So i was reading this series called index which seems to feature a spinoff called railgun...

So i was reading this series called index which seems to feature a spinoff called railgun, and was wondering what you guys thinks of the RECENT addition to the (series) of Toaru VIRTUAL on.

on a side note, why dont the misaka use clones as information network? then she can monitor touma all over world. all it'd take is a connection or having a clone with/near her.

Mods confirmed for not taking their shoes off indoors. Filthy swine.

Only reason I can think of for deleting a thread with new info

Because the Misakas are love rivals.

To no one's surprise

Because that would involve Misaka talking to the clones and treating them as sisters which she doesnt do.

Keep your mecha and video game discussions in /m/ and Sup Forums

And yet discussions of the other Toaru video games never get threads deleted.

This is why the other thread was deleted. Just don't mention the VO game in the OP.

Make a mobage thread. Go ahead.

Festum Adveniet Mox. Parare.

Liked the novel. Don't care for the game.


Something fun is that Lilina can get the signal of the Misaka Network and call LO when finding a rival.
Also, is the Cold Game thing worth reading?


Don't do it!



Goodbye Touma's Neck. You did a great service while you were still unbroken.

I liked it but I dont know why he kept giving her fangs.

Cold Game was decent. Better if you're familiar with the arcana and see the themes of each chapter relating to them



spoiler them so they won't get deleted

>cancelling powers with IB gives an aphrodisiac effect
High Priest please

oh shit wrong biri biri has her vagina fall onto touma faces

It's fine, one guy is behind a thousand proxies.



I know I just want to read them a little later and I don't want them deleted.



Mods dont really care about spoilers. They'll delete them and ban you regardless.

>Mikoto thread deleted
Compelling and telling. Even the mods know she's shit.


Tsuchianon got away with it multiple times by putting spoilers on them.

It'll be harder for them to get reported if they are spoiled because not many anons will check.






there it goes






>shitting up your own thread because mods deleted your Sup Forums thread
The irony is strong with this one.

Friendly banter


>fatefag thinks straight man's doujins are trash