Made in Abyss

Surely this NEET can't be all that dangerous, right?

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Was there a new chapter yet

The only thing in danger is Reg's virginity. She will probably be a huge shotacon

I still want to see what she actually did. Was the she the source of balance?



where is her pubic hair?

Please note that that link is as of this point just a backup/archive of other material. Use this one from this point on for releases directly from the TL+typeset team.!lrBASKwb!hW7eg96-npabmWBxoO7Nbw

>not wanting blind swordswoman Riko

Do you think the new Mitty will be killed off?


shes gonna break regs pelvis

the city will die and most of the balancing, including nu-mitty will be undone

I think once Nanachi realizes that this Mitty is just a facsimile of her Mitty, there's going to be some weird value adjustments that will null and void her previous agreement.
But I'm also expecting fire. Lots and lots of fire.

>Veko sings to and names the balancing slimes
>Because Riko freed Veko, she will get a single "get out of jail free" card from the balancing
>Riko will take Nanachi AND Mitty, escape with Maa-kun, and reunite with Reg
>Belafu will get jewed hard, and lose everything

How long does she have?

how would she escape Belafu? he is sage of the village probably crazy strong

Whats going on here?

She/he is crippled, I dont think she/he can move at all.

tryina get summa dat value know what im sayin

Did you guys know that rabbits are very sexual creatures? This has nothing to do with the conversation at hand, it's just an interesting little fact.

"Nipple Eyes" Malone is making sure that Nanachi is comfortable under a blanket, while Radical Larry is fucking happy that his ass is a pair of hexagonal pipes. Fuck he looks so happy.

the top one is enjoying bunny cunny before her corpse goes cold, and the other one is preparing to take a fat shit on the bun

Next chapter:

>Riko took the deal (1 broken arm+ fingernails, her hair, 1 eye, some organs)
>they are waiting for the invisible hand to show up, but it never show up because Veko is out from the cave already
>they frantically go to the cave and found out that she was not there
>chaos ensue, everyone start robbing/stealing from everyone else
>Riko trying to get Nanachi and Mitty out in this confusion, but stopped by the sage
>sage is too strong, he wanted to take the body parts' that was in the deal from Riko
>Maa-kun got between Riko and the sage, trying to save Riko
>Maa-kun was killed by the sage brutally and then sage advance on Riko
>Reg came just in time to save the day
>He nuked the sage and half of the village
>everyone was so scared that they stopped looting and watch Riko and co. leave
>while leaving Riko suddenly remember about Prushka her white whistle
>when they were about to turn back to the village, Faputa appeared, holding both the white whistle and Veko (Veko laughing sheepishly while being hold at her neck)
>the last page is a full page of Riko, Reg, Nanachi and Mitty looking up (to where Faputa stood)
>yfw they now got the completed white whistle, Mitty and Veko from this fiasco
>without losing anything


yeah i want to insert her whiskers into my dick

>without losing anything
except maa kun

Well, fodder gotta be fodder.

Without losing anything of value or importance.

delete this. Maa kun is pure and should be saved

except the chapter ends at maa-san getting brutalized by the sage.

did you know rabbits eat their own poop to absorb some of the nutrients that didn't get taken in the first time through?

Yeah, I was thinking that it is 2 chapters worth of material in there.

She can have all my nutrients.

wholesome bondrewd is best bondrewd.

Since Faputa stole the whistle outside the village does she own it or does Riko?

How will Regu react to Mitty2.0

Kill it with fire.

Fuck you user I can't laugh right now it hurts

Fuck you guys, Maa-kun is better than that retard Nanachi.

As far as the balancing cares, Faputa most likely. I can already see this now;
>Riko reunites with Reg, who is freaking out over her lost (whatever she trades/loses for Nanachi) parts
>Faputa shows up
>Massive arguments and yelling fits, mostly Faputa being clingy and pitiful
>Angered, Faputa pulls out a completed white whistle
>Full page of shocked expressions
>Faputa offers the whistle in exchange for Reg.
>"Which is your haku?"
>Chapter ends with Riko looking on in utter despair

Nanachi is not a rabbit, rabbits are shit, and Nanchi needs to be burned with the Incinerator.


Poor Bun, this chapter earned Nanachi a lot of hate here, I wonder how was the reception in japan

>De facto Queen of Ancapistan, has Big Daddy bodyguard/chauffeur. Also, Fluffy.
>Neurotic ball of angst with a verbal tic.

>Imprisoned, isolated and immobilized for hundreds possibly thousands of years in a pit of despair.
>Reasonably well adjusted and personable.

Veko's character makes almost no sense to me. She has Rico's Teflon "nothing sticks" personality trait, but dialed to 11. If it is meant to make her seem suspicious, like her backstory is bull, it's not working. It just seems to be poor writing.

What would you give up to have your own personal Nanachi?

Maybe she's spent so much time down there that she's been cycling through periods of insanity, complete mental shutdown, and (seeming) normality and we just caught her on an upswing.

Just innate temperament differences.

>lives on 2 layer, surrounded by people, has many visitors
>agressive and unfriendly, can't interact normally

>13 kilometres under surface, populated by himself
>very welcoming, suave and charming

My whistle, my relics, and my travel companion.
Dont even get me started on what I'd do for that moth though.

