Hunter x Hunter

These are three beasts Togashi explained directly. Talk about them.

First for Cammy rigthful King of Kakin!

>Luzurus creates a portal that connects to your waifus world
Can you resist?

is he a new fan favorite now?

don't do it, user. that loli has a knife behind her back

I want to meet my Waifu through Luzurus’s beast
I don’t care about nen or the boat anymore

For now. But all it takes is Bill smiling or Oito biting her lip or Tse incidentally pointing upright and to the right, and we'll have a new King.


Since no one has mentioned this, I will:
>You now remember that Tubeppa will "partner" with Tse Tse
>...if Tubeppa even gets to sunday

After Tyson's, Tubeppa's nen beast seems to be the weakest

So far, Sale-Sale and Halkenburg seem to have the best ones

Good against normies but shit against nen users

Maryam's is also a good defensive one

That's not the point, user.
Tubeppa is (probably) going to inject nen steroids on a fucking psychokiller who also happens to be a nen prodigy and has a rapehorse for nen-pet.
Kurapika is doomed.

You'll think differently when Tubeppa's beast will start to spread an extremely lethal and volatile poison in the air of the boat, or will release a huge amount of a monstrously murderous acid to it's opponent's face which will melt as the guy screams in agony.

Name 3 reasons why benjamin shouldnt be king
>listens to his advisors
he is the perfect king

Cammy will win!

Wouldn't it be better to show these in action instead of taking away all the fun by explaining them to us?

Kakin has no need for a monarchy user

Well, imagine if it got below deck. The grapes conditions would basically mean he would have a million man army loyal to him appear overnight. That pretty damn good

a million shitters cant even touch a proper nen user though

So I guess the easiest way to explain it, assuming the translations are correct, is that Halkenburg is a born schemer with an earnest personality.
It makes sense in a way, your personality is something that might change, and we know the nen beasts are capable of doing so. I wonder if they'd be able to go so far as to change nen category, in the case of someone like the dragon kid.

Seems like Togashi just wants the abilities explained before taking another nap this year. We’ve got like 4 or 5 chapters left

The range of its influence is pretty short though

She'd make a great King!

Benny boy and Cammy are the same shade of idiot. Someone should post side by side the panel of Benjamin ripping off his shirt to go kill the other Princes, and Cammy strolling along to murder Benjamin.

She has 2 beasts?

Stand back Youpi!

We got a new royal guard in town!

It was his job and role to chuck orbs at Hunters. He only killed the convict because he broke the terms of his contract for being there. And when he confronted the PT, he was cordial and polite. Hell, even when he was chucking the orbs, he was cordial and polite.

What you just described from Palm was one minute's treasure becoming another minute's trash, which Hisoka said was a Transmuter trait. Additionally, Enhancers explicitly don't hold grudges and let things go, like how Gon didn't hold a grudge against Hanzo torturing him. But Palm held a grudge against Killua even after she became an Ant.

Sure, Paku was close to Chrollo. But so is Machi, a Transmuter. And so was Feitan, a Transmuter. Feitan even lead the Troupe and it seemed like his right hand was Phinks, an Enhancer.

And on Binolt, nothing else fits what he did, so he got chucked in Specialization. Even if it's only in side materials, what else would you call him? And at any rate, he had nothing whatsoever that Hisoka said he ought.

Look, I could list many, many more examples and you could find angles from which to argue and that's the whole point. Hisoka said it doesn't hold much water because it's so vague and broad you can interpret it just about any way you please.

I'm not sure, it's potentially way more versatile than something like "oh if these conditions are fulfilled you'll become my servant"


Yes they can lol. Most men users seem to get hurt by fucking guns of all things ffs.

Tell that to Hisoka after he got ZERG RUSHED.

Kura explained his personality is at odds with his ambition, thus the nen beast's differentiating from him and his subconscious psyche.

one is her own ability the other is given to her by the king

One is her nen ability, the cat.
One is from the urn, that she surpressed with zetsu. If I remember correctly, this one has changed since it was first introduced though, I remember reading something about it changing.

Due to translation issues, it gets pretty confusing but her nen beast is the Cat and her Guardian Spirit beast (commonly known as nen beast) is pic related

i bet the reason we haven't seen Woble's yet except for that really dark clump of aura from way back is because it's ridiculously strong & malicious. none of the other nen beasts actively attacked their host's spy guards except on impulse except his meaning it's probably really violent, this could possibly be because it's the literal manifestation of a baby's will & ambition meaning it has fuck all restraint & caution.

probably hasn't come out since because a baby would have next to no aura to fuel it

>assuming the translations are correct
This is an advice for every newfag who likes to moan and cry about MS pages. Just don't. Wait for viz before you start to sperg.
But yeah, Halkenburg is just the perfect politician.

