I'm really late on this FotM anime...

I'm really late on this FotM anime, but it made me feel like a little kid coming home from school watching DBZ and Yu Yu Hakusho all over again.

I want to lick Ochako's armpit

get better taste faggot

Maybe because you're still a little kid?

This, season 2 is better.

>Muh Seinen

Now read the manga

I don't remember Yusuke being a shit protagonist. In fact, Yusuke was probably the best character in the show, yes even superior to Kuwabara.


>I don't remember Yusuke being a shit protagonist.
At least Deku is not a Gary-stu.
Yusuke is cool, tho

Deku is a shit protagonist. Sorry but most shonen protagonist suck ass.
There are few exceptions, but he isn't one of them. He is a bland piece of shit compared to the rest of the cast. Get mad all you want.

He is probably worse to be honest. Might not be a stu, but he is a self insert at the very least. Yusuke at least was not and that's why people usually gravitate more to Kuwabara.

Go back to hispachan you filthy spic. No one but easily impressionable kids care for this lackluster manga.

Wrong. Season 2 had a very lackluster tournament arc. How bad do you have to be for Naruto to be better at anything?

Season 1 was good since it still had potential, more almight, less cringey villains. Introducing a villain with a philosophy is cliche as fuck.

I liked the tournement arc desu, did what it needed and wasn't drawn out
criticising the villain for its cliches you might as well criticise the whole show

The setting is literally built around clashing philosophies

Looks like Herorager is here

Read the manga. I can't bear with the anime's pace. I just watch the episodes I know for sure are going to be fun.

>Built around clashing philosophies
Every show ever

The tournament arc wasn't bad for being drawnout, it was bad for being poorly written, unexciting, super predictable, badly written fights etc.

It was essentially just the rom-com school festival, with super powers and a series of fights at the end, which doesn't make sense since it's supposedly used for picking talent, yet they have them do dumb shit that doesn't display how useful they are as heroes, nor does it prepare them for hero shit irl.

well, that´s the point.

>thinking Deku is actually a good protag
Nothing can cure true shit taste it seems

I love how you didn't make a single point in your rant

I did, the festival sport shit makes no sense mixed with the tournament shit.

Leading up to the the tournament, these arcs always have preliminary rounds/test.

In naruto it was a written exam, the trick was they where testing the students ability to gather information without getting caught, and kishi wrote in a clever back door solution. It's smart and re-enforces the shows narrative about being ninjas blah blah.

In hero, the test them with a calvary ride with super powers, not only is this not testing something world specific, but it in no way prepares them for being hereos forreal.

>Muh co-operration
Under no circumstance will they ever be pigeon held into a situation where 3 of them must carry one of them while they fight.

There are a hundred and one other possible preliminary test the mangaka could've written that would have actual made sense in world, he just lacks the creativity.
The test itself is start forward and predictable, no back door solution or surprises/twist to keep it interesting, just a time waister.

Oh fuck off. I despise virtually 90% of shonen protagonists. Your precious Deku is not something I single out like some autistic fag does. So I guess more than one person hates him, shocker isn't it.

>Under no circumstance will they ever be pigeon held into a situation where 3 of them must carry one of them while they fight.
so you're saying that heroes will never have to learn to cooperate with other powers. If anything the test tested how they think to combine their abilities with each other, which would be a needed skill when working with other heroes.

>I did, the festival sport shit makes no sense mixed with the tournament shit.
The tournament was supposed to be a joke. A series of unbalanced off-panel fights that mock the whole concept of heroes.
Stain literally btiches about it during the same arc. That's why Iida bails mid-arc to process the attacks.
It's juxtaposing a shitty filler arc with the very serious villian world.

The hatebase for this is more autistic than the fanbase.

>In naruto it was a written exam, the trick was they where testing the students ability to gather information without getting caught, and kishi wrote in a clever back door solution.
How does that intricate into a fighting tournament by the end?

>In hero, the test them with a calvary ride with super powers, not only is this not testing something world specific, but it in no way prepares them for being hereos forreal.

Testing how will you can work together and combine your quirks with others which is a common theme throughout the manga and was something THAT WAS IMPLEMENTED IN THE PREVIOUS FUCKING ARC BEFORE THE TOURNAMENT.

>hate base but is part of the fanbase
being a bnhafag must be like wearing a paper bag over your head in a dark room.

>obvious flaseflagger
>H-h-h-h-h-he's a bnhafag

Once again the hatebase for this is really bad