turn.

Delores coming back and there being a love triangle with her Diane and King would be.

Choice A:
>Delores has a crush on Diane

Choice B:
Delores has a crush on Diane but it flirty with King to try and break them up

Choice C:
Delores has a crush on King

Choice D:
Delores has a crush on King but is fine sharing

Some of them have pretty accurate profile pictures. This is exactly how I imagine them to look right now. They're also dumb enough to think Mel was going to become the DK and be separated from Elizabeth for all eternity. That sure sounds like Nakaba's writing.

Zeldoris, Cusack, Chandler and Mel are weakened while i was away? That's convenient.

I-I don't know who you are but I belong to Meliodias so just stay away from me.

>said jokingly one week ago that Arthur was going to solo Cusack, Zeldoris, Chandler and Mel
>mfw it actually happened

>tags: ntr, corruption, age gap, mind break

I'm still waiting for an actual Elizabeth NTR
hell I'll even take some Diane or Elaine NTR.

So sword is basically One for All.

Poor Zeldris is a joke character at this point.
Nakaba pls put him out of his misery.


if the sword doesn'tstart talking to arthur I'm dropping this.

>this thread

He's being made into less of a threat and a more amicable guy in general so that he can become one of the good guys. Mel will get his emotions back and give up on being the DK because we all know he has to end up with Elizabeth and he can't do that as the DK, as stated by Elizabeth. However, in order for them to live in peace the DK and SD have to be defeated. So who is going to replace the DK? Estarossa might get close by stealing the commandments but he's too crazy and evil to be left to his own devices like that so he'll probably get killed. That leaves only Zeldris as a possible candidate for the throne. He seemed eager to do it before and based on his personality he would be a just and honest king, but I wonder if he still wants to do that after Mel presumably told him about Gelda.

like vegeta poetry


stupid fucking asspull excalibur again, am I watching Merlin tv series or fucking seven deadly sins manga ffs... arthur is the worst thing that happened to this serie

That is the one and true EXCALIBUR!

But he cant appear in this series, he would quite easily solo everyone. If only he with only his troll-levels would appear again.

Thread theme
Is there anyone who can stop the chad king of kings.
He is quite literally the apex of humanity, no demon clan or goddes clan fuckery.

No one can.

Damn, Nakaba, it's fucking ridiculously awsome!