What should come after Dragon Ball Super and the movie?
What should come after Dragon Ball Super and the movie?
Other urls found in this thread:
Dragon Ball GR (Grand Re-do)
Post-end of Z show that loosely adapts the events and concepts in GT to fit better into the Super continuity. Start from scratch, but still bring in SSJ4, Baby, etc. Pick and choose the good shit while ditching the rest. Again, also make it fit into the Super continuity so don't be afraid of showing things like SSJ4 and Blue on screen at the same time
Dragon Ball Ultra. They finally go beyond EoZ
>What should come after Dragon Ball Super and the movie?
Toriyama being thrown in jail for tax evasion.
Fuck off cancer with your devitantart shit.
Dragon Ball Satan Gaiden
Dragon Ball Super Duper
Nothing. It just need to die.
Dragon Ball Kill Yourself
I think a U6 saiyans arc would be cool.
let dragon ball fucking die .
A third and fourth nuke.
Something about the universes who did not participate in the ToP being even stronger than Jiren and UI Goku etc etc.
Dragon Ball is going to continue on whether you like it or not
>everytiem this list is posted it gets no replies
I love it
Reminder DBS is the most popular anime in the world
Dragon Ball Dragon
Dragon Ball Asspull.
Straight to the point.
Literally fake news
>s-super make more money then DB,Z and GT
Toei != bandai
Feel free to post Kai and GT sales
>Kai and GT
Im not saying it's all from super
Pic related im done
Dragon Ball Helicopter Ride
super and dokkan release in the same year.and because dokkan make more money.just accept it recolor never make more money then cool desing.
Dokkan has a lot of super content...
First thing I’d want taken out is Goku becoming a kid
>recolor never make more money then cool desing
GT first arc was shit.
>2nd Goku ss4
But I agree with you.Vegito is a cool character And it's been so long since I saw him.I'm glad he got a new form, it will be recolor.ss4 can wait for this
That's what I'm talking about.
I actually liked it a lot. The second half of the series felt way too much like it wanted to be z
truly the Dragon Ball series is the real CHAD anime of Sup Forums
fund it
That was between 2015-2018 super is a fucking cash grab that why it made so much money. at this point people in Japan are sick of dragon ball.
>at this point people in Japan are sick of dragon ball.
japs like nuBardock. why should we care?
We wouldn't get another dragon Ball anime that's why you should care.
Give it a few years that will drop like a rock after super is over.
yet Barduck isn't shilled right into Super
Japs have shit taste and rather keep the interest on broad terms
>"Give it a few years that will drop like a rock after super is over." says increasingly nervous man fot the 89th time
I want Kefla to be her own character.
Kefla is basically Caulifla with the power to back up her cocky attitude.
And better hair and a better bod.
I like Caulifla's hair. It's her genie outfit that bugs me.
Friendly reminder that Sonic foreshadowed the blanco transformation
There's already a sequel to Super:
no one cares
people would bitch anyway tho
Dragon Ball El Gohano Speciale. Where Son Gohan goes to live in Brazil with Videl and they fight the negro.
Dragon Ball Zeta
>wow why isn't Ultra more like Zee, i miss Super :(((
Honestly, if a shitty show is going to be popular I prefer for it to be Manime like Dragon Ball rather than some Isekai or other Gay Moe Shit.
but we just got an Isekai for Dragon Ball
Look I know this isnt popular because everyone except me is stupid, but I believe jumping straight to the GoDs was a mistake, it makes it impossible to create any antagonist without making it look ludicrous like Black or Zamasu.
GT had the right idea because it tried to be something completely different. You couldn't possibly say that the black star saga was a "serious sci-fi battle anime".
Of course though the fans hated that and they had to go back to what was recognizable.
The whole series was boring for me. Even the Super 17 arc which was my favorite arc was kind of lackluster.
Surely Gohan will main that one.
The black star saga was awful.
Hey now, super is different. There's lots of world building and some character building
I can still go back and watch it unlike Super.
>The black star saga was awful.
Oh, I'm not arguing for its quality. I could hardly stand the black star saga.
However it did have a completely different tone and feeling from both the original and Z which I really appreciated. Super just wanted to be more Z with more sol shit.
