Togashi's official autism chart. That's a lot of characters.
Hunter x Hunter
no one cares about hiatus x hiatus. mods please delete this thread.
Fucking hell this arc is going to be a easy 150 chapters.
>no one cares about a series that's still topping the charts
Come up with believable lies pls.
Nth for bring back Killua or riot.
>keeps reading a series that he considers autistic
You must be retarded then.
I consider myself autistic, retard.
I still can't believe Momoze is fucking dead.
>he thinks autism is a negative trait in the context that OP used it
You must be retarded then
>4 threads
good job Sup Forums
Try again, retard.
So you're a killuafag, then? Even worse.
Not me either.
Then satiate my curiosity and reveal yourself.
I like Fuu.
Everyone is a Killuafag.
All one person
This thread is making me madder than Velgei.
how did u know?
Don't mind me, I'm just going to post more Killua while you dingleberries argue.
Just between episodes though so I'm not spamming.
When will we see the DC again bros?
Shitua is literally brainlet tier.
by 2024
After Leorio gets his turn.
So how did the sky turn into an ocean?
Why does it seem like only the first and third son are the only competent off spring of the king?
It hurts Leoribro
Ben, Tubeppa, Zhang, Luzurus, Sale-Sale, and Halkenburg could lead well enough. The rest are too young, stupid, or Taithon.
CHAD-CHAD is the only one fit to be king
Fun fact: brainlet is a buzzword insult on the same level as pleb and newfag. Find more creative ways to project your insecurities kids.
Pitou will always be the best girl
Sounds like something a brainlet would say.
Ironic for someone who lacks the brain power to convey their butthurt with more than one phrase.
I hope Basho makes it out alive.
The irony is lost on this brainlet
i'm done watching the anime, time to pick up the manga, which chapter after the anime is it?
340, I think.
I highly recommend getting the Viz scans and reading the whole series. The Viz scans make the chapters that take place after the anime sound a lot more coherent.
I'd strongly recommend you start from chapter 1.
t. brainlet
I hate how Togashi wasted like 6 pages of the latest chapter establishing how much of a distrustful and stubborn moron is that one irrelevant guard.
Motherfucker is mocking us with all these pointless text-walls.
Why they keep using term "prince" on females?
I forgot how good some of these episodes are.
Chapter 186
don't bother
Get a load of this brainlet over here.
Read the fucking manga.
Wellgay is a necessary evil in finding Hanzo's body and explaining how the dragon functions. Why Togashi made him a cunt, time will tell.
Except he doesn't know shit about nen when both Benji and Cammy can use it.
>tfw the english dub addressed Pitou as 'sir' four time in the first episode he appears in
It's unironically because of feminism.
dumb redditor
Yeah, they kinda hammered in that Pitou was a guy in the dub. Even referred to him as a he. They still cast a girl to do the voice (Nonon's dub voice, actually), but the VA pitches her voice to sound vaguely masculine. Note that they refer to other feminine ants such as Zazan with feminine pronouns.
Read then promptly kill yourself.
>here read this shit about a fucking dub
No, seriously, you retarded redditor, get the fuck out.
How would you counter Predator if your ability has been completely exposed? What's your strategy Sup Forums?
it counters itself if you get the wrong information
If he has me dead to rights and I know he has me dead to rights, my only recourse would be to either run away and hope it has a range or try to kill him before it finishes growing.
>buzzwords to hide the assblastedness
Pitou's also a male in Japanese sub captain faggot.
Depends what the end result is. If it's some creature built to counter your abilities that just chases you, I'd evade and kill the guy who we already know is weak as shit. Plus, it only counters abilities. It's feasible that you could just kill it by using ten and ko.
I know it's noncanon as fuck, but Pitou is stated to be female in the mobage and card game.
Fight mano-a-mano with my enhancement hatsu, 「 Arnie: Hide Your Face And Bear It 」
That's absolutely wrong. You're just making shit up now. Dumb fucking redditor.
>or try to kill him before it finishes growing
Wouldn't that just make it even stronger with the whole nen after death bullshit? Only way to get rid of it would be to use an exorcist or force the user into revoking it.
Chapter 1. The manga is vastly different from the garbage 2011.
I want all Killuafags and hisoyaniggers to leave the thread right now
How come?
Nen doesn't always get stronger. I might luck out if I did the job quick. Of course, all I have is a Manipulator ability to control my harem, but hey, you never know.
only pitouposting is allowed
Welfin address him as male you fucking mouth breather.
My wife Pitou is so cute.
Actually faggot only pitoubashing is allowed
literally no one mentioned /ourguy/ in this bread
Their world is flat nigga
Can't cuddle with that gross exoskeleton.
I miss Ikalgo. It's a shame we'll probably never see him again until the very ending where all the surviving allies group together for a nice ending.
The same guy that called Pitou a male in the manga.
>"Sup, Hunters."
I like this girl. Let's treat her well Sup Forums. Pls no bully the evil kitty.
Her voice work was annoying as fuck.
>not using :3 instead of :)
Fucking dropped. I take back everything I said desu
Here's an impossible task for your dumb monkey brain, highlight any dialogue on this page in which Welfin or anyone else refers to Pitou as a male.
Please, no. I left Pitou behind years ago and I can't have her in my life again.
is there a clip?
Ew there's a dub now? I guess that improves odds for further adaptation of the manga, even if just by a little. Still though, English voices saying dialogue written by Japs just sounds so, I dunno, awkward. It just makes all the lines sound clumsy.
I tried recording some bootleg audio. But it came out pretty shit and unbearable. So no, not for a while. Sorry.
nice job, reddit
why the fuck would Zazan be female and Pitou male? what kind of nonsense is this?
I'm sorry user. We're all here for you. Just try to look at it objectively and not a succubus trying to steal your life. It's not real.
And she's full on female in the French dub. They even gave her a more overtly sexual/breathy voice in their dub.
Using dubs to debate the original anime is retarded, especially American dubs, which have a pretty bad history of staying consistent to the source material.