Why did it fail?

Why did it fail?

Its unironic shitposting; the anime.
It's meant to be a visual form of shitposting.
If you watch PTE for entertainment value outside of shitpost appreciation, then you are watching the wrong anime.

In this, it is not a conventional anime; and thus cannot be measured likewise. In your terms "It is a failure." however its purpose is not to be a conventional anime, and thus succeeds in its intended purpose; a visual shitpost.

Also shitpost does not equate to bad; shitpost equates to an artform that is commonly seen on the internet, the idea of bitter humor of "We just wasted your time because we felt like it." or by posting anti-humor, or just random nonsense that throws in a wrench in the face of logical discussion. It's quite literally, throwing a piece of shit at a professor who is talking about economics, just for shits and giggles.

Shitposting is a art, and PTE succeeds in this.

Is it making money?

It's not "shitpost: the anime" you sad ptefag. It's just another shitty comedy that relies on pop culture references 90% of the time

No, but again you are thinking conventionally.

Which is more important?
Money or leaving a lasting image on society and a culture in general?

No one remembers the bankers of Sinope, however everyone remembers Diogenes of Sinope, who threw feces at Socrates on a regular basis.

>he doesn't know about PTE's origin and hasn't been following it for years.

Sad, you call yourself a Sup Forums poster?

newfag detected.

We're talking about anime, not 4koma. And anime is mostly just japanese pop culture references with a few 4koma skits thrown in.
And if it actually was "shitposting: the anime", it would be much more popular here. New episode just aired and the main thread hasn't even reached 200 replies. This is absolutely embarassing for the so called "shitposting" anime.

At last i truly see...

>Lasting image on society
>Threads go to page 10

again, you are approaching the problem in a conventional sense, in response to something that is non conventional; it is like looking at a butterfly and saying "It has wings, is it a bird?"

Sup Forums, and anime in general, has become very innodated with mediocrity and regularity; if it doesn't fit the regular mold then its not considered good.

Also >gauging the success of a series in a conventional way on Sup Forums post 2010.

the immediate does not gauge the future, and as such you can't measure the unconventional through conventional means.

Plan 9 from Outer Space was shit; however it's remembered specifically as shit, and thus is popular for being shit. Gay Niggas from Outer Space was specifically a shitpost that is remembered for being a high tier shitpost. These are the things that stick in society's mind; of course things that make lots of money are remembered for the ages; however things that are shit are remembered too; and that's the purpose.

It's a deliberate middle finger to everyone, and tries to be nothing more than that. It's a "fuck you, this is a shitpost." and it strives to be nothing more in that.

Nobody outside of a bunch of nerds know those names

>appeal to the western audience with western pop culture references
>wonder why its not selling


Incredibly Japanese humor that doesn't translate well to English.

just like rick and morty or family guy!
neck yourself with that pasta user.

that's the point dumb dumb.
It's not for the normies, its for the ancient shitposters of 2ch/Sup Forums.

it's a meme you dip.

Gintama would like a word with you.

It was deliciously fresh and you took the bait baka senpai.

Gintama uses Japanese references in their parodies though, dumb ebin poster.

I'm approaching this anime as it is. And as it stands, it has tons of pop culture references, it features all the popular VAs, it has segments with people that are popular on japanese TV. If you think this is a "middle finger to everyone" then I guess Family Guy and the likes are middle finger too.

Its japanese robot chicken

>leaving a lasting image on society and a culture in general

>It's not for the normies, its for the ancient shitposters of 2ch/Sup Forums.
It's the most popular anime on twitter, one of the most popular social media platforms in the world. It gets likes 100-200k tweets every time it airs.

It's a hit in Japan.
Which is ironic considering that bkub is a Westaboo and many feared it will be another "hit in West flop in Japan" thing.
But bkub probably didn't had muh say in the anime.
Also from Western perspective paying a huge amount of money on iconic Japanese voice actor only deep weebs will recognise and then repeating the entire thing a new. It's unusual to say the least.

Who were last week's male and female VAs?

>Donald Zrump makes his speech
Chapter 671. It's a happy mix of Western and Eastern; which makes it sell well for both nips and burgers.
To be fair, Family Guy and the likes are middle fingers too, however they don't try to be and come off as "Le Animated funny show with deep message." much like South Park and Rick and Morty. They are middle fingers because they insult the intelligence of the audience, PTE is different because it doesn't even want to do that. It's a deliberate "fuck you" and thus can be appreciated. It knows itself as shit, presents itself as shit, and says "We're in the business of being shit" and thus succeeds at doing so. Is very much like that Digimon that is made of Shit, "Hello, I am Shit Digimon, I throw shit at you." No one expects it not to be shit, however it goes around specifically as shit. Family Guy and other shows you are using as an argument are like a toilet. Yes it has shit in it, but says "I'm a toilet, I'm important and nescessary." A toilet is not shit, and thus it cannot be appreciated as shit.

It makes people angry just by posting an image or strip. (This thread) and it makes people say "Ah, the shitpost anime."

>it's not successful
>It's the most popular anime on twitter.
Nanda? I didn't even set up that trap and you lured yourself into it.

>hur hur it's art guyz

shitposting is a art, if you don't get that (or what its referring to) then you are sadly new to this Ugandan Basket Weaving BBS.

>user reads too much ED, thinks he's a troll master


I think the question is: is the anime going to let in bankrupt the anime studio and in poverty to the staff?

>popular on twitter means it sells well and will affect the industry

Can't make this shit up

fuccboi is too weak to reply to shitposter
hee hee, at least have testicles and put them on the table.

One can only hope.

>make shit animu that calls itself shit.
>it's not poplar
>people are talking about it!
>but still won't be poplar
>ignores very many people calling it shit
>is not poplar.
Reminds me of that comic.
"What about other game?"

>Turns out it's Sup Forums

Oh no! I have been revealed! Time to go back to my dungeon of shit!

>PTE is different because it doesn't even want to do that. It's a deliberate "fuck you" and thus can be appreciated
What's "fuck you" and "throwing shit at you" about making pop culture references?

The answer to this, is a post that is throwing shit at you, while telling you "Fuck you."

It's a "fuck you" to everyone for being so shit with the intention of being shit, and its a "throwing shit at you" by repeating this trend constantly with the intention of continuning to say "fuck you, we're shit that's what we aim to be."

It's why it can be appreciated, "We have no intention of meeting your standards, and in doing so, we will mock you and others."