Post moments when a show became 10/10

Post moments when a show became 10/10

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I'll take a potato chip

and eat it


more like the moment a show dropped from 6/10 to 4/10





Terrible taste


and then it ruins it by having her fuck off to narnia for the last episode

Unfortunately correct

This entire episode.

The coolest namedrop ever


Hard to put a moment since the whole episode was amazing.

Why do people still pretend this was good in any way, including memetically? As someone who was really enjoying the show up to that point, remembering this and everything that came afterwards just makes my blood boil


I love this show and will fight whoever calls it shit.

friendly reminder that humans did nothing wrong and who sides ith vampires is a monster.

This guy knows what's up.

Pleb filter working as intended.

What a fucking ride.

Wew, this episode was just great.
Movie when?


This too.

Did that fucker ride a skateboard or was that my imagination?


good answer

No such thing. 10/10 moment != 10/10 show


I dont really like the rest of naruto, but yall niggas really cannot deny that when lee dropped his training weights shit went dumbbbbbbbb



That was fucking bullshit.

Admiration is the emotion furthest from understanding

I tried to think of a single moment from Lain, but a real 10/10 show is just a beautiful ride from start to finish.

try again


The only show I would even consider showing my parents if it wasn't for the medicore first season.