It needs to have another person to do anything and Tubeppa can't control what it does do. And she doesn't even know it needs another person. Look at it like this, most of the other beasts we've seen have had some way to prepare for a direct conflict or counter one or escape one. Tubeppa's can accomplish those things, but unlike the others, requires another party to do anything.

What would happen if 13th prince walked out of the room?

Didn't Hisoka say Transmuters and Enhancers have great compatibility? That's why Phinks and Feitan are always together.

Yeah, so far his seems perfect. Of course, we probably just haven't seen its Achilles heel yet.

If Halkenburg and his men learn how to use nen they'll become unstoppable monsters on par with the Chimera ant royal guards. The beast provides defense against enemies through undetectable memory alteration, and other than that gives pure nen, which can then be amplified even further through a hatsu.

Speculation is fun, user.

I think that the beast can just eat alive any individual it meets and then make it its "partner" by trapping him in its body. I think it's the beast that produces the drugs and the chemical substances, not the "partner".

Woble's guards were killed by Silent Majority. Woble's nen beast has nothing to do with it.

They need an unified will to manifest at full strength and so far they dont seem that unified. Halkenburg wants to drop out and his men wanted to stop him

Yeah, but the good was raising the point that Paku being close to Chrollo was evidence towards her Specialization being warranted. I was raising the point that you can be close to one in charge regardless of category.

They're the same at heart, but Ben, as opposed to Cammy, has a brain too. A brain that stops him from doing stupid shit.

Read the OP's page. The partner needs to be a fellow scientist for the nen beast's power to activate. And the substance is stored only inside the Beast's body, so it has a limited range of attack, obviously

Do you guys have any interesting theories on this manga?

It says "researcher colleague," which I guess could be a euphemism.

I'm glad we got a chapter explaining how the shadow beasts turned into animals


Oh fuck dont tell me Basho is dead.

I agree. I just want to keep it civil until the viz scans.
After that we can start calling each other retards, brainlets and Spee D Readers for not understanding what's going on.

Yes, a unified will, lead by a MANIPULATOR! Imagine Halkenburg with a brainwashing hatsu, using his ability to boost his nen and then using his boosted nen to use his ability. Or maybe some sort of hive-mind/voltron ability to merge multiple people into one, packing on an unlimited amount of nen in the process.

People keep on saying this, but it doesn't add up. It doesn't fit the requirements of the doll being sighted before the snakes come into play. The user said if they didn't get someone to see the doll properly, the curse would be returned to him. But nobody yells about a doll or anything and Woody was alone in the bathroom when he died. Additionally, Kurapika has checked everyone who was in the room at the time of the murders and they're not Silent Majority. Silent Majority has to be a new arrival from the class.

If you want to keep it civil, don't use such patronizing insults. Things always turn to shit when someone uses the insult of the month.

But Halkenburg doesnt know nen

1) Cheetus world

2)Knovs dimension

3)marayams beast dimension

Am I right?


You're right.


>And when he confronted the PT, he was cordial and polite.
Which anyone with basic instincts could tell was a front. Razor was one bloodthirsty fucker from the get go, he just hid and repressed it well. You see his impulsiveness when fighting especially.

And no, the trash thing stems from a transmutes fickleness and deceitful decision making - Palm is totally honest and genuine, she doesn't change allegiances out of self-interest or anything like bastard Transmuters do. She never really held a real grudge either given the ease it broke, not one like say Pika's.

Binolt's ability seems to be a specialist more just for the nature of his ability than his personality really, which seems transmuter/emitter-ish.

And yeah it's vague, but it's better to connect the nature of their abilities to assess the character in question. For literallyWho's like Binolt you could say their nen type is hardly relevant, but the Prince's? That seems unlikely something Togashi hasn't thought of, given how much time he's spent developing them. So if the nen type doesn't match the ability it's something far more significant - not because the test is 100% accurate, given many other inconsistencies, but Hisoka's lil speech is an elaboration on how the author organizes the character and assigns abilities. If it wasn't brought up so heavily in recent chapters it'd hardly be relevant.

that's what he's manipulated you to think

Not insulting means rejecting Sup Forums, and Moot, too. That I never want to do.

