Most overrated characters thread? We need to add more to this

Most overrated characters thread? We need to add more to this.


Cuestioning the morality in superheros is nothing new, not by a longshot, I just can't figure out why so many Hero academia fans treated pic related like he did something new and philosophical

So basically every flavor of the month meme girl?

Agreed, 3DPD in 2D form

Replace Monica with Yuri

Wrong character.

oh nice another contrarian thread. Not like Sup Forums doesn't have enough of those. murder yourself

not even anime/manga




Do people even like Monika? She seemed very bland and wasn't even unique in her own game.

I'm guessing it's because of her "sentience" and her doing anything just to be with you.

Hipster thread for Hipsters

Wrong character

Oh hey, you started watching anime in 2016?

There's no such thing as a hipster anymore. Hipsters are so prominent that they're almost mainstream. Which makes hipsters hip. Which is what hipsters aren't.

Late 2015 actually

But her "sentience" was just something freely given out for being president. She didn't even have a personality other then that.

>Not Sayori

Shes deserves her own spinoff

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