Super had Gay Moe Shit you forget.
I can still go back and watch it unlike GT.
>This is Super Saiyan God
>This is a form that has gone beyond Super Saiyan God. You can call it Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan
>And this is Perfected Super Saiyan 4 Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Kaioken x20 Mastered Ultra Instinct
I can see it now.
>SSJ4 Bardock
Nothing is sacred
>put something new out for a series
>it sells
Dragon Ball Super doesn't end, until GT becomes canon. It's literally what they are setting up to do, and anyone who thinks otherwise is actually fucking stupid. Why else would they show the birth of Pan AND Bulla?
Because both Pan and Bra appear at the end of Z.
your autism prevents you from realizing when something is meant to be a parody?
do you think Uub being mentioned also confirms GT is canon?
It's setting up EoZ dumbass.
All of these would be better than Super
A show that just showcases what-ifs would be nice, seeing at that was main appeal of Xenoverse and a shitton of DB games cash in on this.
Tapion and Future Trunks teaming up against Black and Zamasu?
An animated version of that story from Budokai where Krillin got absorbed by Cell to save #18?
Vegeta going Super Saiya-jin after getting bullied on Namek?
The possibilities are endless and there'll be at least one episode for every person. They don't even need to worry about canon as much.
Or they could pull a Dragon Ball Online and set it centuries after the End of Z, where every human has Saiya-jin DNA in them, Nameks and Buu's children are everywhere, and everybody knows the basics of Ki control thanks to Gohan's books.
OR they could do an animated series for Jaco and Neko Majin.
There's a lot of different things they could do that are preferable to 'and this guy is strong so Goku needs to get stronger'. For example
>a series focusing on Gohan's adventures during the 7 year time skip, maybe give him an adventure akin to early DB that gives him further development towards giving up fighting
>shorts focusing on Goten, Trunks and the Pilaf Gang
>comedy focusing on the above characters plus Pan, Bra and Marron
>the adventures of Freeza-sama and the Planet Trade Organization
>a prequel set before the events of Z about an attempted uprising against Freeza or some unknown Saiya-jin survivors that force him into his second form
The Dragon Universe is really expansive, and seeing all this potential get wasted on trash like Super is honestly disheartening.
GT is not End of Z, you shit
the fact that most of DB fans don't understand jack shit about the series always amazes me
>DB fans
Please, the correct term is DBZ fans, and by fans, I mean people who watched it when they were kids and never rewatched it because they needed their super serious music and garbage tier VAs.
They like to parrot memes, such as 'GT is shit', 'Gohan Blanco', 'Z was supposed to end at Freeza', etc.
Definitely not whatever your picture is
people like this are still the majority tho
forehead hair is so disgusting
GT is shit
also did the opposite to how Evolution saved the franchise's death
DB threads are pure fucking cancer jesus fucking christ. the status quo retards regarding the transformations should go to Sup Forums.
thanks god japs don't give a fuck about this side of the fanbase
bardock have always been popular since he debted un the OVAS you retard.
>reading comprehension
Dragon ball GT Kai is next.
I hope they adapt well all of the 0 canon episodes
Vegeta becomes GoD U6 and trains the saiyan race. Series is a battle shonen academy type show. Teenage Trunks and Goten accompany Vegeta. Gohan ascends to be supreme Kai for u6.
Goku stays in U7 other world. To keep Freiza in hell.
why didn't Trunks stayed as Supreme Kai apprentice again? did he found the hon too boring?
* job
only shinjins can be supreme kais
Dragon Ball A(dventures)
Multiverse adventures
Goku traverses the multiverse and fights strong guys or something I dunno
We need to ban dragon ball off of/a/ we don't need dragon rat's on this board.
if this is the case we need ban a lot of things, it's not like DB is the only cancer fanbase here
Dragon Ball Kami. We see what is beyond the mortal universe in full, and now our weakest opponents are Gods, and the strongest are those who oversee the countless deities who oversee the Gods of various Universe Sets.
what if instead of the scale getting bigger everyone is shrunken and now they have to fight in the microverse
But Trunks was almost going to be one.