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Demonic shitposting takes its toll on the weak.
The strong understand what must be done

Satania is a nerd.

Nerds are cute


L-lewd! Delet this!

I fap to this doujin every time I think of it.

>pops up

You knew damn well when you started this thread that it would be a Raph thread.



I respect your commitment but it won't be that easy.

Although I might be swayed if you guys could prove your dedication to Satanichia by listing horrible, demonic evil you have done lately.

I threw an empty clam chowder can in the garbage I know it will smell awful in a day therefore forcing my room mate to have to carry the trash out early

I think the most evil thing I've done lately is take all the tips out of the jar at work. Is that evil enough for Satania?

thats fucked up man.

I said thank you to the guard at my workplace when going out but I entered from the backdoor on the first place, he probably thinks he forgot when I came


More evil than pulling a chair out from under someone about to sit on it. TOO evil.

We grow stronger

New chapter out in case anyone missed it

Where does the anime leave off in the manga?

I was just asked about the evil things I've done lately. Compared to the great archdemon I didn't figure the shit I did was that bad.

I reflexively save any Satania pic on the spot regardless if I have it or not

Here friend. Have every single one (and then some) in known existence.

Bless you user

I accidentally stepped on my dogs tail

I am the guy of that Download. I usually just obnoxiously phonepost shitpost Satania on Sup Forums but when someone is in need they are more then welcome to have my entire arsenal.

Spreading the word of the dark light to all anons.

The World commends your devotion to great archdemon.
Satania will never ever be forgotten.



Go to bed Raphi.


>oh so beastly

somebody post it already


Ayy blyat go back to squatting, debil

a shy Satania is fine too


Gabu is superior.


Die demon scum! Sieg zeon!

>Honey, I'm home!

I'm bringing Ack back.




Remember to report this spammer for ban evader and trying to start thread derailing meta bull shit.

Why? Why would you want this fuck back?

Fuck off, you are the problem here.

ill leave then


Demon pussy is best pussy.

My wife Vigne is so cute.




Outstanding but you just kind-of spoonfed us, which is pretty EBIL so that's your evil deed.

>one year later the summoning still works


Today it's not even noon and I have already played music loudly to annoy my neighbor who plays loud music at 9:30 am. It may seem just, but the other neighbors also had to hear it. EVIL of the deepest depravity!

We need more both angels and devils in anime.

Reminder that Vigne has god's favors

Enjoying 4th place?

I want to bully satania by
asking her to marry me



Wrong line of thinking. How to marry Satania
>Inflate her ego by saying she's demonic and DEVILISH
>The best way to torment someone is to be with them forever
>Convince her to marry you as her most constant, enduring, and torturous act ever made
>Enjoy the rest of your life with a cute, smug, and satisfied Devil Wife with the only price being spoiling rather than bullying
Get on my level

Might you be telling me what's this thread's about
