>this is an officially licensed translation
>that someone paid money for
This is an officially licensed translation
whats wrong with it
I have seen translations from Sup Forums before that have used the exact same terminology, and chances are I would translate it the same way. Fuck off.
>and chances are I would translate it the same way
Go back
Are you fucking retarded? Even they have words for normie it only makes sense to translate it to that.
>not normalfag
Their word being リア充, right? Normalfag's the better translation probably, but maybe that's less likely to be used in something official.
wow who knew that language evolves
You know that 2chan has it's own memes and that the pathetic losers on it have their own equivalent terms for Chad/normie/NEET/etc right?
The translation is fine
>There's no way someone so well-adjusted could write a gripping story
That will be $500
And what are you going to do when he uses the term more than once?
>Get out of here, well-adjusted person!
normie is the normalfag way to say normalfag
It's not. Riaju was an ironic meme in the first place, and now it's commonly used by 'otaku' idols and such
Most characters who use "riajuu" are normalfags by Sup Forums standards.
>you actually have to expend brain energy considering individual context for PAID FUCKING WORK
Considering that character in particular, it would actually make sense for him to speak that way.
>Hey, why are you wasting time skirting around this word with multiple roundabout translations when there's already a simple direct translation for it?
Oh, because it would personally offend me if I put that translation in the manga.
>You're fired.
>Oh, because it would personally offend me if I put that translation in the manga
No because it's actually retarded.
>Hey, why are you wasting time skirting around this word with multiple roundabout translations when there's already a simple direct translation for it?
Cause IT'S fucking RETARDED, not that you would understand you STUPID FUCKING NORMALFAG
>Why did I hire this lunatic? Security!
>someone paid money for Domestic na Kanojo
I'm as shocked as you are, OP.
It's worth it for the top tier girls
>not riaju
>tl note : riaju means normalfag
what's the opposite of riaju?
What the fuck is wrong with her nose? She looks like a pig.
would you call the majority of Sup Forums otaku?
I would call the majority of Sup Forums underage.
She's supposed to be an uggo
Couldn't the author have made it in different way than giving her pig's nose? She looks funny instead of ugly.
What's the difference, nobody wants to fuck her either way
It's just my autism.
>tl notes
You want it to sound like this?