Left or right?

Left or right?

I haven't watched left but I do think the designs are so much better, I only watched 2011 because it had way more episodes which is probably a mistake considering the CA arc took me ages to get through.

Fetain looks fantastic in 1999.

If I had to choose, left, but I'm never going to watch something adapted from a manga anyways.


Digital animation was a mistake
Fuck 720p and HD T.Vs.

Left definitely, but the Chimera Ant arc had moments that blew episodes from '99 out of the water. It was fucking stunning both from a visual perspective and from how it was directed.

Depends. If I want to watch a great show that stays true to the tone presented by the author, then right. If I want to scroll through a bunch of side-by-sides and shitpost on Sup Forums, then left.

Left is obviously better directed, but neither "get" the tone of the series.

I've never seen or read this franchise but left looks way better.

1999 has significantly better style, but the 2011 version has better animation, so maybe watch one then the other when the 1999 version stops

Fucking pwned! How will 1999fags ever recover?

Why was the 1999 anime’s tournament so fucking dark?

Why are all animes today in full spotlights?
Oh right because animators cannot afford to draw good shading anymore.


Left is nice, but I feel like right is better for the gradual tone shift into CA arc, which is one of the highlights of the anime.


Left has terrible sound design, and I mean TERRIBLE. As someone with experience in it, it make.sme shiver, so it completely breaks the adaptation for me. Also, the filler is stupid as fuck. That said, I much prefer the character design and THE FUCKING AMAZING ATMOSPHERE.

The one on the right is generally more in line with the manga and it covers the best arc in Hunter X Hunter, so I have to say that I prefer it for that reason.

While I do agree with you, that particular page didn't get a worthy adaptation, it just Pitou in the hair, there wasn't that sense of distance displayed in those panels.

Here's the actual viewing guide for HxH
>Watch the 1999 Version from the beginning up until the end of the Yorknew City
>Watch the 2011 version from Greed Island onwards
>Skip the recap and filler episodes of 1999

Reused background from other animations.
Also, televisions back then would "fuck up" a brighter scene so why bother?

The one with proper shadowing and dynamic camera angles.

watch the first episode of 99
then switch to to 2011 but skip the ending song to listen to the first ending song of 99 until the 2011 ending changes

Right because I’m watching an anime, not watching panel by panel slideshow

Then you mean left.

>>Skip the recap and filler episodes of 1999
why would you skip 99 filler?

it's some of the best the show has to offer