ITT objectively shit anime and objectively great anime

ITT objectively shit anime and objectively great anime

no idea why youd call spirited away "objectively" shit, but whatever.

More liek kimi no shit lmao

Weeb kino

Princes Mononoke is way better

The Ending of Your Name was such a let down and seemed so rushed (I think the creator said it was as well) yet the fucking fans dickride it so hard. Touching story before that though.

Flip it over OP if you want to be right.

Hi redit

>this fucking quality
jesus christ

I agree, the animation/cgi is terrible

I love being contrarian too.

>muh animation quality
Grow up

Wow, thanks fag! Saved.

That's not what he's talking about, he's referring to the low res image i uploaded of the same scene.

shit and not shit.

No it isnt

Why did it seem rushed to you?

It baffles me that taki didnt masturbate everytime hes in girls body. Literally unrealistic

Because the writer said so

That's not an argument. The writer can be self critical, but you said YOU felt it was rushed. Why did YOU think it was?

Steins gate did everything that re zero did, but 100 times better. Re zero was just an edge fest that underage normies overhype, because in the eyes of kids, edge and gore = mature and thought provoking.

Did Stein's gate have maids though?

Yes it does. Go watch it newfag.

Yes and it did it right.
Maids in an all-otaku district of japan is alright. Battle maids in medieval fantasy land is just deviant fan-service.


this is exactly what i thought when i watched it and i watched it after re zero, the carachters are all written way better than in re zero everyone has a good backstory and it managed to convey suffering without resorting to gore

I recently rewatched Steins;Gate and noticed how similar it is to Re:Zero, yet how much better it does everything.
Steins;gate had great characters, who acted like real human beings. Re;Zero had fantasy archetypes, bland waifus and edgelord villains.
Steins;gate was subtle. The deaths were not over the top gory, yet they hurt a lot more.
And finally, Okabe was what Subaru should have been, had Re:Zero been written by a good writer. Subaru flip flops between being a pathetic and annoying shut-in, and being a super badass hero. Okabe on the other hand is a layered character. You can see that he is a caring person, even while he is putting up his jerk-ass scientist facade. When shit hits the fan, he stops being a jerk, and tries to resolve the situation. And when he fails, he doesn't throw and autistic temper tantrum, instead he tries again.
And Re:Zero tries to make a case for time travel being bad, by having the mc get killed in all sorts of edgy ways and refusing to relive the pain. Steins;gate on the other hand, shows the psychologica pain of the situation. The pain of losing connections and bonds made between the characters, not being able to care about your loved ones, because you can redo everything (Waiting for someone you love to die, just so you can plan your next move), and the general dehumanization, isolation and loneliness that time travel offers.That one Okabe monologue in the steins gate movie sums it all up better than all the hours of Subarus autistic temper tantrums.