Two legs

You could call it metastability, user. She's reached a point where she's already been through a literal hell and it radically changed her. She could very well be teetering on the brink of a total collapse, or she could stay sane and calm. If Faputa is the "queen" of Ancap village, she's probably been just as isolated as Veko. Further than that, the one thing she seemed to care for (Reg) disappears suddenly and then just as suddenly reappears with no memories of her. It's understandable for her to be neurotic and obsessed.

The question is do I have to build my own Idofront and start kidnapping orphans to throw into a hole?

The moth claimed that long ago.

Maybe the Abyss has a calming effect on humans, which Narehate are not necessarily affected by? Deep-layer Narehate can be crazy (moth) or collected (sagebro or cooking lady), but every deep human so far has been chill. It would explain also why Riko is so cool with everything, she was reborn out of an abyssal relic so she has a natural no-stick personality.

Sodesu, watashi wa Fluffzen.

Following Bon and Ozen pattern Faputa might be actually decent person, while Veko is crazy psycho (well, Veko herself admitted that she isn't good human being, but potato is potato).

Do you think Bondrewd will make another physical appearance in the story? Or will it basically be Dio from Jojo's presence in part 4-6, where the crew continue to delve and continue to find out how much of the abyss he's fucked up?

>children are very valuable in Village
>Fapbug is embodiment of value
>Village can born anything you want for the right price
Isn't she a collective dream of local narehates?

Belafu seems to have recovered a bit since sacrificing all those parts. Probably still very hazardous.

Hopefully Reg's blaster arm will be re-attached in time to deal with the Mitty-sucking fiend.

(What do you think Mitty tastes like? I think she is Strawberry Quick flavor.)

None of the people down in the abyss are good people.

I think Riko will barter her instead.

Instead of her eyes, legs, or innards, she can just inform him that this NEET is freed and trade her location with Fluff.

Riko understands fully that Veko isn't a good person, but she didn't free her out of any sense of moral obligation. She did it because Veko knows where at least one of her friends are. The people she actually cares about are missing, and goo lady said she knew where. So what if she fucked over Ancapistan if it helps Riko find her friends again.

There is nothing to barter. The invisible hand escaped the village.

Tsukushi can use him right now as Bun Saving Machina and also get rid of him to please the audience and finishing second season with fall of Big Bad.

If Reg and Riko will find a way to save Bun without daddy's help he can appear occasionally commenting on their adventure.

If Nanachi is fucking dead scenario will come true, Bon might get an appearance in special chapter losing his shit over death of his greatest achievment and probably single creature in the whole world he cares about.

I fully expect Bon to go all 'there's not enough time before the new milennium, science has failed me, time to challenge the abyss like a man, Riko and co. showed me that' and show up when the gang's in trouble.

I will marry Riko!!

On the contrary, short bowel syndrome Riko!!!

>Implying she'll make it to the surface in one piece.

By the time you see her again, she'll be a blind furry who smells like vomit. And that's best-case scenario. Just go for the bun or the shotabot.

I will marry Veko!!

have you seen any net terminal genes around here?


Now you're thinkin'! Protect that smile.

It's possible. Everything and more seems to be in the Abyss.


Depends. What are you paying?

>Nanachi sold herself to slavery to be together with a copy of Mitty
what a retard.

If it's a copy to the point of being literally, 100% the mitty from just after she took the elevator, with all her memories of nanachi intact, it could make sense to want to spend your life with your only friend in exchange for getting headpatted by a tentacle with a face

But what about real Mitty, who's waiting retarded Bun?

Why would Belafu need to trade for an original Mitty when they could just make a perfect clone of infinite succ for themselves?

The contract, is it worth the price?

That's what they did. Belafu says outright that he couldn't afford the real deal off of Bondad, so he got the iruburu to replicate them in exchange for most of his body.

maybe the copy dies if it leaves the villages or the boss of the narehates dies

Did freeing her violate the NAP?

Derp. Alright, I get it now.

He will, but not during this arc. I'm expecting a full part with Leader/Ozen/Bondrewd to come down because of Orth dying off. Maybe some of the orphans too, and maybe Habo but his wife really wants him to give up on the abyss. Time dilation will allow them to catch up to Riko in layer 7.

So basically every 2000 years there will be one more layer of abyss? This time it is Orth that will descend into the ground?


Just evacuate bro.

Why did you assume that he's from Orth?

I want to kidnap Nanachi and employ her in making a series of those weirdly popular taste test videos.

>eat food
Billions of views

Riko is fine too. She eats like she's constipated.

What if we go into the weird shit, like balut or surströmming? I know her cooking is shit and she was literally eating garbage, but there is a few old apple cores and stale bread, then there's fermented fish.

She's probably eaten the poisonous guts of lots of shit in the abyss so she can probably eat anything. Spicy food might be interesting

Your channel will be taken down and PETA will pay to a visit to snatch away Nanachi and then euthanize her later.

So it's all but certain that this guy was Wakuna, right?

why did moutheyes suck mitty
what did she gain from it and why did she give it up just to watch bun sleep

So wait, how did Bondrewd clone mitty exactly? Did he use his soul slave relic to split her soul into another body? I feel like I'm missing something.

>So wait, how did Bondrewd clone mitty exactly?
He didn't. See


Bondrewd brought the original real Mitty down to layer 6 (before he totalled her eyeball with his asparagus laser), and then brought her back up after refusing to sell her. Belafu wanted Mitty so bad he got the balancing slimes to create a perfect copy of Mitty for him, in exchange for most of his body. Before the original was incinerated there were two Mittys operating in the abyss, one of which Bondrewd may have had no knowledge of at all.

>You will never get a high five from him.