He will be getting some hard "training" from Bisky.

First two are wrong speed X reader

Speeding for your dream, eh?

If he stays alive for a little while longer he will, and out of all the abilities so far, he has the most potential longterm. For instance, I think he's the only one who would stand a chance in the Dark Continent, since he can create a small army of supersoldiers with relative freedom to diversify and specialize and who also LOSE their power if they lose their loyalty to him. Everyone else is just FUCKED once they face something that isn't human or can't be easily killed.

I love Cammy!

Kakin shitters are not going to DC, they are going out of sight in the fake DC.

1) 4 snakes on one non-nen user took 11 seconds to fully kill, would have taken each roughly 44 seconds to kill a single person on their own. there's no way 11 whole seconds, let alone 44 seconds passed by without woble's guards making scene that would have alerted the hunter guards

2) Bill was busy drilling Oito on her ten meditation when SM interuppted Pika's lesson, meaning he couldn't have been using it. that means there isn't a single person who could have both been around to off Woble's guards and be a potential user of SM when it happened

3) As you can see, there's way more than 4 exits on Woody's body, meaning it would have taken more snakes than SM is capable of conjuring to do that damage to one person, yet the other 4 guards were also riddled with those holes and that scenario assumes it was 1 snake per victim, even less likely...

it just isn't possible unless SM turns out to actually be Woble's beast's ability, which i guess would kinda make sense

Imagine Kurapika in Emperor Time with the Halkenburg Effect.

>Luzurus conjures Kurta eyes
>A wild Kurapika falls for the bait

>Luzurus conjures a Kurapika
>A wild Nobunanga falls for the bait

>Luzurus conjures a weakened Chrollo
>A wild Hisoka falls for the bait

The possibilities are endless

fuck wrong pic

My point with Paku being close to Chrollo was more for her persona and how she presented herself than familiarity btw. I meant close as in, similar temperament and ideals, aligning her mindset with Chrollos, ect.

Feitan guards and is close to Chrollo physically and is just as loyal as a ditz like Shizuku but I wouldn't put them in the same category as Paku for that reason.

>it just isn't possible unless SM turns out to actually be Woble's beast's ability, which i guess would kinda make sense
God, I love Wobble's inner monologues

willing to kill children, including a baby to consolidate political power for starters

Can Kurapika drain nen beast's abilities?

>there's way more than 4 exits on Woody's body, meaning it would have taken more snakes than SM is capable of conjuring to do that damage to one person
The snakes have a row of mouths, so the amount of holes doesn't really matter. They never undressed Barrigen.

That's why i said 'kinda' makes sense but i agree it's a big if

No, he tried to capture Momoze's spiderbear.

Palm was fickle. She went from devoting herself to Knov to Gon to Knov. I disagree entirely with your wordsmithing on that front because she acted exactly like Hisoka described himself. She changed horses midstream when it became convenient.

And so far as their abilities, character, and Nen type, that's all over the place. Knuckle is an Emitter, but his power fits the temperament of Conjuror. Senritsu is an Emitter, but doesn't fit a single characteristic of one. The three goons from Heavens Arena, the arc where the test debuted, had all different types, but acted the same. It's just a rough guideline that Togashi breaks all the time when it is convenient to. He prioritizes their ability above their relationship to the test.

Theta is really dead isn't she?

Well, let's agree to disagree.

But would wobles beast be able to do such an act? I mean momozes felt pooped when all she did was manipulate sayrid. I can't imagine a baby giving the beast enough strength to kill 5 people

Yeah, outside of the main characters I wouldn't really use the "temperamentum" test. How many people would put Zushi into Enhancer over Manipulator?

Wobble is Nen Jesus.

I imagine in the act of the draining its victims, it used their aura to power itself so it didn't put much strain on Woble. And as a baby, Woble sleeping all the time, so as far as we know, right afterwards Woble crashed hard.

Kurapika doesn't have Trump's character to attract followers, Leorio would make better use of it

We are not even on day 3.

The probably I have with Manipulator for the test is that unlike the other categories, it has no clearly defining trait. It's basically, "You do what you think is right" and everyone does that.

It was morning in Taithon's room, so we just started day 3.

I meant even being inside his prayer circle as he originally would have been.

>he’s come to the acceptance stage

Stop calling the bad fortune!

>he just hid and repressed it well. You see his impulsiveness when fighting especially
I think, he simply became more mature and collected over time.

If by brain you mean his advisor's then yeah, you're right.

1-5 dead
6-0 not