Dragon Ball Super

Do you think the new movie will show Planet Vegeta being destroyed like in Bardock's, Cooler's, and Broly's movies?

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AnimeAjay told me that jump is well animated and was a great edition to the episode. It was super stylish and totally a Tate thing to do. Ajay is fucking based.

You wish.
It will be another retconn and this time Goku's backstory will be like the MC from that marvel's protectors of space capeshit movie.

It's treason then

>Goku has outright admitted he has never kissed his wife
>Chi Chi is fine with Goku leaving for months and years (she most likely has dudes on call)
>Goku doesn't even view Chi Chi as his lover, he views her as a friend and comrade (confirmed in Toriyama interview)
>Goku's 2nd son came into this world AFTER Goku died. Chi Chi "swears" that Goten is definitely related to Goku

Goku is an actual cuckold.

Chichi raped him a second time righ before the Cell games.

Yeah, she SOMEHOW managed to get pregnant off of that one time. Totally not suspicious at all.

>p-please kiss my wife for me bejita san


you mean planet plant?

>Has had sex with his wife
>Has not kissed her
Is Toriyama literally retarded? How did he think it was a good idea to include this?

Wakey Wakey Frost!

you're asking a rhetorical question, this is the guy that forgets basically everything, created goku blanco, retconned super saiyan in to s-cells (midichlorians), and handed over the manga to the guy that made dragonball af

Reminder Saiyan Girl don't shave their bushes.

Because he is a gag mangaka and knows an absurd and shocking revelation is great for gags.



I want Piccolo & Frost rematch

Reminder no more saiyan thots exist.

maybe Chichi got him drunk and milked him

we have never seen goku drink alcohol because toriyama wants to keep fans from realizing that chichi raped him


Return already leaked.

except Frost shat on Krillin and Roshi

they shave their pits so they must groom somewhat. Unless saiyans just dont grow pit hair

You wish.


Caulifags need to get the FUCK out!

>tfw, even after the series is over, your waifu will live on as a slave in my virtual sex dungeon
You should thank me

Soon what?

This is getting another shitty movie?

Get on my level.

>Goten can go SSJ
>Hes not Goku's son!

are you retarded???

Think you're funny or something?

Vegeta was around
Just saiyan

Damn son what game is that?

Implication is Vegeta fucked her. Doesn't explain how he looks like Goku though

>another shitty movie?
BoG was one of the best anime movies of the decade

Honey select.

>just saiyan

New movie explains the origin of SSG and the Yamoshi story, did you even google first before asking this?

I don't think that word means what you think it means

Seeing Vados like that is just not right

Cabba Gold Eye Awakening Form.

Can he see through cauliflas clothes now?

what if U6's saiyan king is literally a really tall vegeta with a mustache?

Why would he want to do that? There's nothing of worth there.

When will heroes get to Gohan Blanco?

When Turles gets Super Saiyan

>There's nothing of worth there.
what did you just do
Rip thread
They're coming

>king and tall
>prince and manlet

what's wrong with you, this is terrible.


Vegita's maid dragon?

Make me.

Man, your fanspiction is horrible.

Fucking hell, user. Now Toei is sure to use this as their next transformation.


>They're coming
Oh, I never doubted that. They are a bunch of perpetual wankers that are always posting with a dick in their hand and can't contain themselves like the underage teens that they are.

So now that blanco is canon, can we meme ss5 into the show?

I think you are the only underage here
Let people like whatever they want

That would mean letting morons like Super in peace instead of mocking them for their lowbrow tastes.

>looks like you're not the only one who can go blanco now dad!

Is it that time again?

>instead of mocking them for their lowbrow tastes
imagine being this putrid on the inside
I pitty you user

See that really small battle on the ground to the right of and almost behind the pillar. Now I can't be sure but I think the guy on the right is chappil, and I can only theorize who the guy on the left is.

There always is a bright side. It has been working to ward them off, for now.

We need the CHADforce more than ever.

I'm afraid to answer that question.

What wrong with Golden Eye Cabba?

Not this old gem.

Yellow lizard eyes and turning him solid gold? What low grade memes are you trying to push?

/dbs/ is turning into forced memes general


Goku-san, forget that old hag. I have something i want to show you...

it's a gag you fucking autist, no one takes this cartoon seriously apart from autists like you, not even the creator.

goten looks exactly like goku, which makes it even more ridiculous

>no one takes this cartoon seriously apart from autists like you, not even the creator.
No wonder it's total shit.

Must lick asshole.


This is the greatest drawing that anyone had ever drawn.

Why do they draw kale as if she was just done getting fucked 6 hours in a row? The voice actress and the plot portray her as shy/timid/whatever, but the design looks like she's perma horny out of her mind. or is it just me?

then don't watch it

Careful user, you'll trigger him by asking why he watches an anime he hates

why didn't android 17 show up in the audience with a halo?


>or is it just me?

>that guy from the other thread who thought the joke was that Goku is retarded and just worded his sentence wrong
Seriously, how do people even manage to think this is the joke? Really?

Where did he go when he died anyway? Where do you go when you die in the world of void?


Caulifla is for insemination.

not for competently writing into a story

this is something i cannot argue agaisnt

She must not be allowed to continue with her shit genes on future generations. Good thing her fate is sealed nd the erasure already happened..

Umm Kale is always horny. So it makes sense. She stole Cabba's virginity.

Because she does.
She's a loyal pet.

Vegeta did it way ahead of her.

Fucking fudan. Kill yourself.

>YFW when geekdom101 is finished


>96 posts
>34 posters

Reminder that SSB Gold Cell is almost real, it's just that Cell doesn't have it.

All wanking aside and full admitting that DC writers and Toriyama don't understand what they're doing I'd say SS3 was when Goku had a chance, and SSGod is definitely enough for post crisis (85-11) and nu52 (2011+) Superman, and obviously original golden age.

Could he beat the strongest Super-man (thought-robot) probably not since Morrison wrote it to be the literally embodiment of "The Superhero has to win"

As for SS3 itself I think it definitely has more destructive potential than Super-man, and might only have a problem with Speed. It should in no way be understated that Super-man is as fast as or faster than Wonder-woman who's best speed feet is deflecting thousands of shards of a broken moving at thousands of times the speed of light (calculated at face value it's significantly more insane than the Flash's evacuating a city as a nuclear bomb explodes).